• Living For That First Shot

    Living For That First Shot

    Aug 12 • News • 5503

    It’s been a rough week at work, you’ve been working your butt off on something only to have your boss tear you a new one. Trust me, we’ve all been there and it’s not a good feeling. But today’s your lucky day, you’ve got plans to hit the range tonight, the gun range that is, because that’s the only range that matters. After hiding out in the company bathroom for the last 20 minutes of your workday and quietly slipping out the back door, you’re now in your car racing to the closest pew pew palace. It’s a miracle you didn’t get pulled over since the manner in which you got to the range could have easily been mistaken as a scene from the movie “The Transporter”.

    You finally make it to your shooting lane, jam that topped of magazine into the gun knowing the exact force you exerted is enough to send the slide into battery. With that front sight bouncing slightly from a mixture of coffee and anticipation, this 9 by 19 millimeter round probably isn’t going to end up exactly where you intended it to hit on the target but it doesn’t matter because pinpoint accuracy isn’t what this trip to the range is about. And however many times you’ve been in this exact same scenario, your heart still can’t help but race with a homogenous blend of nervousness and excitement. You plant the pad of your finger on the trigger, slowly taking out the slack, exhale and BAM.

    Living For That First Shot

    Living For That First Shot

    You’ve just experienced what it’s like to take that first shot at the range. Although your first shot story may vary, if you’re a gun owner you know what I’m talking about. There’s an overcoming surge of emotions that very few words can describe when popping off that first round. I don’t know about you guys but even when competing, I rarely remember the second, third or even last shot. As corny as it might sound, that first shot is like when you kiss a women for the first time. You may kiss her a thousand more times and some might be marginally better than the others but no matter how long you date her, that memory of the first is only a synapse away.

    I can tell you every single detail about my first time shooting but trust me it won’t come anywhere near the mental note that’s engrained in your head. Why are we so attached to that inaugural shot? I’d like to tell you I know the answer but all I can say is first experiences are what make you, you and I’ve been chasing mine ever since. It’s why we spend countless hours and thousands of dollars on guns and gear, trying to mimic that first of first shots. Nothing is better than the natural highs in life and pulling triggers is up in the stratosphere for me.

    I leave you with an excellent quote from an even greater man, Ricky Bobby- “If you’re not first you’re last”.

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  • Airsoft for Training

    Airsoft for Action Pistol Training

    Jul 27 • News • 18562

    Lets be honest with ourselves here, when it comes to shooting, you get out of it what you put in. Not to get all philosophical on you guys but there are no shortcuts in life and there sure as hell aren’t any when it comes to becoming a better shooter. Before you get all down and out about your dreams of pro shooter stardom, there are a few helpful training aides available that will definitely give you a small edge over your competition. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what training device I’m going to be talking about, that’s right, airsoft.

    Which Glock Is Real

    Which Glock Is Real

    Before you start thinking of something clever to say to bash me in the comments, I wholeheartedly believe there’s no replacement for actual live fire. But c’mon wouldn’t it be nice if you could run a USPSA style match in your garage with some buddies instead of dropping big bucks on ammo and range fees? And in my eyes that’s exactly where training with an airsoft pistol is a big game changer, especially when it’s identical to your actual pistol. I’m not talking about running and gunning with an airsoft gun you can pick up at your local Walmart. Spend the money and get a high quality gun that is a true 1:1 replica. Yes, these guns look so close to the real steel version that many people can’t even tell the difference. Just look at our recent Facebook post where I put my airsoft trainer next to my Glock and people believed without a doubt that the fake was real and vice versa.

    The reason I stressed the importance of getting a 1:1 replica above is that not only will it feel the same in your hand but the similar weight of the two will allow you to do thousands of draws with the airsoft pistol and still be able to mimic that muscle memory when you’re  shooting a live fire match. Another selling point for spending that extra cheddar on a quality 1:1 replica is that it is almost guaranteed to work with your existing competition holster. I didn’t even have to touch the retention adjustment screws on my Blade-Tech OWB holster to get the exact same draw pull.

    Airsoft for Training

    Airsoft for Training

    So… What exactly does training with an airsoft gun help with? For starters, it’s about 100 times safer to do weapons manipulations with an airsoft gun than it is with your real gun. How many videos are there on YouTube that show some guy playing with his gun and firing it on accident. I know none of you would ever do something dumb like that, but accidents do happen. The last thing you want is to be practicing speed reloads and blow a hole in your TV. Airsoft is a much safer means of practice.

