• Safariland Pro-Fit Holster

    Oct 23 • News • 8083

    Have a handgun collection that’ll put most small gun shops to shame? If you answered “Yes” to that question then Safariland’s GLS Pro-Fit holster is the solution for the age old dilemma that’s currently plaguing you-needing a specific holster for every gun. While yes there’s no such thing as “universal” or “one size fits most” when talking about anything firearm related, especially holsters, Safariland has basically bestowed on the GLS Pro-fit holster the adage “one size fits many”.


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    The GLS Pro-fit is a simple design that allows the user to safely retain over 20 different gun makes and models all from the same series holster. I know what you’re thinking because trust me I thought it too, “jack of all trades, master of none”. Sure anything that’s built to accept a wide range of different size guns probably isn’t going to give you the same fit of a custom crafted kydex or leather offering but I have to tell you after really delving into this particular GLS Pro-fit 578 compact it fits every gun I’ve shoved in it very well. A lot of this has to due with some pretty unique features that set it apart from other “universal” holsters.

    The built-in inner skeleton of the holster sports a proprietary retention tightening system that appears to be the first of it’s kind in the industry and is easily adjusted by a single set screw in the back of the holster. The gun you put in it is moving a little too much? Right tighty….. The opposite holds true for allowing your chosen handgun to draw smoother from retention.


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    Everything else is standard Safariland quality, like included paddle and belt loop attachments and overall attention to detail in the molding process. I kind of sort wish there was more flash to the holster but it just does what it was designed to do and doesn’t use flash or pizazz to wrangle you in.

    You hear a lot that the gun you carry says a lot about you. If the same can be said about what holster you wrap around your firearm than the Safariland GLS Pro-Fit series embodies an individual that is proficient in many different handguns and readily accepts the freedom of carrying a different gun regularly but with the same tried and true holster.

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  • 5.11 Ridgeline-Tactical Pant Awesomeness

    Oct 22 • Videos • 16575

    While I personally prefer to wear a nicely built jean over any type of pants, if I know that I’m going to doing some sort of activity like shooting, hiking, climbing, etc. – these 5.11 Tactical Ridgeline pants are what I throw on every time.


    Watch my video review of the pants above and let me know what you think in the comments below!

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  • Vote & Win with the 2015 Brilliance Awards & Sweepstakes!

    Oct 16, 15 • News

  • 4 Prize Packages, 4 Chances to Win! With Stock Your Safe Sweepstakes

    Oct 13 • News • 4958

    There is no feeling like that little four letter word that causes butterflies in your stomach, sweaty palms and has the ability to make one have a loss for words. FREE! What other word comes close?   Just reading it puts a huge smile on my face. I feel it is my duty to spread the feeling of FREE to others. The only way to spread this feeling of FREE is by introducing OpticsPlanet’s Stock Your Safe Sweepstakes.  


    Each prize package has been tailored to anyone from the amateur shooter, competitive shooter, hunter, or even someone just looking to protect their home. At this moment you should feel a slight flutter in your stomach. If so, don’t fight it!

    This sweepstakes is comprised of four mini campaigns. Please keep in mind each prize package will only be available for a short period of time.


    The Leupold Ultimate Whitehall Package:

                    This package has a run date of  10/13/2015-11/2/2015 and is valued at $2514. The combination of the Remington Model 700 SPS 308 Rifle and other included accessories in this package will help turn the least experienced rifle user into an accurate shooter. This package also includes:


    The Bushnell Trophy Hunting Package:

    With run dates of 11/3/2015-11/23/2015 and valued at $2221, Savage Arms Weather Warrior 300 Win Mag Rifle heads this package.  For the sporting shooter, Savages detail of safety is sure to impress you with its’ Accuracy Technology. This package also includes:


    The Vortex Range Master Package:

    This package is running 11/24/2015-12/14/2015 and  valued at $2596, includes an Armalite M-15 13” 3-Gun Rifle. This M-15 is Armalite’s flagship competition rifle. This package also includes:


    The Crimson Trace Personal Defense Package:

     This package is running 12/15/2015-1/4/2016 and is valued at $1566. If you are looking to replace your everyday pistol, the Springfield XD-S 3.3” Single Stack 9mm can do just that. Although slightly smaller in size, this 9mm is just as powerful as a full size pistol and will meet your concealed carry concerns. This package also includes:


    But wait, there is more! What if you had the opportunity to win all four prize packages? It is possible. There is no restriction on how many packages someone can win.  You can be one of four people to win a package or be the only person to win all four packages.


