SHOT Show Day 1 LIVE From the Floor!

SHOT Show Media Day yesterday was a big success, and we’re going to have a post with some pictures and info about the new guns and optics that we checked out, but as today is the first official day of SHOT Show, the really cool stuff is still coming.  Alessandro is once again going to be tweeting LIVE from the floor of SHOT Show, so if you want to hear about a new product as soon as he sees it, this is the place to be.

Bookmark this page!  We’ll be talking about the new EOTech Holographic Weapon Sight shown yesterday in a minute, but you could’ve learned about it about 17 hours ago if you kept track of our live feed from SHOT Show, so keep checking back with our full posts for detailed info, but hear about the coolest new gear right NOW below!

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3 Responses to SHOT Show Day 1 LIVE From the Floor!

  1. Gene says:

    Quite the BS get to the new products

  2. Alan wade says:

    Looking forward to the SHOT Show blog…

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