• ED Glass

    ED and HD Optics on a Budget

    Aug 19 • News • 25934

    “How much do I have to spend to get a great optic?”  This is a very common question in our industry.  Considering our wide array of options in our spotting scope and binocular lines, we can see why it’s so common.  What’s the difference between a set of $50 and $500 binoculars?  It simply comes down to the quality of the materials used in the construction of the optic – what type of material the body is made of; what type of glass and prisms are used; and what type of coatings are used.  This article is going to focus a bit more on the latter two categories:  glass and coatings.


    You may notice the terms ED or HD being used in higher end optics.  To make this as simple as possible, we’ll give a quick primer:  ED stands for “extra-low dispersion,” and may also be referred to as HD glass.  This glass almost always contains Fluorite, which cuts down on chromatic aberration and glare.  Chromatic aberration will happen at longer distances, and is an effect that causes “color fringing” towards the outside of the sight picture.  This fringing can make it difficult to count the points on a Buck, or even decipher the coloring of the feathers on a bird’s wings or breast.  These ED/HD optics are exceptionally clear, but tend to be pretty pricey.  However, there are some manufacturers out there that make ED/HD optics at a fairly affordable price!


    Inexpensive ED Spotting Scopes | Under $500


    If you are in need of a Spotting Scope that is exceptionally clear over a few hundred yards, then a product with ED glass is always our recommendation.  There are plenty of premium manufacturers out there that sell an exceptionally clear optic with ED glass, HD coatings, and precision machining. However, where the product is made can cut costs for the manufacturer, and that means those savings can be passed down to the consumer. Here are some manufacturers that make reasonably priced spotting scopes:




    barska naturescape

    Barska Naturescape Spotting Scope


    The Barksa Naturescape line is a great starting point for ED glass. They are very affordable, and provide superior viewing compared to non-ED models in the same price range. These are the most affordable ED optics in sub-$500 range, but are worth every penny. If you’re looking for a starting point in ED spotters, this is a great model to choose.




    Celestron Hummingbird Line

    Celestron Hummingbird Line


    Celestron’s claim to fame is their Telescope line, but over the years they’ve made some great contributions to the wildlife viewing section of the market. They’ve recently released their Hummingbird line of ED micro-spotting scopes. They are geared for the bird/wildlife watcher, and are compact enough to fit almost anywhere in your bag! They also offer the Regal line, which is their full-size ED spotters. These models are still rather inexpensive, and provide the Celestron quality their fans have come to love.




    legend hd lifestyle

    Bushnell Legend Spotting Scope


    The Legend Ultra HD line by Bushnell is one of our best sellers for ED optics in the $500 and under category. Bushnell has been making optics for over 65 years, and they are great at what they do. They offer a full size spotter just under $500, which is the clearest optic you can get at that price point. They also offer a compact model which is available in angled or straight eyepieces. I’ve personally used both models, and was blown away by their clarity.




    vanguard endeavor

    Vanguard Endeavor Spotting Scopes


    The Vanguard Endeavor line is right at the under $500 price point, and comes in a 65mm and 82mm objective size. They are a full size spotting scope with amazing quality for the price. They are offered with a detachable eyepiece for better storage, which is unheard of in the price range!


    Affordable HD Binoculars | Under $300


    ED glass in a binocular is imperative for the novice to advanced bird watcher, as they provide much more clarity than non-ED versions. The same goes for a hunter who needs to properly identify the age range of a deer, or be able to count the points on that buck they’ve been tracking out in the woods. Any serious wildlife viewer should have ED field glasses in their pack.




    bushnell legend binoculars

    Bushnell Legend M-Series Ultra HD Binoculars


    The Bushnell Legend line also goes into binoculars, and they make them extremely affordable. They are available in the standard 8×42 and 10×42, but are also offered in a more compact 10×25, 8×36, and 10×36 size. Not only are these affordable, but they offer the most bang for the buck in this under $300 price range.