    Along with keeping your limbs intact, airsoft allows us to practice for competitive shooting matches in the comfort of our homes or garages. All of that moving and shooting high stress stuff can be done safely and most of all legally at home. If you’ve ever shot a match, whether it be IDPA,USPSA, 3-GUN, whatever, then you know that what really determines how you place is how you navigate the course of fire and shot placement. With airsoft, you can make a stage however you want it and run it until you do it flawlessly. Of course it’s important to note that this type of training will yield much greater returns for those just getting started in the sport v. those experts out there.

    Airsoft for Training

    Airsoft for Training

    As a competitive shooter, it’s unfortunate that finding a range where I can move and shoot is exceedingly difficult. The next best thing is setting up a tiny stage in my garage and seeing how quickly I can accurately engage targets. If I’m feeling really adventurous I’ll even use the shot timer app on my phone to simulate a real match. Of course you could practice a drill like this with your unloaded real gun, but its super lame to have to rack the slide after every trigger pull to get it to reset. To top that off, you don’t know if that shot you took is in the A zone or if you just missed the target altogether. This just isn’t the case with a quality gas blow back airsoft gun. Not only does the slide cycle after ever trigger pull but a little plastic bb flies out of the barrel at around 300 feet per second, clearly highlighting your shot placement.

    I don’t want you to think I’m the first guy to come up with this idea of using airsoft guns to train for competition. I was actually increasingly stubborn to the idea of using what I considered to be a child’s toy to practice shooting. After spending some time talking with professional 3 gun shooters Jesse Tischauser and Kalani Laker, they told me that they’re big fans of using airsoft guns to practice for competitions when they cant get out to the range.  I knew that if these guys swore by it then I should at least spend a little money and see what all the fuss is about. Since the beginning of May, I’ve been setting up these stages in my garage and training with my airsoft pistol and I can tell you firsthand that these “toys” work! Just looking back on my IDPA and USPSA match scores month to month, I’ve placed 3 positions higher than where I was before my airsoft drills. There’s no replacement for live fire, but with these guns you can get extremely close.


    Would you consider training with one?


    As always guys, shoot em straight and be safe!

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  • Tactical Pens

    5 Pens That Could Save Your Life!

    Jul 17 • Reviews, News • 12171

    If you’re unlucky enough to be caught in a self defense scenario, you should try and de-escalate the situation first . However, we all know that sometimes we might be backed into a corner and the only way to get out is to match force with force. In this type of setting, I would want a pistol on my person more than anything. If I was without a pistol, a tactical knife would be my next choice. Unfortunately there may come a time where you, a law abiding citizen, cannot legally carry your firearm or knife in a certain location. What do you do? How do you defend yourself?

    Assuming that you’ve read my other posts, then you know I walk out the door everyday with tools that’ll get me through almost anything. One of the newest items that I’ve started carrying as part of my EDC setup is a tactical pen. “Tactical what??” You heard me right, a tactical pen. What makes a pen “tactical”? Basically the ability to be used as a pointed hard striking object in self defense or as a glass breaker.  Now that I’ve got you guys interested, its time you ask yourself, “which is best suited for you?” See my break down of a few of the more popular tactical pens and I’ll let you be the judge!

    5.11 Tactical Double Duty 1.0

    5.11 Tactical Double Duty 1.0

    5.11 Tactical- Double Duty 1.0 ($39.99)


    -Made of strong aerospace aluminum

    – Feels excellent in hand

    -Extremely comfortable for all day writing

    -Features a space pen ink cartridge for writing in any condition

    -Flat spot on top for your thumb, helps stop slipping when using as a weapon

    -Pocket clip has just the right amount of tension


    -Rides a little too high in the pocket for me

    -Not as classy as the other pens in the list

    -When screwing the pen back in, if you twist too much you end up unscrewing the compartment where you refill the ink

    Benchmade 1100 Series Tactical Pen

    Benchmade 1100 Series Tactical Pen

    Benchmade- 1100 Series Tactical Pen ($106.25)


    -It’s Benchmade, c’mon!!

