• And Now, A Look At Our Gear Up for a Cause Sponsors

    May 20 • News • 5225

    This week, we bring you an article from Megan Y., a brand expert and longtime OpticsPlanet’er, to talk to you a bit about the amazing brands that are helping us support the Fisher House Foundation as part of Gear Up for a Cause.



    For those of you that don’t know, OpticsPlanet is in the middle of our largest campaign ever: Gear Up for a Cause. This campaign not only includes a killer sweepstakes (where you can win one of 40 prizes, including ammo and an FNH AR-15), but a charitable promotion as well. Purchase from any of our special sales events between now and June 30th, and a percentage of proceeds will go to Fisher House Foundation, helping Military Vets and their families for over 25 years


    OpticsPlanet is thrilled to be running such an incredible event; however we couldn’t have gone it alone. Today I want to take a few minutes to highlight some of the incredible partners that have made Gear Up for a Cause a reality.


    ATN Logo




    The American Technologies Network Corp. (ATN) specializes in NVDs and thermal imaging. The team is made up of trained professionals, so they know exactly what you need in your night-seeing devices. With an R&D department constantly testing and innovating, ATN is consistently coming out with new and exciting products. Each sight is finished off with an O-ring, nitrogen purging and a hard exterior powder coating, to ensure the ultimate reliability and long-lasting life.







    That exclamation mark is more than just our excitement. It’s a promise; it’s a dedication; it’s a sense of pride you find in each one of their products. BLACKHAWK! has an insane variety of holsters, duty gear, apparel and footwear, bags, stocks and firearm accessories, and protective gear. They’re built for endurance. They’re built with reliability in mind. They’re built for you. BLACKHAWK! knows exactly what it’s like to be out on the front lines and have their gear fail. They’re ensuring the same doesn’t happen to you. Learn more about them and their tactical gear through their social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.






    Burris is a brand that just doesn’t mess around. They’re here and they’ve brought scopes, sights, and mounting systems to the table. Whether you’re out in the woods hunting, at the range for a competition (or practice), or in the military, Burris has your back. It doesn’t matter if you’re getting ready for 3-Gun or you’re planning a trip to the great outdoors with your buds, Burris has exactly what you need for each need you have. ‘Nuff said. Find them on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.



    Crimson Trace

    Crimson Trace

    Crimson Trace

    Crimson Trace is all about them lasers. Green. Red. IR. LaserGuard. LaserGrip. Whatever your preference is, these guys have it down to a science. Each laser is designed to specifically fit your firearm’s make and model, ensuring you get the most out of your shooting experience. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of hitting the target, especially multiple times in a row. Crimson Trace makes it happen with easy-to-use lasers. If you fancy a laser on your grip, they’ve got it. If you fancy a laser on your trigger guard, they’ve got that too. Get friendly with Crimson Trace through Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest (yes, Pinterest), and Instagram.






    EOTech is one of those brands that is constantly innovating ways to improve your hunting, law enforcement, military, competitive shooting experience. With holographic sights, thermal vision, and lights and lasers, EOTech takes your shooting world and turns it on its head. In addition to their contributions to the shooting world, EOTech is highly involved in the community with a Grant Assistance Program, which helps provide funding for city, county and state organizations; and LE Trade Up Program, which gives Law Enforcement the ability to trade in their old equipment for a new EOTech holographic sight.






    Thanks to Fred Leupold, a German immigrant, Leupold has been around for over a century. With all the experience and dedication, Leupold creates high-quality, waterproof, and unchallenged rugged optics. Oh, you hunt? Oh, you go to the range? Oh, you’re in the military? Oh, you like to golf? There’s an optic designed and executed perfectly by Leupold. Ranging from binoculars, riflescopes, spotting scopes, rangefinders, and assorted mounting accessories, you’re all set to get out there and improve your overall shooting and outdoor experience. Leupold is in several partnerships including: Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Paralyzed Veterans Association, and Archery Trade Association. (There are a ton more, but we really don’t have the time, or space, to list them all.) Stay Connected with the good ol’ boys of Leupold with the help of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube!