    Hawke Sport Optics


    Hawke Sapphire ED

    Hawke Sport Optics Sapphire ED Binoculars


    Hawke Sport Optics was founded in the UK over 15 years ago, and the company established their US headquarters in Indiana in 2007. Their products are geared for the user with a budget, but they certainly make a product that will last for many years. They are the manufacturer with the most options in the affordable range we are discussing in this article. From the compact 8×25 Sapphire, to the 12×50 Endurance, Hawke has an amazing array of options in the sub $300 range!




    carson 3d

    Carson 3D Camo Binoculars



    Carson offers their 3D line at a great price, and they are a very popular brand in birding circles. I personally own a Carson monocular that is used out on Disc Golf courses, and I am very pleased with the performance over the last few years. Their ED binoculars are just as impressive, and they are available in standard magnification and objective sizes, from 8x32mm to a 10x50mm.




    vanguard binoculars

    Vanguard Endeavor Binoculars


    Vanguard also continues their ED optic line into the binocular category. The Endeavor series is incredibly popular with our customers due to the cost and design aspects. All of the Endeavor models have an open style hinge, so the user get can a full grip on the barrels of the binocular. A big difference in the Vanguard design is that they add another hinge towards the front of the barrels, providing more stability for clearer viewing. The standard Endeavor models are under our $300 price point, and the Endeavor II models just over that price. They are also available in the most popular magnification and sizes of 8x32mm through 10x42mm.


    Budget Riflescopes with ED Glass | Under $400


    There aren’t all that many manufacturers making inexpensive riflescopes available with ED/HD glass, but the two brands that do have carried over their coatings and glass from their other optic lines. If you’re needing a scope that is going to cut down on the glare of shooting out over the plains at sunset, or shooting up or down the side of a mountain, these are the models for you!




    vanguard riflescope

    Vanguard Endeavor Riflescope


    Using the same glass and coatings in their binoculars and spotters, Vanguard offers the Endeavor line of riflescopes as well. Perfect for any mid to big game hunter, they offer both Duplex and BDC (ballistic drop compensating) reticles in the standard sizes and powers of 3-9x40mm; 4-12x40mm; and if you’re looking for a little more glass on the objective for a wider field of view, the 3.5-10x50mm would be the right choice!




    Bushnell legend riflescope

    Bushnell Legend Ultra HD Riflescope


    Bushnell goes slightly further than many ED scope manufacturers in this price range, as they offer multiple models for different styles of firearms. They continue the Legend Ultra HD product into the riflescope market with the compact 1.75-5x32mm, which offers multiple reticle options for different weapons (shotgun/blackpowder, crossbow, and rifle). They also offer the standard 3-9x40mm with either their Multi-X or DOA 600 reticles; and 3-9x50mm magnification/objective size. They even offer a model geared towards the longer range shooter in the 4.5-14x44mm, with either their Multi-X or Mil-Dot reticles. Considering their long history of manufacturing optics, these inexpensive options are always an excellent buy.



    Why so inexpensive?


    So let’s get straight to the point:  These optics are so inexpensive simply because they are made and/or assembled in Asia; most likely in China.  The truth is that these Asian countries have gotten considerably better at manufacturing these types of products, and a lot of the glass made for lenses are made in Asia already.  You will be paying much more out of pocket if you’re looking for an American or European made ED optic, but this article is only referring to more affordable optics for the user with a lower budget.  Obviously the materials used will be subpar to a more expensive optic, and higher priced optics will typically have smoother mechanisms and superior materials.  You still get what you pay for!


    If you’re serious about wildlife viewing, or have the need for an affordable optic to bring to the range, all of the items mentioned above will not disappoint!  If you’ve got the money to spend, contact us so we can help you find the right optic in the higher price ranges.  The higher priced ED optics are made exceptionally well, and are guaranteed to last a very long time.






