• Quality You Can Afford: GPO Passion 4-12×42

    Nov 15 • Reviews • 8179

    German Precision Optics Passion 3x 4.-12×42

    Spending hundreds of dollars on an optic is dangerously easy but finding quality at various price points can be much harder. So when I began considering optics for my backup/loaner rifle, I wanted to try something new. The German Precision Optics Passion 4-12×42 fit my needs and gave me another option to confidently recommend to others.

    Looking to set up a Ruger American as a backup or loaner hunting rifle, I wanted quality optics without extra features complicating things. The 1 inch maintube, plex reticle, and capped turrets of the GPO Passion fit into this requirement nicely. Keeping it simple keeps the weight down and also would be less intimidating to anyone I loaned the rifle to on a hunting trip or at the range. The 42mm objective was also an excellent compromise between size/weight concerns and wanting to be able to utilize every bit of ambient light if needed. Being able to change the elevation turret for a specific caliber is an excellent feature to increase usability.



    Out of the box, I liked the understated looks of the scope. I hadn’t picked up the Ruger yet, so I set the scope up on a different rifle to test at the range. The flat black finish compliments just about any rifle while the gold logo clearly indicates that there is more going on with this optic than initially meets the eye.



    Having only gotten out onto the range in near ideal conditions, I didn’t really put the GPO Passion 3x through many challenges but the ones I did it passed easily. After zeroing and spending some time at 100yds, I adjusted the ballistic turret and was accurately hitting at 200yds. Repeatable turret adjustments are often a concern with riflescopes but the GPO Passion went from 100 to 200 and back to 100 without any irregularities.

    Though they are a new player in the arena, German Precision Optics definitely showed up ready to play. Whether you are on a budget or not, they are finding ways to offer excellent value at any price point. I will definitely be keeping my eye out for opportunities to try more of their models.

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  • Top 7 Haunted House (Paranormal) Detection and Deterrent Products

    Oct 31 • News • 7751

    We all know the many ways a house can become haunted – buried on top of an Indian burial ground,  a ghost latches onto you and follows you into your abode, you watch a video of a girl coming out of a well, you say Candyman 3 times in the mirror.  All pretty standard.  But, what can be done?  Is there a way to detect the poltergeist before it pulls you into a TV?  With our list of top 7 paranormal detection and hunting products not only do we guarantee that you will be able to detect any aberration that is terrorizing your home, you will also be able follow its patterns and figure out the best way to avoid and potentially rid yourself of it.





    7) Mace View SQ40 & 4CAM Security Kit

    Smile for the camera demon!  The more cameras the better.  That is why having this 4 camera system to spread throughout a large house, especially one with a basement is so key.  With the DVR system that comes with it as well, you will never miss a second of potentially lifesaving footage.  Plus you get the added benefit of getting a ton of hits on YouTube for capturing a rabid poltergeist.

    Security Camera

    Security Camera



    6) US Night Vision 360 Thermal Vision Acquisition Camera

    So, you suspect it’s a ghost or demon that has inhabited your house.  Ghosts have been known to leave hot and cold spots throughout the areas they’ve been frequenting.  That is why it is so important to track thermal “signatures” and see exactly where the action is taking place.   The thermal vision camera will be sure to track any movement visually or thermally and allow you to see who or what has been creating all of that mischief.

    Thermal Vision Camera

    Thermal Vision Camera



    5) Armasight Sirius QS MG Multi-Purpose NV Monocular

    Sure if you want to look cool you wear your sunglasses at night, but if you want to get the drop on paranormal beings you will want the most advanced night vision that is on the market.  Not only does this night vision provide you with almost perfect night site, it also fits snugly on you head so both hands can be free for fighting and defending.

    Night Vision

    Night Vision



    4) Motorola Talkabout MR350TPR Walkie-Talkie Triple Pack

    If you’ve seen any horror movies in the last 10 years then you know cellphones cannot be counted on in a time of desperation.  Make sure you have solid secure communication with those you are working with.  Even if you get stuck out in the forest and the Blair witch is nipping at your heels you’ll be able to call for back up more than 15 miles away.





    3) Secur Dynamo High Power USB Emergency Spotlight/Lantern

    Sure a lantern might not be necessary but this lantern isn’t any ordinary run of the mill hang it by your cabin post lantern.  This baby has a super high output to light an entire room, to shed a spot light behind a couch where a little talking doll might be hiding, or under a mattress where an old undead cat is waiting to pounce.

