• Pro Shooter Powerhouse -Team Geissele

    Jun 15 • News • 9645

    The other day I got to sit down with the man, the myth, the shooting legend himself Mr. Rob Romero and talk about the new Team Geissele. Before I get into what he had to say, I want to set the record straight once and for all. Say it with me now, Geissele = Guys-lee. Not jizzell or guyzell or any other backwards pronunciation.


    With that out of the way….


    For those of us that dont know, who’s on Team Geissele?

    R: Team Geissele is made up of myself (Rob Romero), Jansen Jones, and Kalani Laker.


    Where do your guys’ roots lie?

    R: My roots personally come from competing with a pistol in USPSA. Jansen has similar experiences but also has a hunting background. Kalani too came from the USPSA side of things but has quite a bit of tactical training and long range precision rifle experience.


    Does each member of the team have their own specialty or specific skill that they bring to the table?

    R: We’ve all been doing this for quite a while so majority of the skills are now mental skills. We all have various strengths and weaknesses when it comes to how we approach shooting but no one person outshines the other in rifle, pistol, or shotgun and that’s what makes this team jive together so well.


    Since 3-Gun isnt a team sport, how do you feel about competing against each other when you’re at the same match?

    R: Obviously it would be better if we all were shooting different divisions but Tac Ops/Practical has the most competition and some others require equipment that we’re not necessarily 100% confident in. With that said, I would much rather shoot well and not win against Kalani than shoot another division poorly and lose against someone else. . .


    What is Team Geissele all about? What are you guys doing differently than everyone else?

    R: Jansen and I come from the Noveske Shooting Team and originally it was to stay out in front of what everyone else is doing. You know you want to innovate and do new things and avoid the pitfalls or traps that everyone else is falling into. Whether it be the 3-gun videos that we started doing which nobody else was doing at the time or doing 3 gun training. Nowadays, as you can imagine, life takes over. I have kids, Kalani has kids, and Jansen has a few jobs so we’ve had to cut back on the amount of videos or “extra stuff” we can do. I will say this, the one thing that kind of differentiates us is we’re all business. Sure we all like to have fun and socialize with other shooters but at the end of the day, we go to matches to win and that’s it….


    Where do you see this team going?

    R: We all kind of know that there are a few factors that will ultimately determine the fate of Team Geissele outside of us guys on the team. Whether people want to admit it or not, the 3-Gun Nation TV show has a lot to do with where 3 Gun is going. So as long as the audience continues to grow for that show and the sponsors are happy and keep supporting then our team will be alright.


    Where can fans of the team see you guys shooting at?

    R: We’re all over the map this year.

    -Jansen and I will be at the Nordic Components Shotgun Match in Minnesota June 27th.

    – Kalani will be at the 3-Gun Nation Regional June 27th and 28th which is a really cool match to go check out because its actually on the Virginia International Racetrack grounds.

    -Jansen and I will be at the Warsport Team Challenge July 11th-12th in New Hill, NC.

    -Kalani, Jansen and I will be at the 3-Gun Nation Regional in West Virginia August 1st-3rd.

    – Jansen and I will be at the Benelli Shotgun Championship August 7th and 8th at Rockcastle Shooting Center in Kentucky.

    -Kalani will be at the Pro-Am at Rockcastle Shooting Center August 21st – 23rd.

    I’m sure there’s a few I’m missing but either way you can check out our complete match schedule and updates here. If you happen to make it out to any of these events, as long as we’re not at the shooting line, stop anyone of us and say hey!




    A few days after I did this phone interview with Rob, I got to shoot the Freedom Munitions Multi-gun match in the same squad as Kalani, Jansen, and Rob. What I can tell you firsthand is that these guys really do embody the phrase “True Professionals”.  I was able to sit back and watch them in the wild and from their blazing fast runs to their polite but efficient demeanor, I can say they’re reminiscent of the Jordan, Pippen, Rodman Chicago Bulls days- a powerhouse of different skills that kick ass and take names.

    Now the real question is, which one is Rodman? I’ll let you guys decide that one. As always, shoot-em straight and be safe!

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  • Fisher House Grand Opening

    Gear Up for a Win with Gear Up for a Cause

    Jun 3 • News • 5656

    As we come to the end of Gear Up for a Cause, resident Gear Expert Clair B. walks you through our charity of choice and awesome sweepstakes prizes one last time.