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  • Get Your Swing in Check! Sports Sensors Swing Speed Radar

    Jun 1 • Reviews • 5476


    We sell plenty of Radar Guns here, and we get many questions about different brands and price points.  We also carry quite a few “sport related” radar accessories.  One of these accessories we decided to try out was the Sports Sensors Swing Speed Radar for Golf Swing and Baseball/Softball/Tennis/etc.


    Sports Sensors Swing Speed Radar


    The Sports Sensors Swing Speed Radar for Golf Swing and Baseball / Softball / Tennis / etc. is slightly different than a Sport Radar Gun.  Most radar devices are designed to pick up the speed of a ball as the ball approaches, or goes away from the device.  This product is designed to measure “swing speed,” and is intended to help the user build muscle memory.  This is a skill that is hard to master without repetitive practice, and the Swing Speed Radar is exceptionally effective!


    sports sensors swing radar

    Sports Sensors Swing Radar


    For golf use, the product has a built in stand so you can set it down next to your tee.  Obviously, you want the device facing the user, and out of the way of your club.  The device actually picks up fairly well, even from just a few feet away.  If you are using this for the other sports listed; Baseball / Softball / Tennis / etc., you will want to use a tripod to elevate the device to the proper height.  For Baseball / Softball, it’s intended to be facing the batting tee and batter.  For tennis, it needs to be at a height where the user’s racket can be picked up by the radar sensor.


    sports sensor tennis

    Proper Height Setting For Tennis


    How It Was Used


    As I’ve mentioned in previous posts: I’m a Disc Golfer.  The mechanics of the sport are the same as any other game where a “swing” is involved.  I wanted to use the Swing Speed Radar to see if the sensor would pick up our arm speed, just like it should measure the speed of a bat, club, or racket.  We set the device up on the tripod at about chest height, and turned it at a 45 degree angle towards the thrower.  After a few test throws, we decided to give it a good test!


    How Did It Work?


    I tested this device after a league round at Bevier Park in Waukegan, IL.  My fellow disc golfers were very excited to try this device out.  We set up the tripod on a Basketball court adjacent to a Tennis court, and threw our discs into the fence bordering the Tennis court.  This ensured that we didn’t have to chase our discs down after every throw, and some of the guys I asked to join me are able to throw a consistent, controlled 400 foot drive.  Obviously, it would have turned into a lot of work having to find those discs!


    After getting it all set up and getting a few throws in, we simply had to set a spot to get the best reading.  We made sure that the thrower’s forearm was at the same level as the Sensors on the radar, and made sure we marked a spot for the thrower to plant his foot.  When we got the kinks all worked out, the device started reading every throw!  The league at the time was a good mix of casual and serious disc golfers, so we were able to test it out on different skill levels.


    After a few minutes, we were all able to get a consistent arm speed.  This is a practice drill that is guaranteed to improve your game for any sport.  Need to remember how fast you need to swing your 9 iron to drop your ball around 115 yards?  This will absolutely help you to build that muscle memory.  This is a great device to pack in your bag and use at the driving range.  I just don’t see how this wouldn’t help any level of player gain consistency in their game.


    Other Products by Sports Sensors


    sports sensors products

    Sports Sensors manufactures and designs some very useful products for the athlete looking to improve their game.


    A step up from the Swing Radar is their Sports Sensors Dual Mode Swing Speed Radar w/ Tempo Timer for Golf.  This device has the same detection for Swing Speed, but adds a Tempo Timer to help the user properly time their backswing.  Considering how useful the Sports Sensors Swing Speed Radar for Golf Swing and Baseball / Softball is, it’s safe to assume this is a great product for any golfer.


    A couple of other products available in their line are the Sports Sensors Paintball Rate of Fire Sensor w/ One Button Operation PBRROF365 and the Sports Sensors Baseball Glove Radar, 120MPH Max Speed 360S.  The Paintball model is pretty straight forward, and the baseball glove radar is excellent for players to work on their pitching, as well as their throw speed to first base.