    OpticsPlanet Modification, or OPMOD, has taken the industry by the shoulders and gave a good shake to wake it up. The product experts of OPMOD have proven time and time again that they’re here and they’re here to stay. Whether they’re creating their own products from scratch or teaming up with other brands (such as EOTech or Armasight), these guys give it their all and give us high quality products for hunters, soldiers, professionals and marksmen. They’ve mastered everything from tactical knives, scopes, NVDs, and bags. With new products constantly in the works, your expectation of innovation never runs dry.







    Nikon has a long history dating as far back as 1917, but was not officially named “Nikon” until 1946, marking the adoption for small-sized cameras. So, it’s no wonder they know exactly what to include in their optics and equipment. Nikon, we’re sure you’ve noticed, is all over the camera and sporting optics industry. They’ve also dived into the microscope and semiconductor/FPD lithography systems. Nikon provides excellent quality when dealing with photography, both the taking and printing of images, as well as giving clear, concise images while out in the field glassing. You know what we’re going to say next? Social Media! Get closer with the brand behind the camera and optics with the help of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, and Instagram!






    Over 40 years ago, NASA (yes, the NASA) needed a way to simulate sunlight outside the filtering of the atmosphere. Engineers set up in New Jersey and did just that. Later, these engineers became what is now known as Streamlight. Here’s some other fun facts about Streamlight we’re throwing at you: they have over 110 U.S. and foreign patents. They helped create the rating system for flashlights called ANSI (American National Standard Institute)/NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) to give you a professional and standardized way to compare flashlights. Basically, Streamlight is the straight-A student in lighting. They’re the Grandfathers of lighting. They’re just…awesome! Streamlight is also affiliated with various organizations including, but not limited to, COPS (Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc), NFFF (National Fallen Firefighters Foundation), and IHEA (International Hunter Education Association). They’re no stranger to giving you great lighting solutions and giving back to the community. Check them out on their various social medias as well: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube.






    With a mission to give you the best quality sights, Trijicon excels in the production of sighting systems for Military, Law Enforcement, and civilian usage. Their job is to get you seeing your target perfectly, whether for a firearm or archery. They’ve got your supply of reflex sights, iron sights, archery sights and magnified optics. Perfectly designed for different applications, Trijicon takes into account that you’ll be hunting, at a range, or in the military. Perhaps you’ve ever heard of a couple of them: ACOG, AccuPoint, and VCOG, is just a sampling of what Trijicon has to offer. Are you all about that social media? You can catch up with Trijicon via Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube as well.






    Vortex is known as “The Force of Optics”. What do they mean by that exactly? Well, they’re the people you go to for a huge variety from riflescopes, red dots, rangefinders, binoculars, and spotting scopes. They’re the people who have the same hobbies as you and have been out in the field. They’re the ones who know just what you need and just what you don’t. Vortex is a brand dedicated to giving you a great experience. Each product is handled with the attention and precision you expect. Being pre-inspected by the Vortex product experts, you’re sure to get the most bang for your buck. If you’re all about the social media, you can join the Vortex Nation by following Vortex on Twitter, Instagram, staying current with VortexNation.com, and liking their Facebook page or by watching new videos on Youtube.



    A huge thank you to all our sponsors! Be sure to visit the official Gear Up for a Cause page to learn more about all these great brands, and how you can help support the Fisher House Foundation. Also, don’t forget to enter for your chance to win our biggest sweepstakes ever!




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  • The Definitive Guide to All Things Hiking Boots

    May 8 • How-To • 22176

    I have to get this off my chest right away, I’m a boot nerd. By nerd I mean that I like to stay in “the know” on footwear technology and actively search out the very best boot based on my needs. What can I say? I believe that every person needs a solid foundation covering their feet and that the shoes and boots you choose to walk out of your house with every morning, speak loudly about your character.