    You have all really been taking advantage of our incredible Gear Up for a Cause deals, and we can hardly blame you! There’s something fulfilling about checking off your wish list and knowing that you’re donating to veterans in need at the same time. And honestly, when was the last time a charity campaign gave you the opportunity to win new weapons from FNH, as well as 40 other prizes? This is the perfect time to give yourself a chance to win some great guns and other prizes, as well as get gear from all of your favorite brands at a crazy discount.


    If you’ve been out enjoying the weather over the past month and managed to miss these awesome deals, Gear Up for a Cause is OpticsPlanet’s latest way to save you money and serve the community. For the rest of June, a percentage from every purchase on our website will be donated to the Fisher House Foundation, a deserving organization that helps military families by providing cost-free housing near VA hospitals. They’ve been serving military vets for 25 years by allowing their families to remain close while they get the treatment they desperately need. You can learn more about the Fisher House Foundation, an 11-time Charity Navigator 4-star pick, by reading last month’s in-depth feature on them, and why we think they’re so incredible.  This is our biggest promotion yet, and we’re going all out to ensure your dollar makes a difference in the life of someone who fought for you and your family.



    Fisher House


    With one month down and one more to go, we still have many more sales that will blow your mind. A handful of your favorite brands have jumped on our bandwagon to offer exceptional deals throughout the next month, so you can expect savings from Leupold, Vortex, Crimson Trace, and more. For every product you purchase from our sponsors, we’ll give the Fisher House Foundation an extra 1% of our sales. If you’ve been saving up for a top of the line Trijicon night sight or can’t wait to get your hands on an ATN night vision scope, now is the time to buy and know your purchase makes a difference.


    Oh, and did we mention our incredible sweepstakes? With huge prizes and cool instant win gear, how can you go wrong? Simply enter here for a chance to win our top prizes, including FNH USA firearms and Freedom Munitions ammo gift cards to keep you shooting all day long. Our grand prize is worth over $6,500 and includes a decked out FNH USA FN 15™ DMR Rifle, along with a Trijicon Riflescope, an EOTech Holographic Weapon Sight, a Streamlight Weapon Light, an ATN Night Vision Scope, and a $500 Freedom Munitions gift card. Who wouldn’t try to win that huge package of all the best gear?

    FNH Landscape


    Our first and second prize winners are going to make out pretty well too. For first prize, you can go home with a new FNH USA FNS™-9 Compact Handgun and a valuable Freedom Munitions Ammo gift card. If I was the winner, I’d be on my way to the range the second my prize arrived on my doorstep. The second prize winner can thank his lucky stars as well when he receives a Crimson Trace Laser Sight, Nikon Spotting Scope, BLACKHAWK! Bag, OPMOD Range Bag, Vortex Red Dot, Leupold Riflescope, Burris Scope Mount, and a Freedom Munitions gift card. No matter what you win, you’re walking away with gear you’ve been craving for years.


    As if that wasn’t enough, we’ve pulled together some of our favorite products and are giving away instant win prizes all month long. All you need to do to have a chance to win a new laser sight, binocular, or 26 other awesome prizes is come back daily to the Gear Up for a Cause Sweepstakes on OpticsPlanet and play the instant win game. Sounds sweet, right? We think so!


    Time is running out to get your entries in. With our contests ending June 30th, you only have a few more days to ensure that you’re in the running for all of our awesome prizes from Bushnell, OPMOD, Burris, and more. So what’re you waiting for? There’s no purchase necessary, but you can earn up to ten additional entries when you splurge on all that new equipment. When your wife asks where your paycheck went, just say you’ve been helping the vets.



    Here at OpticsPlanet, we love giving back to the community, and we aim to give upwards of $40,000 to the Fisher House Foundation. These veterans need our help to receive the care and attention they deserve, and by keeping military families together, we can help foster a healthier and more positive community for those who fought for our freedom. You can help us achieve our goal with every purchase you make this month from OpticsPlanet.


    Have a veteran or an active member on duty that deserves a little recognition? Tell us about the service members whom you respect and honor in the comments below!



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  • Father's Day

    7 Killer Gift Ideas for Father’s Day – Come Here You Old Son of a Gun!

    May 25 • News • 8527

    This week, we have resident gear expert and son extraordinaire Jeremy “The Deer Hunter”  Handel here to walk you through some of his can’t miss gift ideas for dad this Father’s Day.