    The swing radar I used worked just as described, so it’s safe to assume that the other Sports Sensors products are just as well made and reliable!  If you are looking to improve your game; or looking to help a youngster improve theirs, check out the Sports Sensors line of products!




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  • Kinetic Development Group (KDG)

    May 25 • News • 7351

    What is QD


    Whether you have one gun or many, the ability to rapidly configure optics and accessories is a desirable feature. Needing to make those changes in the field, without proper tools, is what drives the Quick Disconnect (QD) capability of mounts. While this usually means a lever or knob design, Kinetic Development Group (KDG) is bringing something different to the QD scene. Take a look at their Sidelok mount system and how KDG is on pace to shake up the industry.


    Kinetic Development Group Logo

    Kinetic Development Group Logo


    When you decide you want a QD mount, you quickly realize that not all mounts are created equal. Entry level designs require manual tension adjustment to fit the rail, which can lead to over tightening or complicate transferring between different platforms. Higher end designs feature an automatic tensioning mechanism to address those issues.




    The KDG Sidelok also employs an automatic tensioning device but does so without a lever. Instead they use a “tab” that deploys the auto tensioning clamp when it is pressed against the notch of the picatinny rail during mounting. To remove the mount, you engage the button that extended out of the mount when it was placed on the rail. Just like the lever designs have locking tabs to prevent accidental manipulation, the Sidelok release has a locking tab that must be depressed in order to release the mount.


    Labeled underside of Sidelok mount

    Labeled underside of Sidelok mount


    So now that we’ve established that the Sidelok is in the high end QD mount category, let’s discuss what makes it different. The lack of a lever or knob creates a more streamline profile which decreases the chance of the mount snagging on gear or objects in the environment. The activation tab design is also ideal for one handed manipulation, since the mount tightens down automatically once it is placed on the rail. Taking it off is just as easy. While those features might not sound drastically different, they are instantly noticeable when you have a Sidelok mount in hand.


    MRO mount and PRO mount (QRP ring not included)

    MRO mount and PRO mount (QRP ring not included)


    While Kinetic Development Group currently offers the Sidelok mounts for red dot sights such as the Aimpoint PRO/Comp M4, the Aimpoint Micro (or other optics with the same footprint), and the Trijicon MRO, they will shortly be releasing a riflescope mount that is built upon the Sidelok system but is packed with features such as adjustable/interchangeable rings and adjustable MOA. That mount, and a great breakdown on Kinetic Development Group in general, is showcased in this Hank Strange video from the NRA 2016 Annual Meeting.


    If you watched the video, you’ll notice that Nate Murr of KDG addressed one of the common concerns with any QD mount. The ability to return to zero is a claim that many mounts make but not all live up to the test. The Sidelok system has been put through its paces to ensure that, if you replace the mount exactly where you removed it from, your optic will still be on target.


    Kinect and More


    Maybe QD optics mounts aren’t your thing. Maybe you like the QD mount you have. I get that. Kinetic Development Group is still a brand worth knowing. While there are other options for a QD optic mount, I don’t know of anyone else with a QD MLOK rail section. KDG took their cam system that is in the Sidelok mounts and incorporated it into MLOK rail sections. They call is wonderful product the Kinect and it allows users to customize handguard mounted accessories with speed and consistency. Kinect gives you the ability to swap between different lights on one gun or transfer an offset mini red dot between two guns without needing tools or fine tuning clamps. Rapidly configure your gun from a home defense setup to a competition loadout and then back without breaking a sweat. That is pretty useful.


    Underside of Kinect rail section

    Underside of Kinect rail section


    If you are fortunate enough to own a FNH SCAR, then I really hope you are familiar with Kinetic Development Group. Their SCAR Adaptable Stock (SAS) kit is a must have upgrade, at least in my opinion or anyone else who can’t look at the factory stock without seeing boot memes. Maybe you can live with the stock as is but have been looking to upgrade the forend to something more versatile. The SCAR MREX gives you increased versatility while maintaining modularity and the sleek profile is downright attractive. Actually, that’s true about all the parts KDG offers for the SCAR.