    Now that the records straight, It’s a given that you came to this article to learn a thing or two about boots. Some of what I’m about to tell might be a little taboo. Why? Well because it doesn’t do a good job at upselling you on the flashiest pair of boots on the market but that’s not what I’m here to help you with. I, like you, want to get the most for my money and not spend another nickel for anything extra that I don’t need.

    Without further ado…… The features/characteristics you’ll want in a hiking boot are as follows:



    Photo courtesy of yourproofofconcept.com

    Photo courtesy of yourproofofconcept.com


    Midsole: EVA or Poly

    Going off of my solid foundation statement above, the midsole of your boot might just be the most crucial determining factor of whether or not you’ve just purchased a 2lb hunk of leather and rubber or a true “conquer any terrain” terranaut.

    The frame of every and all boots, the midsole sits between the rubber outer sole of your boot and the thin removable insole on the inside-hence its name.

    Now 99.9% of boots have either an EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) or Polyurethane midsole. So what’s right for you? Majority of the time the lower cost EVA offering will be more than adequate for your day hiking or weekend trip off the grid. BUT….. If you plan on getting your Forest Gump on and doing extended long distance treks, than the additional cost of a boot with a Poly midsole is my best advice because of its increased durability and overall firmness.


    Style of Boot

    For the most part when you’re talking about a boot, you have two styles or profiles to pick from (hiking shoes excluded).


    6” Heel aka Mid

    -When you’re looking for equal parts speed and support, the mid or roughly six inch heeled boot is your best bet. Because of its lower heel you’re able to get more flexibility out of the boot and also keep the weight down on the boot, both of which aid in speed. This should be your first choice if you’re going to be hiking with under 30 pounds on your back.

    8” Heel and up

    There’s a reason the military issues this size to our soldiers, it hits the sweet spot of stability under load. Yes you’ll lost out on some agility and speed with a boot eight inches and up but what you get in return is the capability of being able to haul considerably more weight on your back safely and comfortably.  Another additional benefit of this style is it provides extended protection for your shins over the mid boot.





    -While only slightly less important than the midsole of the boot, you could relate the outsole to a car tire. Meaning…….. Well you wouldn’t want to put offroad tires on your Honda Accord, would you? The same concept applies here. Pick a boot that is going to have the correct density and tread pattern for what you’ll be using your boots for mainly.

    The density or hardness of the rubber outsole will play a considerable role in your traction and comfort or lack thereof. The harder the sole the more durable and comfortable the boot will be for extended hikes especially with a lot of weight on your back BUT…. this also means traction on slick surfaces like wet rocks will be less than ideal. Whereas yes a softer outsole can grip better on smoother surfaces, it will wear out much faster and not give you the proper cushioning if you’re hauling weight.

    Plain and simple, pick a boot with an outsole that fits the environment you’re going to be hiking in and not because it looks cool.


    Climashield/GORE-tex/ Waterproofing

    DO NOT buy a boot with these features if you live in a warmer climate or will be hiking primarily in above 50 degree weather. However well the waterproofing of the boot is embellished on their site, trust me nothing is waterproof when it comes to boots. The coatings and materials used to repel or resist water will also keep your feet hotter than a June bride. “But, But” Yes there are many claims about how well this technology works at venting, it doesn’t. On numerous occasion I’ve wasted addition cash on a boot with GORE-Tex only to step in a stream and spend the rest of my trip outdoors walking around with a hot wet foot. If you’re going to be hiking in a sub 50 degree climate most of the time, then sure go for the waterproofing because it will keep your feet warmer, if not then save the money you would’ve spent on one of these waterproofing feautures on some nice wool socks.




    Nubuck or Full Grain or Synthetic?

