Red and green lasers, which one is best for you?
Crimson Trace is well known for their famous red laser sights and reliability, but now they are “going green”. So what are the advantages of going with green over red, and which will suit you best? Unless your favorite color happens to be red or green, then several factors should be taken into consideration before you make a final decision.
Studies show that the human eye can see green better than any other color in both day and night. Green is much closer to the center of the visible spectrum, allowing for green to appear up to as much as 50x brighter than its red correspondent. Crimson Trace currently has the brightest green lasers on the market, allowing for extremely quick detection. So which color laser is right for you?
I have found that overcast conditions in the woods can be very difficult to see a red laser, whereas green stands out against the backdrop and appears to be much more vibrant. Also, in low light conditions the green laser holds a very visible, consistent beam. This constant beam is great for holding the laser on a moving target such as a hog, due to its high visibility. Check out the Crimson Trace 1911 Officers/Compact Laser Grip with free shipping and handling!
In certain applications a green laser is not the best choice. Climate can affect green lasers much more than red. If the sight is to be mounted on a firearm that is consistently exposed to cold temperatures, then red is the better choice. For example, a police officer would not want a green laser mounted on their firearm if it is to be stored in a vehicle during cold weather. In fact, peak operational weather for green is between 40-100 degrees Fahrenheit. So in climates of extreme heat or cold, red lasers are preferred and time tested.
Activities that take place under the cover of night, where the user is also utilizing a night vision apparatus, are much better suited for red lasers. Green is the filter color that night vision systems operate on, as it’s easiest for the human eye to detect shades and contrasts. Therefore a green filter combined with a green laser will make detection rather difficult. Also Red lasers protrude less light, which makes it harder to detect from the wrong side of the barrel, allowing for greater tactical concealment.
Crimson Trace green laser sights, are made to the same rigorous standards as all Crimson Trace products. Crimson Trace offers the longest battery life, and brightest beam on the market. Coupled with the ergonomics and intuitive activation systems, these are excellent sights that are visible far beyond handgun capabilities. Check out the Crimson Trace XD / XDM – LG-453 , for your XD with rear activation, you and your gun will not feel the difference! With models available to fit almost any handgun, Crimson Trace has got your back.
Crimson Trace even provides free batteries for life with the purchase of any new laser sight. The company will deliver batteries to you every year, just to ensure your Crimson Trace is ready to go at a moment’s notice. Being made in America and committed to the country and the people that use these tools their quality is unmatched. Therefore, any consumer should feel confident and proud to support such an outstanding product. Check out the wide range of Crimson Trace sights available today at OpticsPlanet.com, and if you are still undecided ask one of their product specialists.
-Alex P.
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