    Regardless of whether you own a KDG product or if I’ve convinced you buy one, keep an eye on Kinetic Development Group. I love innovative designs and challenging the status quo, which makes KDG a brand that I am excited to follow as they grow.



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  • Get To Know Our Gear Up for a Cause 2016 Sponsors!

    May 17 • News • 5965


    We’re a week into our Second Annual Gear Up for a Cause charity drive, and you can read all about the charity we chose: Hope For The Warriors® here.


    In case you didn’t notice, we have 10 sponsors this year. So what does that mean? Well, if you purchase any products on OpticsPlanet by one of the campaign sponsors, the donation amount is FIVE times that of a purchase by any other manufacturer! Make sure your purchase goes further during the May 9th – June 16th campaign! Buy something from the following sponsors:


    Crimson Trace


    Crimson Trace

    Crimson Trace


    Crimson Trace is all about them lasers. Green. Red. IR. LaserGuard. LaserGrip. Whatever your preference is, these guys have it down to a science. Each laser is designed to specifically fit your firearm’s make and model, ensuring you get the most out of your shooting experience. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of hitting the target, especially multiple times in a row. Crimson Trace makes it happen with easy-to-use lasers. If you fancy a laser on your grip, they’ve got it. If you fancy a laser on your trigger guard, they’ve got that too. Get friendly with Crimson Trace through Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest (yes, Pinterest), and Instagram.







    EOTech is one of those brands that is constantly innovating ways to improve your hunting, law enforcement, military, competitive shooting experience. With holographic sights, thermal vision, and lights and lasers, EOTech takes your shooting world and turns it on its head. In addition to their contributions to the shooting world, EOTech is highly involved in the community with a Grant Assistance Program, which helps provide funding for city, county and state organizations; and LE Trade Up Program, which gives Law Enforcement the ability to trade in their old equipment for a new EOTech holographic sight.  Check out their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and their very cool Youtube videos!







    Thanks to Fred Leupold, a German immigrant, Leupold has been around for over a century. With all the experience and dedication, Leupold creates high-quality, waterproof, and unchallenged rugged optics. Oh, you hunt? Oh, you go to the range? Oh, you’re in the military? Oh, you like to golf? There’s an optic designed and executed perfectly by Leupold. Ranging from binoculars, riflescopes, spotting scopes, rangefinders, and assorted mounting accessories, you’re all set to get out there and improve your overall shooting and outdoor experience. Leupold is in several partnerships including: Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Paralyzed Veterans Association, and Archery Trade Association. (There are a ton more, but we really don’t have the time, or space, to list them all.) Stay Connected with the good ol’ boys of Leupold with the help of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube!







    Nikon has a long history dating as far back as 1917, but was not officially named “Nikon” until 1946, marking the adoption for small-sized cameras. So, it’s no wonder they know exactly what to include in their optics and equipment. Nikon, we’re sure you’ve noticed, is all over the camera and sporting optics industry. They’ve also dived into the microscope and semiconductor/FPD lithography systems. Nikon provides excellent quality when dealing with photography, both the taking and printing of images, as well as giving clear, concise images while out in the field glassing. You know what we’re going to say next? Social Media! Get closer with the brand behind the camera and optics with the help of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, and Instagram!




    sellmark logo

    Sightmark, Yukon, Firefield, Pulsar, Southern Crossbow, 12 Survivors


    Founded in 2000 by James Sellers as a full-service marketing firm, Sellmark Corporation is a leading manufacturer of outdoor lifestyle products headquartered in Mansfield, Texas. Sellmark’s brands include: Sightmark, Pulsar, Firefield, 12 Survivors and Southern Crossbow.  Sellmark Corporation and its employees are committed to bringing the most innovative, highest quality and cost effective products to the ever-changing global marketplace. Sellmark’s first priority is to provide its customers with the best value in consumer outdoor products by integrating the latest technologies, designs, operational excellence and marketing efforts. Focusing on underserved and growth categories allows Sellmark to increase market share in core strategic market positions, and permit for better production and marketing efficiencies.  You can also check them out on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.