    Is it safe to assume your mouth being open is a sign that you are at a loss for words?  Yeah, free has a tendency of doing that to you.

    In the meantime, click HERE and enter to win! Good luck!


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  • Budget Answer to Your Medium-Long Range Scope Needs

    Sep 23 • News • 43863

    “I want a scope to shoot 1,000 yards but don’t want to spend over $500, what should I get?” If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked that question or seen it plastered on forums… well I’d have a lot of dollars. The real answer to that question is you should get a higher paying job or save more money because what you’re asking for is a unicorn. Not unlike the laws of physics, magnified optics have an undisputable relationship between overall capability and cost

    I’m going to get this out of the way right away, the Vanguard Endeavor 4-12x scope which the rest of this article is about, is not what I’d use to successfully engage a target at the mythical “1,000 yard” range. Then again, that’s not what it was built for. You don’t buy a pickup truck with the expectation that it’ll go toe to toe with a corvette at a stop light.

    This $350ish Endeavor 4-12x40mm scope is a workhorse. I’ve had it mounted up on an AR10 for a little over 4 months now and it’s been dropped out of my gun case (not willingly) a few too many times and still looks as good as it did when I first pulled it out of the box. Not too mention these brain fart “oh crap” moments have proven to absolutely nothing to the guts of the scope even at distance.


    A lot of the mentioned durability goes back to the overall construction and build quality of this specific scope. I can’t speak to the other products that Vanguard makes but this Endeavor model had none of the same attributes that similarly priced optics have. The power ring is smooth and takes the perfect amount of force to change your mag.  What I’m sure many of you can attest is that all too often on cheaper scopes the magnification adjustment aka power ring is so light that a stiff breeze will have you unwantedly at a less than ideal magnification.



    There’s a laundry list of other features on the scope that are more or less standard options on todays’ riflescopes like a fast focus eyepiece which might I add has an extremely comfortable rubber outside. The capped turrets keep you from losing zero when you’re putting this glass to hard use out in the real world. While an illuminated reticle would’ve been the cherry on top, a parallax adjustment knob takes the place of your typical brightness settings.

    Blah blah blah, you’ve heard it all before. What sets this scope apart from others in this price range, you ask?  The Hoya ED glass. I am by no means a glass snob but I’ve been lucky enough to own some pretty nice (expensive) scopes that are stupidly clear. I’m going to go out on  limb here and say this Endeavor 4-12 has the best optical clarity out of riflescopes not only +/- $100 it’s cost but easily gives $600-$700 glass a run for its money. Whites are actually white and you get no bending or distortion on the outside edges of your view.



    As they say, the proof is in the pudding and my first time zeroing the scope I was shooting sub 1MOA groups at 100 yards. “Woopty Doo….” It gets better, at 200 yards with an 18″ barrel AR10, Freedom Munitions remanufactured 308, and this scope, I was able to punch a 5 shot 1.25 MOA group at max magnification. For my non Alvin York  marksmanship abilities, this is as good as good gets. Part of me thinks it was divine intervention or the guy next to me at the range shooting my target by accident. Kidding aside, this rifle/ammo/ scope combination just works. I haven’t been able to push this setup past 250 yet but based on the boringly consistent groups I’ve been getting and the BDC reticle, any target/game under 700 yards is toast.

    Normally at this point in the article you hear phrases like “this scope is the best ever, buy it here now!!!” If you’ve read my other articles before then you know I’m against forcing any product down your throat. My final word on the Vanguard Endeavor 4-12×40 ED scope is as follows. It will not have you taking podiums in precision rifle matches but if you need a pretty nice scope for your rifle and you’re not expecting to shoot out to infinity and beyond, then congratulations what you have here is the best value for the money in its magnification range.



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