    Undoubtedly a full grain leather boot will last a bit longer however it will be heavier than a similarly constructed synthetic boot. If you want added protection for your feet and a boot that’ll still be one waxing shy of looking brand new in two years? Then go with the leather. If you’re a fiend for speed and quick drying, than you may want to take a long hard look at a boot with a synthetic upper.



    Sizing Tip:

    -Make sure you leave enough wiggle room both side to side and at least 3/8 in front of your toes when picking out the correct size or blisters will soon be the bane of your existence.



    You’re probably not going to find this info on a single boot manufacturer site, mostly because it’s the truth.  Hell, I have no reason to lie to you about what you need to look for in a boot. The goal is to help you find the right boot for your specific hiking needs. The last thing you want is your gear to be the reason you have a bad time in the outdoors.



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  • Serving Veterans One Penny at a Time with Gear Up for a Cause and the Fisher House Foundation

    May 3 • News • 6291

    Here this week is one of our guest writers Clair Belmonte to talk with you all about Gear Up for a Cause, OpticsPlanet’s current promotion and charity drive to help our nation’s active duty personnel and Armed Forces veterans.


    Here at OpticsPlanet, we passionately support our service members. So much so that we launched our Gear Up for a Cause campaign this month, giving our customers the chance to make a true difference in a soldier’s life, and help those who fought valiantly for our country through support of the Fisher House Foundation. Every time you buy your favorite products from EOTech, Crimson Trace, Leupold, and many more, a percentage of proceeds go directly to Fisher House Foundation. In addition, OpticsPlanet will be donating a blanket percentage of ALL our sales during the promotion to further Fisher’s Houses’ efforts across the globe.



    We’ve found a real winner in the Fisher House Foundation.  Recently celebrating 25 years of service, the Fisher House Foundation provides housing for ill, injured, and diseased service members and their families when they need it most. With 64 Fisher Houses currently in operation, the Foundation has drastically grown in its mission to provide military families with the housing they need within the vicinity of a VA hospital. That’s why we’ve decided to donate a part of our proceeds – both from special promotions and daily sales – to the Fisher House Organization, with a goal of raising $40,000.



    Started in 1990, the Fisher House Foundation roots trace back to a single woman: Pauline Trost, wife of Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Carlisle Trost. After watching the family of a sick soldier fly in to Bethesda’s National Naval Medical Center in the mid 1970’s, Trost was plagued with questions on the family’s lodging options, knowing full well that hotels in the area were much too expensive to support an extended stay in the hospital. This thought stayed with her for many years, and after approaching friend Zachary Fisher with her concerns in 1990, Fisher immediately recognized that this was no isolated problem, and decided to take matters into his own hands. By the end of the year, Fisher and his wife, Elizabeth had already started two Fisher Houses.



    Fisher House 1



    Now, with Fisher Houses near almost every major military hospital nationwide, as well as two international locations, soldiers can easily find the care they need as well as a place for their family to live throughout recovery. Each home contains up to 21 suites with private bedrooms and baths, and a communal kitchen, laundry facilities, dining room, and living room for families to share. This layout truly fosters a community among the soldiers and their families, who can endure their hardships together and provide support for one another. Never obligated to pay a lodging fee, the Fisher House Foundation, Inc. has saved military families an estimated $282 million in out of pocket transportation and lodging costs since its creation.



    Fisher House Kitchen



    Even when houses are full or far from a family’s current home, Fisher House Foundation is still there to provide options and assistance. In 2004, the organization teamed up with the Hero Miles program, using donated frequent flyer miles to ensure a family can travel to their closest Fisher House. As the demand for Fisher House lodging grew, the foundation started the Hotel for Heroes program in 2012, which uses donated hotel points to allow families to stay in a nearby hotel free of cost. Based on this, it’s no wonder that the Fisher House Foundation has received the illustrious 4-star rating from Charity Navigator for eleven consecutive years.