    steiner logo



    In 1947, in the face of demolished infrastructures and a collapsed economy, Karl Steiner started a one-man workshop in Bayreuth, Germany, obsessed with a single goal: creating optical products so functional, sturdy and uniformly flawless that nothing in the chaotic, mass-production post-war world could compare. These premium German optics are now available in 65 countries, prized by sportsmen and spectators, birders and mariners, aviators and explorers, and deployed by security and military forces around the globe. The research, development and production site in Bayreuth is arguably the most advanced optical facility on earth. As a member of the elite Beretta Group – the world’s oldest weapons manufacturer – Steiner is stronger, more versatile, and more innovative than ever.  Follow them on Facebook and Youtube!




    streamlight logo



    Over 40 years ago, NASA (yes, the NASA) needed a way to simulate sunlight outside the filtering of the atmosphere. Engineers set up in New Jersey and did just that. Later, these engineers became what is now known as Streamlight. Here’s some other fun facts about Streamlight we’re throwing at you: they have over 110 U.S. and foreign patents. They helped create the rating system for flashlights called ANSI (American National Standard Institute)/NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) to give you a professional and standardized way to compare flashlights. Basically, Streamlight is the straight-A student in lighting. They’re the Grandfathers of lighting. They’re just…awesome! Streamlight is also affiliated with various organizations including, but not limited to, COPS (Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc), NFFF (National Fallen Firefighters Foundation), and IHEA (International Hunter Education Association). They’re no stranger to giving you great lighting solutions and giving back to the community. Check them out on their various social medias as well: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube.







    With a mission to give you the best quality sights, Trijicon excels in the production of sighting systems for Military, Law Enforcement, and civilian usage. Their job is to get you seeing your target perfectly, whether for a firearm or archery. They’ve got your supply of reflex sights, iron sights, archery sights and magnified optics. Perfectly designed for different applications, Trijicon takes into account that you’ll be hunting, at a range, or in the military. Perhaps you’ve ever heard of a couple of them: ACOG, AccuPoint, and VCOG, is just a sampling of what Trijicon has to offer. Are you all about that social media? You can catch up with Trijicon via Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.




    bushnell logo




    Bushnell has been the industry leader in high-performance sports optics for more than 65 years.  Their guiding principle is to provide the highest quality, most reliable and affordable sports optics products on the market, and they are great at that!  Some of our favorite products that have come into our office to try out have been Bushnell products.  Their products have consistently won design and performance awards, and their commitment to outstanding customer service and strong retailer partnerships is unmatched.  Bushnell is included in the Vista Outdoor brands, which also include a bunch of recognizable brands, such as: BLACKHAWK!, Weaver, Primos Hunting, Bolle, Camelbak, and many, many more!  Make sure to visit them at Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube!







    Vortex is known as “The Force of Optics”. What do they mean by that exactly? Well, they’re the people you go to for a huge variety from riflescopes, red dots, rangefinders, binoculars, and spotting scopes. They’re the people who have the same hobbies as you and have been out in the field. They’re the ones who know just what you need and just what you don’t. Vortex is a brand dedicated to giving you a great experience. Each product is handled with the attention and precision you expect. Being pre-inspected by the Vortex product experts, you’re sure to get the most bang for your buck. If you’re all about the social media, you can join the Vortex Nation by following Vortex on Twitter, Instagram, staying current with VortexNation.com, and liking their Facebook page or by watching new videos on Youtube.


    We were able to get some great Sponsors this year for this amazing cause!  Make sure to get the most out of your donation, and shop from this year’s Gear Up for a Cause sponsors.





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  • Grips: Fine Tune Your Foundation

    May 12 • Reviews • 6220

    Firearm grips, like many “One Size Fits All” designs, tend to be good but not great. Since your grip is one of the fundamentals of shooting, you want it to be great. So what do you do if you love everything about your gun except for the grip? Luckily, there is an assortment of products available to help get your grip just right.