    -Craftsmanship and attention to detail

    -Made in the USA

    -Knurling that isn’t too rough but sticks to your hand when you need it to

    -Carbide glass breaking tip

    -Deep carry pocket clip

    -Cap clicks into either end , which is much faster than the screw on models on this list

    -Fisher space pen ink cartridge, so it’ll write even underwater

    -Good writer


    -The price

    -Pocket clip is a little to tight for my liking


    CRKT Tao Tactical Pen

    Timberline Knives LCP Lightfoot Combat Pen

    Timberline Knives- LCP Lightfoot Combat Pen  ($79.99)


    -Good looking piece of gear

    -Made of aircraft aluminum

    -Longest pen=farther striking distance

    -Solid thumb rest for effective blows when striking

    -Cap clips into place instead of screwing on

    -Smooth writer

    -One of the nicest presentation boxes


    -Pocket clip makes it ride a little too high for me

    -A tad too large to comfortably use all day

    -Makes a funny popping noise when deploying the pen

    CRKT Tao Tactical Pen

    CRKT Tao Tactical Pen

    CRKT- Tao Tactical Pen ($47.49)


    -One of the best looking pens on the market

    -Deep carry pocket clip

    -Excellent build quality

    -Doesn’t look dangerous

    -Awesome carry case

    -Smooth writer

    -Long length=greater striking distance



    -I could fall asleep in the time it takes for me to unscrew the cap

    -Doesn’t have sharp tip like the others on the list


    FOURSEVENS Titanium Tactical Pen

    FOURSEVENS Titanium Tactical Pen

    FOURSEVENS- Titanium Tactical Pen  ($83.99)


    -Because its made of titanium, duh…

    -Extremely classy appearance


    -Smooth writer

    -Space pen cartridge, which means you can write anywhere!

    -Interchangeable striking tips

    -Deep carry pocket clip

    -Nice metal carry case


    -Small size

    -Lack of sharp striking tip

    -Pocket clip is too tight even on most dress pants



    In A Nutshell

    I wish I could just tell you guys which tactical pen to buy but in all fairness, what I like could be completely different than what some of you may like and vice versa. Hopefully you guys got what you needed out of this honest break down of a few potentially life saving pens. Let me know what tactical pen you liked the most in the comments below!






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  • OPMOD Bags

    Ultimate Guide to OPMOD Bags

    Jul 15 • News • 6241

    The difference between a good bag and great bag is all in the details. When you really think about it, what makes most things in life great are the small things. A Corvette and a Ferrari 430 will both get you from point A to point B with speed and style, but when you take a closer look at the quality of materials and the details under the hood, it becomes a little more clear why the Ferrari will cost you more than many homes in this country. This same concept holds true with bags and backpacks. Most will carry your gear from point A to point B without issue, but the small differences in materials and design of the interior are what truly make a difference.

    OPMOD MCS 1.0 Bi-Modular Sling Bag

    OPMOD MCS 1.0 Bi-Modular Sling Bag

    Does your daily commute have you navigating an intricate labyrinth of trains and buses? Then you’re going to want a bag that is small enough to maneuver during your travels but still has enough space to haul around all of you day to day essentials. That’s where the OPMOD MCS 1.0 Bi-Modular Sling Bag comes in. It is extremely versatile, with a main strap that can be switched around for a myriad of carrying positions, and also features several pouches that are perfect for your daily needs. What I like most about this bag is its modest nature. In my opinion, when you’re going to be commuting in a metropolitan area via public transportation, the last thing you want to do is bring attention to yourself and/or your belongings.

    OPMOD MCS 1.0 Modular Brief Case

    OPMOD MCS 1.0 Modular Brief Case

    Continuing with that stealthy snake in the grass theme, OPMOD has another bag that would also serve as a great commuter bag.  Offering a users a more business-appropriate option, the OPMOD MCS 1.0 Modular Brief Case  is plenty big enough to fit a full size laptop, your lunch and a few other daily must haves. What is really cool about this bag besides the high value construction is the removable compartments on the front of the bag. I’ve used this bag on a business trip and took advantage of this feature for storing my toiletries in one of the compartments and using it for that purpose.

    OPMOD P.A.C. 3.0 Personal Articles Carrier Bag

    OPMOD P.A.C. 3.0 Personal Articles Carrier Bag

    Now if you’re looking for an EDC bag with a  more tactical edge, then the OPMOD P.A.C. 3.0 Personal Articles Carrier Bag  would be your perfect companion. I’ve personally found this to be a great daypack for hiking because of the way the compartments are set up. The smaller size of the bag also makes it an excellent bag to bring with to the range for carrying your med kit, tools, cleaning kit, snacks, and water bottle. The external MOLLE straps also allow you to mount any number of external pouches for anything from a tear away med kit to a multi-tool holster.

    OPMOD™ TAC PACK 2.0 All-Purpose Backpack

    OPMOD™ TAC PACK 2.0 All-Purpose Backpack

    When you need the capability of carry significantly more than your every day carry essentials, you’ll want more than a single strapped bag. The OPMOD TAC Pack 2.0 has not only been put through the ringer by myself, but a few of the guys here went so far as to load it up and drag it from the back of a truck in the desert. With over 1700 cubic inches of storage space, there’s more than enough room to fit 3 days worth of supplies. The MOLLE attachment point also allow you to expand the storage capability of the bag to allow you haul whatever you can lash down to it.