    Since 1990, the program has provided housing for over 220,000 families amounting to 5.8 million days of lodging, ensuring that soldiers receive the care that they so desperately need. Truly a home away from home, the Fisher House Foundation offers extensive support for those returning from active duty, doing their best to keep families together during the hardest times. To this end, the Fisher House Organization goes a step further, offering scholarship grants to military spouses and children, ensuring a positive future for the entire family.



    Receiving one of four A+ ratings from the American Institute of Philanthropy in the “Veterans & Military” category, we feel confident giving to the Fisher House Foundation and knowing that our money goes straight to the veterans, rather than administrative costs or advertising. Endorsed and supported by both Presidents George W. Bush and President Barack Obama, OpticsPlanet trusts that the Fisher House Foundation will help not only our veterans, but their family and friends as well, in a truly meaningful way.



    Fisher House Plaque



    Join OpticsPlanet this month as we work to help improve the lives of those who fought overseas for us. When you score a new riflescope or enter our awesome giveaway this month, you’re making a difference in a military man or woman’s life. Your contribution matters – not just to us here at OpticsPlanet, but to everyone who benefits from the powerful work performed by the Fisher House Foundation and its staff.



    Have an active duty service member or veteran you’d like to thank? Be sure to give them a warm “thank you” in the comments below!



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  • Fisher House Grand Opening

    Building A “Home Away from Home” for Our Nation’s Heroes

    Apr 30 • News • 4759

    When asked about my favorite part of working for OpticsPlanet, I immediately chirp “the people!” (though playing with night vision and thermals is a close second). Our team is made up of hundreds of dedicated and hardworking people, all with incredibly diverse backgrounds and skill sets. Part of getting to know this great team over the past 5 years has including learning just how many have military experience. I had always known that our Product Intelligence Team included a collection of veterans, however as it turns out, military experience runs deep throughout the company.




    Military Love Runs Deep at OpticsPlanet


    With our team’s personal connections to the Armed Forces, along with the work we do daily to serve active duty professionals with the gear they need to get the job done, it should come as no surprise that we are incredibly eager to get involved with military related causes. Over the years, we’ve been fortunate enough to have participated in a number of great charity campaigns and fundraisers.  However for 2015, we knew that we wanted to take it one step further, and maximize our teams and resources to build the biggest military fundraiser in company history. With this goal in mind, we are asking you to join OpticsPlanet this spring as we Gear Up for a Cause, and assist in our efforts to donate up to $40,000 to Fischer House Foundation, who have been serving military families for 25 years.


    Gear Up for a Cause

    Gear Up for a Cause


    So, how can you Gear Up for a Cause? It’s easy! From May 1st – June 30th, we’ll be launching an entire series of special deals and sales events from some of our favorite brands. Not only will we be offering you killer deals on this gear, but best of all, OpticsPlanet.com has partnered with these brands to donate 1.25% of net proceeds from these sales to Fischer House Foundation. In addition, we will be donating 0.25% of net proceeds from all OpticsPlanet sales of non-participating brands as well, pushing us towards our ultimate goal of $40,000. The full list of partnering brands can be found below:



    That’s it! You get great deals on gear all spring, and we get to do our collective part to help Fisher House serve our active duty personnel and military veterans. If you have never heard of Fisher House Foundation, here’s what you should know. They are an organization founded in 1990 by Zachary and Elizabeth Fischer as a way to give back to America’s brave military heroes. The organization has built a network of “Fisher Houses” across the United States as well as Europe, providing a “home away from home” for families of patients receiving medical care at major military and VA medical centers.  Each house is conveniently located near these facilities, and allows families of our nation’s heroes to stay and live in comfort for free while their loved ones undergo treatment for duty-related injuries. Providing more than just a roof over their heads, Fisher Houses give these families comfort and compassion during their most stressful times.


    Fisher House

    Fisher House



    Just how much difference has Fischer House made? To date, they have served over 200,000 families, providing them with nearly 5.2 million days of cost-free lodging. This equates to a savings of $235 million in travel and lodging fees these families would have otherwise incurred to stay near their military loved one as they underwent treatment. For more information on Fisher House, please feel free to visit their website www.fisherhouse.org.