    Emergency Lantern

    Emergency Lantern



    2) Forensics Source Uv Handheld Magnifier

    A big part of tracking the paranormal is finding bits of forensics evidence around the dwelling.  The UV Handheld Magnifier is a perfect instrument for this.  You will be able to pick up the most minute blood marks to the gooeyist slime trails left behind.


    Handheld Magnifier

    Handheld Magnifier



    1) JUGS Yamaha EF1000iS Portable Generator

    A back up portable generator will ensure a source of electricity anywhere you decide to hold up.  A creepy log cabin – instant electricity, a dark dank cellar – instant electricity, a child’s room with a doll with a spinning head – instant electricity.  So, you can see how important having an easy to transport generator is for your survival.

    Portable Generator

    Portable Generator





    Honorable Mentions:

    Luminox F-117 Nighthawk Black Watch

    Make sure you know the time and that you can trust the watch that you use – because it is a proven fact that ghosts are more likely to come out after midnight, you need to make sure you have a reliable and illuminated watch at all times.

    Nighthawk Black Watch

    Nighthawk Black Watch


    Goal Zero Yeti 1250 Solar Generator Kit w/ Solar Panels

    How many times has the power went out in the movie Friday the 13th?  Approximately 73 times.  Unfortunately for the poor souls staying at crystal lake camp that summer they did not have a generator.  Better yet they didn’t have a generator that ran on solar polar, so running out of fuel is not a problem.

    Solar Generator

    Solar Generator



    5.11 Tactical Sar H6 Headlamp 53192-999-1

    A hands free headlamp saves you from being without illumination if you drop your flashlight when you are in a panic after a lady with an old wedding dress comes floating down the hall way after you.  Keep from bumping into your shoe tree and other furniture that will hinder your escape.




    Forensics Source UV Handheld Magnifier Amber Science Portable Conductivity Meter

    Conductivity is a key measure of the strength of the aberration that is haunting you.  The higher the conductivity level the stronger the entity.  If you have a ghost hunting partner, one of you should be carrying this at all times.  You have to know what you are dealing with to know the measures that you must take.

    Portable Conductivity Meter

    Portable Conductivity Meter



    Hobbit Illuminated Staff of the Wizard Gandalf

    If Gandalf’s staff is good enough to fend off the veracious orcs of the dark one, then it will certainly be good enough to blast any pesky ghosts into oblivion.

    Illuminated Staff of the Wizard Gandalf

    Illuminated Staff of the Wizard Gandalf


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  • The Best 9 Products To Keep You From Getting Eaten By a Werewolf

    Oct 30 • News • 25406

    Some ideas people have of Werewolves have been skewed by the fantastic cult classics Teen Wolf 1, and Teen Wolf 2.  Unfortunately, the Werewolves that are part of the real world don’t play on high school basketball teams and surf on top of vans.  They are veracious carnivores looking to devour anything in its tracks and you need the tools to deal with these ultimate predators.


    Werewolf Attacking


    9)  Lyman Mag 25 Digital Melting Furnace

    First things first when battling a werewolf, SILVER BULLETS.  There is no known other way to permanently defeat this foe without them.  Unfortunately, you can’t just go down to your local 7-11 and pick up a handful them, and you can’t trust eBay for something so crucial.  No, you must forge your own.  Use grandma’s jewelry, your kids coin collection, anything with silver and melt it into the perfect Werewolf stopper.

    Melting Furnace

    Melting Furnace


    Silver Bullet

    Silver Bullet


    8) ATN BinoX THD Thermal Binocular w/Smartphone Control

    Scout out the forest, the dense city blocks, and the dark alley way with the THD Thermal Binocular.  Record video and capture photos directly to your micro SD card so you can prove to your friends and authorities that you aren’t going insane.

    ATN BinoX THD Thermal Binocular w/Smartphone Control

    ATN BinoX THD Thermal Binocular w/Smartphone Control



    7) Armasight Clip On Mini Night Vision Unit, Gen3 Ghost

    Long ago are the days when a Werewolf hunter only had a small one shot Dillinger or bolt action 22 where they were scrambling and fumbling to constantly reload and aim that one shot perfectly.  You now have a high capacity, long range AR15 at your disposal.  For this great rifle you need a great night vision unit to be able to operate in the dark, because when have you ever seen a werewolf in the day time?

