• Spotlight at Night: ATN Night Scout

    Sep 15 • News • 3211

    ATN is an industry leader in Night Vision technology, including binoculars, spotting scopes, and riflescopes. This post is devoted to highlighting one of the strongest but commonly overlooked ATN products.

    The ATN Night Scout Night Vision Binoculars

    If you are looking for Night Vision Binoculars with both power and efficiency in design, you can stop looking. For a 1st generation NVD, the specifications do not get more impressive. The ATN Night Scout Night Vision Binoculars feature 5X magnification, 35,000 light gain and a high resolution intensifier tube. The resolution is 40 lines per millimeter, which is the most you will find for a first generation night vision unit. But, it is not the power of these binoculars that makes them stand out, but rather the impressive efficiency considerations they include. For example, instead of two intensifier tubes, there is only one. This might come off as a negative, but the truth here is counter-intuitive for two reasons. First, the most expensive part of a NVD is the intensifier tube, so having only one saves you money with little sacrifice in performance.

    With only one intensifier tube, you may be wondering why not purchase a monocular or biocular? The reason is that with binoculars, you still get the depth perception that monoculars and bioculars cannot provide. Additionally, these ATN Night Scout Binoculars include a proximity sensor which works exceptionally well. The proximity sensor activates the binoculars when they are close to your eyes, and turns them off when you set them down. This efficient innovation saves battery life. We carry batteries for all the equipment we sell.

    Other than time, it also saves something even more valuable: time. Whether you are hunting, hiking or doing night surveillance, the difference between sighting what you need and missing the opportunity is a matter of seconds. With the proximity sensor, you will never spend an extra second fiddling around with your ATN Night Vision Device. It is always on when you need it, and off when you do not.

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  • 5.11 Tactical Shooting Gear Bag Reviewed

    Sep 15 • News • 5124

    5.11 Tactical Range Ready Bag from 5.11 Tactical is so versatile and tough that you are unlikely to need another carrying bag. This blog post is dedicated to explaining why.

    Your ability to use your firearm and shooting accessories is limited by your ability to carry them to your desired destination. Leave it to 5.11 Tactical Carrying Bags to solve the problem. When you examine the 5.11 Range Ready Duffel Bag, it exudes quality. This shooting bag is double stitched everywhere which contributes to its solid construction. The shoulder strap is very wide, padded, and contoured to fit your shoulder. The D-rings that connect the strap to the gun bag are also wide and very sturdy. The strap is easy enough to remove when you desire, but will never come undone accidently.

    The dimensions of the Range Ready Gun Bag are 24″x16″x10″. Running out of space with this 5.11 Tactical Shooting Bag is very improbable . There are 5 compartments (1 large, and 4 medium), and some nooks, and crannies for all your gun and firearm accessories, including a bottle holder and 8 double stack (high cap) magazine pouches sown into the inside of the external pouch. It can even fit multiple firearms. For both convenience and security, all compartments on the 5.11 Tactical Bag are double zippered. The large pouch opens 90 degrees which is an underrated feature; shooting bags are often big enough for your stuff, but the openings are not. You end up having to take apart or cram your gun accessories into the bag.

    If this was not enough, this tactical bag also includes a completely removable bag useable by itself. Like its mother shooting bag, this mini-bag uses sturdy D-rings as well. It has 2 zippered compartments, 2 hook and loop dividers, and a drop pouch with a mesh bottom.

    The frame of the carrying bag stands by itself unlike some of the flimsy gun bags. Water resistance goes without saying. If you are veteran shooter or hunter, you will do at least some shooting in the rain, and this bag is key for that. There are 5 rubber feet at the bottom for maximum stability for wet and inclined surfaces.

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  • Steiner Peregrine Binoculars Worth it!