    With father’s day right around the corner, I am reminded of one very important thing. I have a father, and it is more than likely that most of you do as well. And if you are anything like me you have an overbearing, SOB of a father who is likely to disown you if you forget the most important of patriarchal holidays (just messing with you dad…not really). Now, we all know that it is just as easy to pretend you forgot to get him something, that you left it at home or it hasn’t arrived in the mail yet. This will buy you some time, but if you want him off your back until Christmas, his birthday or whichever comes first, you’ll eventually have to get him something.



    My personal go-to is the mushy, sit-com, Beaver Cleaver styled gift in which no money is actually spent. You’ve seen it a hundred times, the personalized note, drawing, or macaroni necklace. This approach is really only successful if you’re under the age of 13, after which it ceases to be cute and may be seen as an issue worthy of a specialist. This type of gift is likely to swell a father’s pride and make him cry tears of joy, as his amazing son or daughter has done something incredibly thoughtful for him. This method may not work for those of you who have less emotional fathers. In which case, I have a backup plan for you.



    The traditional father’s day gift will always be a hit. Nice looking watches, socks or ties are tried and true standards. But that’s too easy. Let’s have some fun and get your dad something he really wants.



    FLIR Scout II

    FLIR Scout II

    For the technically inclined father, thermal night vision units… Now, this may not be the most practical gift for everyone, but I can all but guarantee your father will spend hours looking at inanimate objects, just for fun. I played with a FLIR Scout II 240 the other day for 5 minutes or so, and I was about ready to trade in my life savings just to see how warm (or, more likely, not warm) my friend’s brains are.



    Garmin GPS

    Garmin GPS

    Also for the technically inclined padre, a GPS will easily alleviate any concern your mother may have about your father’s stubborn attitude towards stopping and asking for directions. Garmin GPS units are simple to operate, so you dad will definitely look like he knows what he’s doing. At the same time, your father will be saved the embarrassment of being yelled at by his wife when he’s “not lost”. It’s a win-win!



    Now, I know that not every father in the world is a gadget fan. I call those dads, weirdos. Nah, just kidding dads out there…all of you are very, very weird.



    Leupold BX-2 Cascades

    Leupold BX-2 Cascades

    If your dad is into the great outdoors, then I have a RealTreet for you (sorry, I couldn’t help myself). Whether hunting, camping or observing the breath-taking, beautiful scene that is the nature of the world, the ability to blend into your environment can make or break your trip. For instance, what father wouldn’t enjoy a camouflage binocular, backpack, riflescope or jacket? Well…mine for starters, but that doesn’t count, since his favorite pass-time is television. A Leupold Cascades 10×42 Binocular is a reasonably priced option that you dad is sure to get a ton of use from.



    Eagle Claw

    Eagle Claw

    So, I am pretty positive that I’ve never met a man who has fathered children and also hates fishing. Since the beginning of time, any man who claims fatherhood has, in turn, forced their child to go fishing with them at 4:30 in the morning when “the fish are bitin’ like ants at a picnic”. A brand new fishing rod, reel, lure or line from Eagle Claw may not have him crying tears of joy, but maybe some water will splash on his face while you’re out fishing, and you can pretend that you’ve finally jarred some emotion loose.



    ESS Ice Sunglasses

    ESS Ice Sunglasses

    If your father is a handgun shooter, then a holster, a pair of shooting glasses, a concealed carry shirt or a range bag is a surefire way to get off your dad’s hit list and onto his good side. For shooting glasses, I saw a video in which a pair of ESS Ice Sunglasses were forced to endure impact from a variety of sources without breaking. I was pretty impressed with their ability to take punishment, and since your dad probably hasn’t met your match for people and objects that are able to take punishment, he will definitely be impressed too.



    Leatherman MUT EOD Multi-tool

    Leatherman MUT EOD Multi-tool

    For the papas out there whom are easily mesmerized by things that are shiny, sharp, and look like they are right out of a Philip K Dick novel, the multi-tools being produced today are insanely cool and more reminiscent of alien devices than they are of tools.  That said, with all the impressive multi-tool options out there today, I can pretty much guarantee that your dad will find any opportunity he can to use the one you give him. As an exampleLeatherman MUT EOD multi-tools are some of the coolest I’ve seen in a while.



    Pelican 1170 Watertight Case

    Pelican 1170 Watertight Case

    If your father is none of the above, then…ummm…how about a dry box? With a dry box the possibilities are limited only by your father’s imagination, however bizarre. No matter what your father is into he will definitely find a use for an o-ring sealed, empty box. Not only that, it will still look like you put in effort. Especially if you can tell him you got it for his collection of rare marbles, or whatever obscure practice your dad calls a hobby. For this option I recommend a Pelican 1170 or 1400. Both are incredibly versatile and surprisingly nice for what more or less equates to an empty box.