    Armasight Clip On Mini Night Vision Unit, Gen3 Ghost

    Armasight Clip On Mini Night Vision Unit, Gen3 Ghost



    6) FLIR Systems MD-625 Heat Seeking Night Vision Camera

    If it’s one thing a Werewolf is sure to give off, other than the stink of week old Taco Bell meat, it’s a lot of rage heat, and this heat is perfectly picked up by the heat seeking night vision camera by FLIR.  Place this in your backyard and will be sure to detect and display any tiny differences in heat, not light.  So, even if no light is available or there’s too much light the camera will display clear infrared imagery.  Whether it’s your neighbor’s annoying Chihuahua or an eight feet tall Sasquatch you’ll detect it instantly.

    Heat Seaking Night Vision Camera

    Heat Seaking Night Vision Camera



    5) FoxFury Sunbolt Riot LED Vehicle and Security Searchlight 200-1800

    Attach this blinding LED Searchlight to the front of your car or to the side of any structure and blast the unaware animal-human with a disorienting 12,000 lumen CREE LED, and if you really want to mess up its day, use the disorienting turbo-strobe.

    LED Searchlight

    LED Searchlight



    4)  Damascus Protective Gear Flexforce Modular Hard Shell Crowd Control System

    Stronger and tougher than a 3 month old piece of beef jerky that has been sitting behind your couch – this full body protection guarantees supreme protection during close encounter battles with the razor sharp teeth and claws of the Werewolf.  This armor is also ultra-light – allowing for nimble counter-strikes with your many weapons.

    Damascus Protective Gear

    Damascus Protective Gear



    3) Armor Express Raider 3a Shield With Viewport

    The 300 Spartans that took on the hundreds of thousands of the Persian Empire did so with round metal discs of shields – and at least according to the movie, they did pretty ok.  Now imagine if they had the Armor Express Raider, not only would you be able to trounce a Persian hoard, but stopping a Werewolf from sinking its teeth into you shouldn’t be a problem.

    Protection Shield

    Protection Shield


    2) Tru-Spec Killer Camo Camosystems™ Killer Camo Ultra-lite Netting 100% Nomex

    This camo doubles as both a cover for the trap hole you have dug and also as an invisibility cloak for you to avoid detection, making you become the hunter instead of the hunted.


    Killer Camo



    1) iHunt Hunting Ultimate Game Call w/ App & Bluetooth Speaker Combo

    Being part man and part wolf gives the monster half of the instincts of each.  You can easily use those wolf instincts to your advantage with the Ultimate Game Call.  Where a human might be enticed by a double espresso latte, the wolf part will be drawn to the call of a weak rabbit as delicious meal.  Get the drop on it with a combination of your camo net and game call.

    Game Call

    iHunt Game Call


    Wolf Prey

    Wolf Prey


    Honorable Mentions:

    Condor Tool and Knife Double Bit Throwing Axe

    Guns jam and silver bullets fall to the ground, in a panic you need to buy yourself some time – that’s where the double sided throwing axe comes in.  Lop off a limb, chop some fingers – they grow back but will delay the Werewolf’s attack.  With a blade made from 1075 high carbon steel it is virtually indestructible and will retain its chopping edge for a long time to come.

    Double Bit Throwing Axe

    Double Bit Throwing Axe



    Aker Leather Aker – 570 Snap-on Mace Case

    Mace might not seem to be the strongest of tools to use against a 350lb beast that is pure solid muscle, but the general rule for mace is if it has eyes then it can be blinded.  Temporarily take out the Werewolf’s most valuable sensory organ, and it may buy you some time in close quarters combat to attack with impunity.

    Snap-on Mace Case

    Snap-on Mace Case


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  • Top 10 Vampire Hunting and Protection Gear

    Oct 27 • News • 16943

    There’s one last chance to stop the Vampire hordes that have taken over your city, you’re held up in a local shopping mall and you just realized the Cinnabon’s closed – now you’ve had enough– now you’re out for vengeance.

    Luckily OpticsPlanet has the right Top 10 products for Vampire Hunting and Protection for you to save your town, the human race, and the Cinnabon – and will it be shipped to you within 2 days for Free for speedy help.  These products help the Hunted become the Hunter.





