• Gossen Knows Light Meters

    Jan 19 • News • 3062

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    Gossen knows that there can be no photos without light. This is why Gossen, a division of the respected lighting accessory manufacturer Bogen, takes the reins in providing the most advanced light meters in the industry. When light changes intensity or color during a shoot, things can turn sour very quickly. Having a hand held exposure meter can be useful in measuring light, looking at the amount of diffusion, or even orchestrating complicated contrast setups to make your photos look extraordinary.

    With over 65 years in the business of manufacturing exposure meters, Gossen has the expertise and expansive knowledge of the dark and light aspects of photography. Perfection is not far away with the technologies and lighting accessories from Gossen. They offer many different designs of light meters, ranging from the super compact Digisix light meter, to the powerhouse Gossen Starlite. Anything is possible with their selection of exposure meters.

    Another highlight in the light meter line by Gossen is the DigiPro F. This swivel head, high precision exposure meter exceeds the requirements and demands of the most talented photographer and gives a multitude of benefits. It is compatible with most radio slave transmitters, can calculate multiple flashes, has automatic battery control, and can be easily operated with one hand. No matter what your application may be, Gossen exposure meters are the difference between night and day.

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  • Enhance Your Creativity with Lastolite Lighting

    Jan 16 • News • 3067

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    Light modification is the focus of Lastolite, the leading light modifier in Europe. Founded in 1983, Lastolite was developed under a company that designed the original pop open reflecting panel for photography studios. They have now emerged as a provider of an extensive variety of products for the commercial and home based production studio.

    One of the great things about shooting photos is the setting. Wispy clouds, bountiful fields, and snow covered pine trees are frequently the stage for an epic photo. It many commercial placements for photos, a product or article of clothing is the star. It is necessary to construct an artificial scene to keep the focus on the product. Lastolite lighting products such as the Cubelite Kits or Light Tents allow artists to carefully position items, control shadows, and to add touches of color to an item.

    OpticsPlanet also offers washable backgrounds from Lastolite. These collapsible sheets allow for more flexibility with the location of the shoot. There are plenty of colors and designs to choose from, and you are guaranteed quality from the engineers at Lastolite. All of their textiles are produced within their own manufacturing plants under the strictest of standards, paying much attention to detail and construction.

    Lastolite is a division of Bogen, a top name brand in photo and lighting accessories.

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  • Metz Lighting Design

    Jan 14 • News • 3535

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    Metz has taken a huge role in professional flash photography, and it is not a surprise coming from a company that produces some of the most powerful handheld flashguns. Metz flashes are practical, long-lasting, and can be used on many of the most popular cameras. These qualities are what make Metz products some of the most widely accepted items in the photography industry.

    Speaking of quality, Metz plants in Zirndorf near Nuremberg always rely on the newest techniques in development and production in Germany. Decades of experience and high quality components set Metz apart from other brands. They follow are strict regime according to ISO 9001 standards and will continue to lead the way as a first class competitor.

    Everybody has used a camera, but not many people experiment with the use of flash. External flashes make all the difference in photography. They add new dimension, personality, and sheen to the picture. Metz is here to provide photographers with a necessary addition to their kit. OpticsPlanet is your trusted store for Metz lighting equipment. Get out there make those pictures come to life.

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  • Elinchrom Flashes

    Jan 13 • News • 3376

    As a branch of Bogen, Elinchrom brings an individualistic vision of flashes to the arena. Their photo and video equipment screams high-end style and luxury, even though the prices are affordable for even the smallest of film budgets. Elinchrom has been a force in the industry, and will continue to provide cutting edge tripods, lights, and accessories to grippers and directors alike.

    The products that Elinchrom has released span from compact flashes with sensitive photocells and multivoltage technology, to power cords for their trusty power packs. A popular item is the Skyport Universal Receiver, which is compatible with Elinchrom and any other studio and battery flash brands. Attaching it to a flash device will allow that device to be wirelessly triggered using the Skyport Transmitter which fits securely in the hotshoe of your camera. Skyport Universal Receiver‘s internal, rechargeable Li-Ion battery provides approximately 30 hours of operation, so those long shoots will go smoothly until the end.

    OpticsPlanet is an authorized US dealer for Elinchrom and Elinchrom products. We carry a full line of their gear, and with free shipping with order over $29.95, OpticsPlanet.com is your one stop shop for flashes and other optical gear.

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  • Avenger Film Products are a Must

    Jan 12 • News • 3086

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    Avenger Photo and Video Accessories are what the professionals turn to when they need safe, dependable rigging setups. Avenger manufacturers many different light stands, clamps, rigs, and other mounting equipment, all at competitive prices. Directors and producers around the world depend on Avenger to complete the filming environment.

    We are proud to be able to offer the Avenger brand which was born 20 years ago, answering to the need of the photo and film markets of having a limitless product for any set. OpticsPlanet carries an entire line of Avenger photo and video light accessories as well as their highly popularized Avenger Tripod Accessories. Avenger Products, which can withstand extreme use, rough atmospheric conditions, and very high stress and heavy loads, are a staple in the filming community. All Avenger products have been designed under the supervision of the most demanding film grippers to match the strict quality standards and performance needs of the motion picture industry.

    The Super Clamp, the Wind Up Stand and the Magic Arm are all famous worldwide for their efficiency, ease of use, and reliability. Avenger Gear is literally the all-in-one problem solver on the set. Safety for everyone is a top priority for Avenger as well. Our world class research and development team meticulously work to satisfy all international safety regulation. With OpticsPlanet and Avenger, movie construction cannot go wrong.

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