We all know the many ways a house can become haunted – buried on top of an Indian burial ground, a ghost latches onto you and follows you into your abode, you watch a video of a girl coming out of a well, you say Candyman 3 times in the mirror. All pretty standard. But, what can be done? Is there a way to detect the poltergeist before it pulls you into a TV? With our list of top 7 paranormal detection and hunting products not only do we guarantee that you will be able to detect any aberration that is terrorizing your home, you will also be able follow its patterns and figure out the best way to avoid and potentially rid yourself of it.
7) Mace View SQ40 & 4CAM Security Kit
Smile for the camera demon! The more cameras the better. That is why having this 4 camera system to spread throughout a large house, especially one with a basement is so key. With the DVR system that comes with it as well, you will never miss a second of potentially lifesaving footage. Plus you get the added benefit of getting a ton of hits on YouTube for capturing a rabid poltergeist.
6) US Night Vision 360 Thermal Vision Acquisition Camera
So, you suspect it’s a ghost or demon that has inhabited your house. Ghosts have been known to leave hot and cold spots throughout the areas they’ve been frequenting. That is why it is so important to track thermal “signatures” and see exactly where the action is taking place. The thermal vision camera will be sure to track any movement visually or thermally and allow you to see who or what has been creating all of that mischief.
5) Armasight Sirius QS MG Multi-Purpose NV Monocular
Sure if you want to look cool you wear your sunglasses at night, but if you want to get the drop on paranormal beings you will want the most advanced night vision that is on the market. Not only does this night vision provide you with almost perfect night site, it also fits snugly on you head so both hands can be free for fighting and defending.
4) Motorola Talkabout MR350TPR Walkie-Talkie Triple Pack
If you’ve seen any horror movies in the last 10 years then you know cellphones cannot be counted on in a time of desperation. Make sure you have solid secure communication with those you are working with. Even if you get stuck out in the forest and the Blair witch is nipping at your heels you’ll be able to call for back up more than 15 miles away.
3) Secur Dynamo High Power USB Emergency Spotlight/Lantern
Sure a lantern might not be necessary but this lantern isn’t any ordinary run of the mill hang it by your cabin post lantern. This baby has a super high output to light an entire room, to shed a spot light behind a couch where a little talking doll might be hiding, or under a mattress where an old undead cat is waiting to pounce.
2) Forensics Source Uv Handheld Magnifier
A big part of tracking the paranormal is finding bits of forensics evidence around the dwelling. The UV Handheld Magnifier is a perfect instrument for this. You will be able to pick up the most minute blood marks to the gooeyist slime trails left behind.
1) JUGS Yamaha EF1000iS Portable Generator
A back up portable generator will ensure a source of electricity anywhere you decide to hold up. A creepy log cabin – instant electricity, a dark dank cellar – instant electricity, a child’s room with a doll with a spinning head – instant electricity. So, you can see how important having an easy to transport generator is for your survival.
Honorable Mentions:
Luminox F-117 Nighthawk Black Watch
Make sure you know the time and that you can trust the watch that you use – because it is a proven fact that ghosts are more likely to come out after midnight, you need to make sure you have a reliable and illuminated watch at all times.
Goal Zero Yeti 1250 Solar Generator Kit w/ Solar Panels
How many times has the power went out in the movie Friday the 13th? Approximately 73 times. Unfortunately for the poor souls staying at crystal lake camp that summer they did not have a generator. Better yet they didn’t have a generator that ran on solar polar, so running out of fuel is not a problem.
Solar Generator
5.11 Tactical Sar H6 Headlamp 53192-999-1
A hands free headlamp saves you from being without illumination if you drop your flashlight when you are in a panic after a lady with an old wedding dress comes floating down the hall way after you. Keep from bumping into your shoe tree and other furniture that will hinder your escape.
Forensics Source UV Handheld Magnifier Amber Science Portable Conductivity Meter
Conductivity is a key measure of the strength of the aberration that is haunting you. The higher the conductivity level the stronger the entity. If you have a ghost hunting partner, one of you should be carrying this at all times. You have to know what you are dealing with to know the measures that you must take.
Hobbit Illuminated Staff of the Wizard Gandalf
If Gandalf’s staff is good enough to fend off the veracious orcs of the dark one, then it will certainly be good enough to blast any pesky ghosts into oblivion.
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