    10) Armasight NYX-7 Gen 2+ Night Vision Goggles, Standard Definition


    Using thermal scopes will be a blank screen going against something that is already dead.  That is why Armasight Night Vision Goggles are perfect to zone in on the preternatural.

    Built for both comfort and high mobility, these goggles have a built-in infrared illuminator that gives you clear vision even with areas that have zero light.  The versatility of these will also be a key factor in vamp detection; they can be hand-held, head-mounted, or helmet-mounted.

    Armasight NYX-7 Gen 2+ Night Vision Goggles, Standard Definition

    Armasight NYX-7 Gen 2+ Night Vision Goggles, Standard Definition



    9) Lumenok Crossbow Bolt Ends Red Crescent Easton Carbon


    In case you miss the target, tracking your arrow and your prey at the same time can be key.  These lights on the end of your arrow allow you to do just that.  Track down that solitary blinking light into the woods and finish the job you started.

    Lumenok Crossbow Bolt Ends Red Crescent Easton Carbon

    Lumenok Crossbow Bolt Ends Red Crescent Easton Carbon


    8) SKB Cases ATA Crossbow Case w/ Wheels


    Your crossbow is one of the only allies you have left and you need to make sure it is well taken care of to assure the perfect shot every time.  The SKB Cases ATA Crossbow Case is virtually indestructible from monster attack – including:  evil leprechauns, alien clowns, vampires, and many more.  So rest assured that your bow is in good hands.

    One last thing that makes this case perfect, is in case of a vampire attack in an airport you have wheels on the bottom to run down the walking escalator past all of the tourists with Hawaiian shirts and blue blockers on.


    SKB Cases ATA Crossbow Case w/ Wheels

    SKB Cases ATA Crossbow Case w/ Wheels



    7) Trijicon AccuPin Bow Sight, Green


    A shot to the heart is no easy task, a shot to the heart of an undead monster with super human strength and speed is even tougher.  That is why we have included the perfect Crossbow sight for the perfect shot.

    With a combination of fiber optic and tritium illumination, and an aiming point that actually points to your target instead of obstructing it – with a little practice – you will be sure to hit the heart (pun intended) of your target every time.

    Trijicon AccuPin Bow Sight, Green

    Trijicon AccuPin Bow Sight, Green



    6) Stansport Rubber Tent Peg Mallet + Vargo Aluminum Summit Stake



    A stake through the heart is the most common defense ever devised against Vampires.  Use this reusable metal spike over and over again to defeat your foes.  The mallet adds a sound dampening effect so you will be sure not to wake the neighbors.


    Stansport Rubber Tent Peg Mallet

    Stansport Rubber Tent Peg Mallet

    Aluminum Summit Stake

    Aluminum Summit Stake

    Stake Through Heart



    5) Water Sports Wrist Waterballoon Launcher


    Holy water has been known for centuries as a capable deterrent of the Undead, what better way to deliver this vampire stopper than a long-range mega blast from a water balloon sling shot.  Won’t that vampire be shocked when that rubber orb explodes skin melting H2O onto its face.

    Water Sports Wrist Waterballoon Launcher

    Water Sports Wrist Waterballoon Launcher



    4) River’s Edge Hand-Painted Poly Resin Cross


    There are 4 things that are known to stop a vampire in its tracks, garlic, holy water, a stake to the heart and a cross.  This cross is built from poly resin so it is sure to hold up to the test of supernatural battle.  Be sure to give any Vampire a pounding headache with this weapon that has been used for a millennium.

    River's Edge Hand-Painted Poly Resin Cross

    River’s Edge Hand-Painted Poly Resin Cross



    3) FoxFury Rook MD3 White & UV Light LED Flashlight


    Besides Mama’s Torios Garlic Pasta Sauce a Vampire’s worst enemy is the sun.  What better weapon is there then to have the sun in your pocket.

    Blast the monster with 130 lumens of this almost indestructible UV flashlight – it is waterproof, fire/impact resistant and made of aircraft aluminum.  And, as the UV light is burning its skin, you can use the strike bezel to rain blows upon the vampire’s head.