    Identify What’s Lacking


    To get the perfect grip setup, you need to assess a couple factors. First off, narrow down what you are trying to change about your grip. Often people are looking to add texture to the grip in order to increase slip resistance. Sometimes, a factory grip is too aggressive and increasing the comfort of the grip enhances prolonged sessions at the range. Other issues can involve the thickness or the length of the grip. While most people are looking to increase functionality, there’s nothing wrong with changing a grip just for appearance’s sake. Identifying the type of change you want to make helps to ensure you get the right product. Next determine if you want the changes to be permanent or reversible. Now you are ready to shop.


    No Grips, Just a Frame


    Just because you don’t have removable grip panels on your gun, doesn’t mean that you are stuck with it as is. For the reversible option, there are an assortment of gun sleeves to choose from. They slip onto the gun, typically offering additional comfort and added thickness. I have a friend who uses a gun sleeve on her LC9 when we go to the range. The factory grip was taking a toll on her hand during sustained practice, but a Lyman Grip Sleeve fixed that. The best part is that it can be easily removed if desired for concealed carry.


    Ruger LC9 with Lyman Grip Sleeve and Lasermax laser

    Ruger LC9 with Lyman Grip Sleeve and Lasermax laser


    For a permanent option, frame stippling is very popular. Using a heated tip of asoldering iron, the polymer frame can be reworked for a different texture. While you can do this yourself (please practice first) it is highly advised that you employ someone who is experienced with stippling to do this service for you. A quick google search for “gun stippling” can show you how much the final result can vary and should give you a healthy dose of fear that you may ruin your frame. But the upside of this modification is that it can reshape the grip entirely, like removing finger grooves or creating a trigger guard undercut. But significant changes equals more labor which costs more money. So make sure it is what you want before you commit.


    Stippling on a Glock 34

    Stippling on a Glock 34


    Just like with Goldilocks, there is a 3rd option and in my opinion it is just right. Talon Grips makes laser cut, adhesive grip textures that are applied to the firearm and “set” with a heat gun (hairdryer). They have a massive variety of precut designs for most firearms and some AR grips, but they also sell the raw material so you can create your ideal grip from scratch. What isn’t as well known is that Talon offers their grip in a rubber texture as well as their more common granulate texture (think skateboard tape). I choose a rubberized pre-cut design to install on my Walther P22, but decided not to use the entire cutout. Instead I selected the areas I wanted to cover, wiped down the frame, applied the texturized sticker, and once it was perfectly placed I “locked” it in with a hair dryer. Simple, effective, and still offers a custom look. Like I said, just right.


    Walther P22 with Custom Talon Grips application

    Walther P22 with Custom Talon Grips application

    Got the Grips Off, Now What


    If you have a firearm with removable grips, like most metal frame handguns or revolvers, then take a look at Hogue grips. Whether you are after a more attractive grip or a more comfortable grip, or even both, odds are that Hogue has you covered. Go with the rubber overmold if you need to combat recoil and increase comfort, browse the G10 grips for eye catching functionality, or select a wooden grip for a classic look.


    For grips that need a little extra length, like my XDS, a grip extension is awesome. Grip extensions usually replace the magazine baseplate and provide additional space for the pinky finger to grip upon. They can also provide additional magazine capacity but do not always do so. The Pearce grip extension on my XDS does not increase magazine capacity. If you do go with a grip extension, Talon Grips has cut-outs for those as well so your grip is uniform from top to bottom.


    XDS with Pearce Grip Extension

    XDS with Pearce Grip Extension


    No matter what your preference is, make sure that your grip fits you. Just like there isn’t a single shoe for all foot sizes and applications, there isn’t a single firearm grip that suits all hands and applications. Don’t worry if you still can’t pick your grip, there’s enough choices to give anyone pause. If you are really stumped, drop us a line and we can work through the options together.




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