Jan 2, 2013 •
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OpticsPlanet •
Have you ever tried to hold a flashlight while armed with a handgun? Perhaps it was when you were on duty, during your time in the military, or maybe just one night when a sudden sound made you check your home for intruders. Regardless, if you’ve...
Jan 2, 2013 •
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OpticsPlanet •
It’s a fairly well-known fact that Trijicon can get you on target fast. Their ACOGs are legendary for their insane target acquisition speed and durability. The Bindon Aiming Concept gives shooters the chance to shoot with both eyes open and the...
Dec 31, 2012 •
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OpticsPlanet •
Whether you’re a hunter, soldier or police officer, there’s a good chance that at some point you’re going to have to find a target in the dark. This can be really tricky, as there are a number of options available. Most rifle scope...
Dec 22, 2012 •
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OpticsPlanet •
I talk a fair amount about the various cases Pelican has brought out this past year, especially their Hardback Cases for Laptops and Tablets, but while those are some really great new cases, a big part of why they’re so impressive is because Pelican has...
Dec 20, 2012 •
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OpticsPlanet •
ATN has solved one of the challenges facing Thermal Imaging today: making a powerful and tough imager that’s also compact. The new ATN Odin Thermal Imagers satisfy all three of these. They’re Tactical Thermal Imagers that are the exact same...