    Now all you have to do is figure out which type of father you have, and you’ll be all set!


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  • And the Grand Prize Goes To… You! A Look at Gear Up for a Cause’s Prize Guns from FNH

    May 25 • News • 8695

    This week, we have resident gear expert Jeremy “The Deer Hunter”  Handel here to walk you through the guns we are giving away as part of this month’s Gear Up for a Cause campaign.



    There are few experiences in the world more exciting than when two things come together in perfect harmony. Bread and slicing, cats and pajamas, guns and ammo, and birds and bees are some very good examples. It was with this in mind that OpticsPlanet developed this year’s Gear Up For a Cause campaign, which brings together two of FNH’s band spanking new, top of the line firearms and one amazing charity campaign. Charity and FREE guns?! That is a combo worthy of the ages, and I for one could not possibly be more ecstatic. Not only are they supporting a great charity that I can feel good contributing to, they are also supporting me in my famously ridiculous love of all things weapon!



    First off, let me take a quick second to talk about Gear Up For a Cause. All spring long, OpticsPlanet is offering a collection of incredible Gear Up for a Cause sales events from some of your favorite brands. Best of all, they are donating a portion of their proceeds from these events to the amazing Fisher House Foundation. Having served more than 25,000 families in 2014 alone, the Fisher House Foundation provides a no cost, comfortable place to live for the spouses and children of active duty personnel and veterans undergoing medical treatment. For 25 years they have been helping to ease the stress of military families that truly need it, and we encourage you all to go check it out.



    Now let’s get to the fun stuff…In addition to the charity campaign I mentioned, OpticsPlanet is also running a Gear Up for a Cause Sweepstakes. There are over 40 prizes available, including riflescopes, binoculars, and ammo. However I want to talk to you today about my two favorite prizes on the docket –brand new FNH firearms!



    FNH FNS9

    Designed for easy concealment and lightning fast draw, the FNS-9 Series Compact Handgun is not so much speaking to my inner gun nerd, as it is yelling at him at the top of its lungs. The FNS 9 Compact has such a sleek look it should be in a showroom displayed in the center of the floor with a single white light hovering over it for all to see, as it elegantly rests upon a silken red pillow. I’m pretty sure tiny naked angels are playing harps in the background. Not only does this 9mm look fantastic, it’s packed with some genuinely impressive performance features! Polymer frame construction, a large front dot, a stainless steel slide, and a cold hammer-forged barrel, are few of the many features you will have the pleasure of experiencing with this excellent handgun. Now, my friends know that I am addicted to flashlights, lasers and random accessories for no reason other than they are extraordinarily cool to play with, look at and show off at the range. And what sci-fi geek / gun nerd wouldn’t love to make their gun look like it’s straight out of Star Ship Troopers? I certainly don’t have the answer to that ridiculous question. That said (yes I actually do have a point), the Compact 9mm is a great gun to mount your favorite accessories on. Thanks to the Picatinny rail on the bottom of the barrel, there is no limit (well…there is SOME limit) to the things you can do with your brand new 9mm.




    And now… The moment you’ve all been waiting for… The FNH USA, FN 15 series, carbine length, AR15 styled, tactical rifle! Pardon me for a second while I drool all over my keyboard and ruin my clothing. I haven’t been able to try one yet, but that shouldn’t last too long. My word, is that a fantastic looking rifle or what?! My wife would very much prefer that I didn’t get another gun that I don’t need, but I am going over her head on this one. Featuring a 16-inch, button-broached, chrome-lined barrel and a collapsible, 6 position stock with a handy sling mount, there is no tactical shooter out there that won’t love donning this awesome AR in the field. I seriously can’t wait to get mine, slap a scope on it (or red dot, I have so many to choose from that I can’t decide), and take it to the range. Without informing my wife, of course.



    Now I hear you asking yourselves, “DH, how on earth do I obtain entry into this outstanding contest so that I might procure one of these awe inspiring firearms?!” Well, that, my friends is the easy part. Simply fill out this form and you’ll be entered for your chance to win one of these excellent prizes.



    So, my very good friends, companions and well-wishers, stop by OpticsPlanet, check out some of their once in a lifetime deals and enter this amazing contest. Trust me, win or lose you will be glad you stopped by.