    Aug 22 • News • 3794

    Optics aficionados and fans of Steiner Binoculars are very familiar with the Steiner Peregrine Binoculars.  They probably became even more familiar in 2008 when the Steiner Peregrine XP were awarded the “Optic of the Year” award by American Hunter Magazine.  This high end binocular comes in two variants: Steiner 10×44 Peregrine XP Binoculars 814, and Steiner 8×44 Peregrine XP Binoculars 804.  These binoculars feature some of the most cutting edge attributes available, which makes them useful as both bird watching binoculars and hunting binoculars.
    The Peregrine binoculars XP by Steiner use lightweight magnesium housing as well as Steiner’s unique nitrogen purging and pressurization system to keep water out.  These are one of the most waterproof binoculars available.  From an optics standpoint, you cannot help but smile.  44mm objective lenses mean that you will be receiving plenty of light.  The specially coated 30 mm ocular lens alongside XP Lens Technology mean that focusing time will be minimal for both up close and distant objects.  In addition, the new specifications offer the user an unusually high depth of field, uncommon with roof prism binoculars and extremely advantageous in low light bird watching.
    Once you get your hands on these binoculars, you will not want to let go.  The new ergonomically designed body, and the durable protective rubber covering give these binoculars a very sturdy feel.
    How do you decide which of these German Binoculars to buy?  As always, Optics Planet Inc. recommends purchasing products that fit your needs.  The same way you do not need a sledge hammer to drive in a thumb tac, you do not need extra magnification if you plan on observing from relatively close distances.  If this is the case, you should get the Steiner 8×44 Peregrine XP Binoculars 804 because their magnification is smaller.  There are advantages to having lower power binoculars; a wide field of view is one of them.  At 1,000 yards, the Peregrine XP 804 have a 390 feet FOV, while the Peregrine XP 814 Binoculars have a field of view of 328 feet.  Also, 8x magnification results in a larger exit pupil which translates to a slightly brighter picture.  Finally, the 8x Peregrine Binoculars are easier to focus because they are less sensitive to the slight trembling in your arm when peering through them.  Do not be discouraged from buying the 10x Peregrine Binoculars.  These are extremely powerful binoculars for bird watching, and in the right hands can yield a spectacular image.  Just keep in mind that they are more difficult for novices to use as birding binoculars.


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  • Thermal Imaging – Night Vision Alternative

    Aug 22 • News • 4083

    The ATN Thermal-Eye X50 is an entry level ATN thermal imagerThermal imagers detect heat signatures from all objects generating more heat than their surroundings.  You may recognize the use of this technology from the show “Cops.”  After the drunk driver crashes into a tree, he emerges from his car and tries to escape the police.  Little does he know that soaring above is a police helicopter equipped with a powerful thermal imager capable of pinpointing his location no matter where he runs.  Thermal imaging cameras let you harness the same power for your purposes.  The Thermal-Eye X 50 by ATN serves a variety of purposes:
    Firefighters can find victims in low visibility and smoky conditions.  Also, after a fire is extinguished, firefighters can quickly identify the remaining hotspots.
    •Rescuers can detect casualties in rubble for faster search and rescue.
    Law Enforcement officers can spot criminals trying to escape the law.
    Military officers can use thermal imaging for any of the above purposes and others


    Comparable in price to a Gen 2 Night Vision unit, the ATN Thermal-Eye X50 offers certain advantages over conventional nocturnal imaging devices.   Because it is impossible to hide a heat signature, neither a camouflaged fugitive, nor a coyote in the brush can go undetected from this thermal imager.  In fact, the ATN Thermal Eye is so sensitive that it can read your palm print on the surface of a table after you have removed your hand, or the heat generated from the friction from under your footstep.  It can even be used to identify heat leaks in areas of your house; this can save you hundreds of dollars on your heating bills.  Despite the high level of sensitivity, this thermal camera is immune to the bloom effects of bright lights typical of Night Vision Devices.  Another interesting distinction between the thermal imaging devices and traditional night vision devices is that the X50 has an output which can be connected to or recorded on a television or computer.  The point is, this thermal imaging camera is very sensitive, and has a wide variety of useful applications.  If you think this device can be useful to you, and you have the money to invest, you should seriously consider the ATN Thermal-Eye X-50 Thermal Imaging Camera as an alternative or accompaniment to your NVDs.

    Do not forget that thermal cameras require two commercial AA batteries, either lithium batteries or alkaline batteries.


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  • Wenger Swiss Army Knives with Cigar Cutter!

    Aug 21 • News • 5188

    The Swiss Army knife with cigar cutter by Wenger is a favorite knife by far! It has everything you need whether you’re going hunting, birding, or just relaxing outdoors. The unique feature, which really gives this butterfly knife a great spin, is the cigar cutter with double-honed edges. It is really a great folding knife to have because nobody would carry around bulky cigar cutters. When you travel to your summer home and want to unwind, your cigar cutting needs are all taken care of by your Wenger Swiss Pocket Knife 16881. The bright red color is easy to spot if you drop it in the forest while you’re camping or lose it in your oversized hiking bag. The Wenger Cigars Cutter also comes with 2.4″ springless self-sharpening scissors, which never fail their job. The corkscrew is always there to keep your romantic getaway truly romantic. Or, if you’re on a more laid-back trip, the Wenger Army Knife has your back with built in can opener and can lifter capabilities. Furthermore, this survival knife is really a life saver and if you’re ever in a tight spot, the Wenger will help you out with reamer, awl, patented locking screwdriver, and wire stripper features. This custom knife is so versatile and unisex that it even comes with tweezers, a toothpick, and an all-purpose 2.5″ blade. The Wenger Swiss Pocket Knife Cigar Cutter also comes in stainless steel (16630) and stainless steel/leather (16886) versions.

    In addition to Wenger Swiss Pocket Knives Cigar Cutter with Scissors, make sure to check out Wenger Watches and other Wenger products offered in our store.

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