    FoxFury Rook MD3 White & UV Light LED Flashlight

    FoxFury Rook MD3 White & UV Light LED Flashlight



    2) Eberlestock Secret Weapon Pack


    Nothing will make your heart drop faster than losing your stash of weapons and supplies – and your heart probably won’t be the only thing in trouble.

    Eberlestock Secret Weapon Pack

    Eberlestock Secret Weapon Pack



    1) Monadnock Centurion™ Kevlar® Neck Protection


    Granted a Vampire can bite you anywhere and turn you into its undead friend, but chances are it will be going for the neck.  Make sure your neck is virtually impenetrable with Kevlar neck protection.  (Also helps with hickies)

    Monadnock Centurion™ Kevlar® Neck Protection

    Monadnock Centurion™ Kevlar® Neck Protection


    Honorable Mentions:

    TenPoint Crossbow Technologies ACU-draw Cocking Device


    Rapid cocking of your crossbow can be a long and cumbersome affair.  Reduce the fatigue factor by nearly 60% and save your strength so the constant onslaught of the undead don’t wear out your physical stamina.

    TenPoint Crossbow Technologies ACU-draw Cocking Device

    TenPoint Crossbow Technologies ACU-draw Cocking Device



    Barnett Crossbows Crossbow Replacement Cables


    Do racers ride in the tour DE France without an extra inner tube, no. The same goes for the higher stakes game of Vampire hunting, you must have replacement cables in case of a blowout.  You can’t afford to lose your main weapon in the fight against evil.

    Barnett Crossbows Crossbow Replacement Cables

    Barnett Crossbows Crossbow Replacement Cables



    Barnett Crossbows Lubewax for Crossbow Strings


    Used for an ultra smooth and accurate shot this Lube is used for lubricating the crossbow barrel to reduce friction and increase velocity to make sure the arrow blasts through the heart true and fast.

    Barnett Crossbows Lubewax for Crossbow Strings

    Barnett Crossbows Lubewax for Crossbow Strings



    5.11 VTAC LBE Vest – MOLLE Tactical Vest


    Make carrying your garlic, crosses, stakes, arrows, holy water, and more a no brainer.  With this vest you will have easy access to every Vampire defense you can get your hands on.

    5.11 VTAC LBE Vest - MOLLE Tactical Vest

    5.11 VTAC LBE Vest – MOLLE Tactical Vest



    BlackHawk Tactical Omega Elite Dump Pouch


    Gain easy and quick access to your most important small contraband and weaponry through the Omega Elite Dump Pouch.  Straps easily onto your leg so it will not take up excess room on your body.

    BlackHawk Tactical Omega Elite Dump Pouch

    BlackHawk Tactical Omega Elite Dump Pouch



    First Tactical Padded Knuckle Glove


    The most dangerous thing about punching something in the head is not messing up your manicure, it’s breaking your knuckles.  Be sure to keep your hands nimble and unbroken when taking a swing at a Vampire – you’re going to need them for more important attacks.


    First Tactical Padded Knuckle Glove

    First Tactical Padded Knuckle Glove



    5.11 HRT Titanium Watch


    Knowing when sunset and sunrise arrive is probably the most important factor in life and death.  Having a powerful, and reliable glow in the dark watch will give you the edge you need to prepare for the coming onslaught.


    5.11 HRT Titanium Watch

    5.11 HRT Titanium Watch

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  • Leupold D-EVO 6x20mm Red Dot w/LCO, CMR-W Reticle

    Aug 3 • Reviews • 16478

    First Part of Leupold D-EVO

    Calibrated for .556 or .308, meant to be an all-purpose site with 1/2 MOA at 100 yards.

    What is the purpose of the combination?  With both eyes open you can see 6 power and the red dot at the same time!   That’s Leupold!  James takes you on a journey demonstrating in real time how the D-EVO and LCO combination works and how it can work for you.

    Second Part of Leupold D-EVO

    James Yeager shoots the Leupold D-EVO with almost dead-on accuracy straight from the set-up… Amazing!

    Shifting focus from the red dot to the 6X magnification is done flawlessly and fluidly.  James provides an excellent camera angle for you to see for yourself how great this combination is for your AR15 or other rifle.   Watch James and see for yourself shooting accurately right off the bat. A great pair of guys taking it to the targets.

    Take a look at the video above or review the product page for the Leupold D-EVO 6x20mm Red Dot w/LCO, CMR-W Reticle


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