    Until Next Time!

    Your friend,

    Jeremy “The Deer Hunter” Handel



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  • Glock “GO-Fast” Mods

    May 20 • News • 61912

    With more accessories and parts available for it than a 95 honda civic, finding the right modifications for my Glock 34 was the tallest of tasks indeed. The end use of this famed amalgamation of polymer and tenifer finished steel is that of a competition pistol in tac optics (practical) for 3Gun. It could also be used as a limited minor gun in USPSA if I felt like going back to my competitive pistol roots.


    So what’s a guy with a bone stock Glock 34 and just under a $500 budget to do?


    MOD One Firearms Slide Work



    There’s only a handful of things that I don’t  attempt, one of those is machining the slide of my gun. After a week of looking all over the internet, I stumbled on the MOD One page and was instantly hooked on the fact that it’s a one man operation. The owner does all of the carefully crafted work himself, which to me is quite a cool feeling to know that one guy spent his time making my slide perfect from start to finish.  An email or two, one month, and a lot less pesos than I was expecting later and this is how my slide came back. Now the sky’s the limit with what you get done to your gun in their shop but I opted for more function than flash and chose to get the lightning cuts (which reduce weight), angled front cocking serrations (allow for easier press checks or charging the gun on the clock), “Bob” Cut (reduces weight and looks cool), and lastly had it cerakoted wolf gray just because.



    Zev Tech Magwell



    Unlike IDPA or USPSA, pistol magazine reloads aren’t nearly as common in 3-Gun matches. This big Ol’ hunk of stainless steel serves four separate tasks. The first and most important of which is that it just looks badass. No? The three actual benefits of this specific ZEV Tech magwell are as follows, weight, improved firing grip, and aides in reloading. The weight is one of the biggest factors for me and the 7.6oz weight of it really helps balance out the recoil since it’s adding roughly 30% of the guns original weight to the furthest point on the lightweight polymer frame- physics 101…

    Although I won’t need to be doing as many pistol reloads, when one does happen, the magwell is essentially a giant funnel for my fresh mag and helps reduce the “whoopsy” factor. Lastly because of its size and the fact that it encroaches onto the frame, the bottom portion of your palm ends up resting on the magwell when firing. In my opinion this altered grip is better than the infamous poor Glock grip angle.



    Yes I could’ve went out and spent $100/$150 on a drop in Glock trigger but guess what I didn’t do that. Instead I opted for the most economical bang for the buck which is the Lone Wolf ultimate trigger stop, 3.5lb ghost connector and competition spring pack.

    Why? The combination of these affordable parts and a little bit of polishing gives you a sub 3lb trigger that breaks cleanly and allows for really fast double taps. Remember I’m not going to be shooting bullseye targets at 50 yards with my pistol and this setup is, for the most part, good enough to compete with for now.





    Nothing too crazy again here. I went with a HIViz red fiber optic front sight and a blacked out serrated rear sight as it allows my eyes to pick up the front sight extremely quickly.



    Stippling/ Framework



    Stippling aka adding texture to the frame via little holes burnt into it, truly makes all the difference in putting as much surface area of your hands as possible on the grip of the gun. I also went nuts with my dremel and a sanding bit to remove and round the area under the trigger guard where your middle finger rests. This pretty much gets your hand as high as possible on the gun and ultimately helps mitigate the ferocity of 9mm round’s recoil. (Cleary joking)

    In all seriousness this is the one part of the project that I kind of sort of wish I left to the professionals and by professionals I mean the one man army of MOD One Firearms. Before I even found out about the aforementioned pistol custom shop, I went to town on the Glock frame with a soldering iron. While it came out okay and gets the job done, their shop knocks frame work out of the park.



    So does it all make a difference?



    Does a bear @#$% in the woods? Heck YEAH!  After putting just over 2k rounds of 124gr 9mm through the gun so far, I’ve noticed quite a few things. It shoots unbelievably smooth, so smooth in fact that I can track the front sight much easier when shooting quickly. That’s probably from the balanced weight of the magwell and more importantly the weight removed from the slide. Not only that but the overall controllability of the gun is greatly improved, which I’m happy to say has boosted my own confidence in my pistol skills. I can’t wait to see how she runs in my 3-Gun matches this summer!


    -Not “Go Fast” enough for you? Let me know below what your dream speed gun is below! As always guys, shoot em straight and be safe…..


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