    Join OpticsPlanet as we Gear Up for a Cause this spring, and support those who put their lives on the line day in and day out for us.


    Do you have a loved one that deserves to be recognized for their service? Feel free to mention and commend them in the comments below!





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  • 7 Women Changing the Shooting World

    Apr 24 • News • 68243


    The stale tide of the firearms industry’s yesteryear are changing and that direction is the one with one less Y chromosome. Everywhere you look across the country, women are lining up to learn and purchase all things firearms. While this shift may appear to have happened over night, there’s a select few female shooting ambassadors that have by and large been the driving force of empowerment for women even remotely interested in guns. And to be honest, the huge influx of women into the shooting community is extremely beneficial to every single gun owning individual man and woman alike.


    In no particular order, these are the gun toting females that we think are doing/ have done the most for this new direction.


    Eva Shockey


     –Daughter of well-known TV hunting personality Jim Shockey, Eva has managed to bring female hunting to the mainstream with a ton of coverage on various news segments. Most notably, she was the first women in 30 years to make the cover of Field and Stream Magazine. You can find her on outdoor channel as the co-host to her father’s hunting shows or in person at pretty much every hunting/outdoor trade event in the country.


    Kirsten Joy Weiss


      –Earning her start with what seems like a trophy room of Olympic style rifle competition accolades, Kirsten is a big proponent of the joy of shooting. She’s a, to use the word lightly, “great” ambassador for firearms with her YouTube channel where she demonstrates some pretty unbelievable trick shots. Oh and you can thank her for running the uber fun Texas Firearms Festival too.



    Jessie Duff


    Name the major USPSA match and I bet the money in my pocket, Jessie’s won it in her respective division. Captain of the Taurus shooting team, Jessie is also the first female shooter to earn the ranking of Grand Master. You can find her as the co-host of the show Friends of the NRA on the Outdoor Channel.


    Janna Reeves


    -A.K.A. “Miss BattleBorn”, I’ve personally gotten a butt whoopin from this 3 Gun pro and can attest that this chica can shoot.  While she’s all business at the buzzer, Janna’s like a big sister for a lot of the junior female shooters. She’s heavily involved in women’s shooting clinics and will literally give interested pew-pewr’s the gear off her belt to try out.


    Katie Francis


    Technically still a teenager, Katie shoots and represents her sponsors with a level of maturity better than most of the guys twice her age (myself included). The video of her shooting a 3-Gun match at the age of 13 is still till this day one of the highest watched and most widely covered 3-Gun videos on the interweb. She’s truly a role model for the young women around the country that want to get into firearms.


    Natalie Foster


    CEO and co-founder of Girls Guide to Guns, NRA Commentator, and host of the NRA’s Love at First Shot web series, it’s safe to say that Natalie is doing quite a bit to get women into firearms. While some women may be a little intimidated by the likes of the aforementioned competitive shooters, her site Girls Guide to Guns is about as inviting as it gets to women of all firearms backgrounds or lack thereof.


    Julie Golob


    Julie’s list of major pistol match wins stretches considerably longer than any other women in existence with the most impressive being a USPSA ladies champion thirteen times over. Not only does she kickass and take names in USPSA and IDPA pistol matches around the country but she hunts, writes, and does a lot of work with the NSSF (National Shooting Sports Foundation). As of late, the videos and content she’ teamed up with Natalie Foster on, are without a doubt a catalyst for the betterment of women and firearms.


    Regardless whether your passion lies in hunting, competitive pistol shooting, 3-Gun or just general love for firearms, it’s good to know there’s a member of the fairer sex leading the charge to introduce open minded individuals (not just women) to the awesomeness that is shooting and gun ownership.


    Don’t like my list? Let me know who you think should’ve made the cut below! As always guys (and girls), shoot-em straight and be safe.

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