    If you’re one of the people that doesn’t care about the tiny details that mean the all the difference, then you probably won’t be interested in these OPMOD bags. But if you’re looking for high quality materials, heavy duty zippers, and designs that were created by people that actually use the bags, then you’re looking at bags that are just that. No matter what you’re doing, there’s an OPMOD pack that was made for you.



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  • 7 Pieces of Gear That'll Supercharge Your Next Camping Trip

    7 Camping Items That’ll Supercharge Your Next Trip Outdoors

    Jul 9 • News • 14443

    Nowhere in the camping handbook does it say that you need to buy a whole bunch of gear in order to have a great time in the outdoors. Some of you may enjoy leaving all technology behind and getting back to the basics. Others may like their campsite to feel like an extension of their home and that’s fine too. The point is that you go out into the wild and gather experiences that you’ll remember forever. But no one wants to have a bad time while taking in nature and these 7 pieces of gear will mean all the difference whether you’re going with the minimalist or the “everything but the kitchen sink” approach.

    Webbing & Accessory Cord

    Webbing & Accessory Cord

    1. Webbing or Accessory Cord- This might be one of the most overlooked products in the entire list, basically because its almost a no brainer. You put webbing or accessory cord in the right hands and they could build you the Taj Mahal in the woods. But if MacGyver isn’t camping with you, just knowing a few basic knots is enough to not only help you lash down your gear on your car but also makes great hammock attachment points on trees. I’ll fill you in on how beneficial webbing is,  Aron Ralston had mentioned that if he had 100 feet of webbing while stuck in that  Utah canyon, he probably would have been able to get himself out. Moral of the story is that this stuff is worth it’s weight in gold.

    UCO Lumora Lantern

    UCO Lumora Lantern

     2. Kick A** Lantern- Let me start off by saying that I’m a total flashaholic (someone that’s obsessed with flashlights). With that being said,  I think a flashlight should be on your person 24/7 no matter where you are but when you trek out into the great unknown, you’re going to want additional light sources. While camping you’ll need a light that can run for a long time because you’ll probably be using it every night while on the trip. Hands down my favorite light for this task is the UCO Lumora latern. It may not be the brightest around but its got a sweet 180 lumen high mode and in the low mode it’ll keep the boogie man away for 200 hours. Plus it has the added convenience of transitioning between a lantern or tighter beam flashlight.

    Leatherman Wave

    Leatherman Wave

    3. Multi-Tool– You never know what may happen while you’re camping miles away from civilization. You certainly aren’t going to be dragging a tool box with you. Sticking a multi-tool in your pack to an extent is like doing the same thing. I can tell you firsthand that not all multi-tools are created equal, some try to win you over with a flashy new tool but I like to K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) so I always stick with my tried and true Leatherman Wave. The Wave is stainless steel so it cleans up nice no matter what brutal task  I require of it. In my opinion the 17 tools that it features are equipped best for the backcountry conditions like camping.

    Tent Footprint

    Tent Footprint

    4. Good Tent Footprint- As a rule of thumb,  the insulation below you is worth twice as much as what’s on top of you. If we follow that notion, then a tent footprint that not only keeps you protected from moisture but reflects your own body heat up back towards you is invaluable. The crazy thing is that most of the high end tent footprints out there are nearly twice the price if not more than my favorite improvised solution. I can attest from personal experience how well the SOL Sport Utility Blanket works.  To make a long story short, I was caught in a bad snow storm in western North Dakota and pulled over my van at night because of the severity of the snow. My Ford van wasn’t the greatest at keeping me warm and I luckily had this reflective blanket and wrapped myself in it to keep warm. Now the temperatures there were getting down to the -30’s, so without this thing I probably would have gotten severe frostbite . Point of the story is the blanket saved my butt and I’ve used it on many occasions, it has yet to fail me.

    ENO Singlenest Hammock

    ENO Singlenest Hammock

    5. Hammock- Let’s be honest, who doesn’t like to relax in a hammock? Most of the hammocks we’re familiar with are heavy and clunky, all of which doesn’t aide well to traveling into the backcountry. Lucky for us, technology has made huge leaps and bounds, which has ultimately made way for super lightweight hammocks. The same materials used in parachutes are now being used to keep you off the forest floor and in utmost comfort. My pick is the ENO Singlenest Hammock, its lightweight and has proven to be reliable on my adventures. Fear not couples, they also make a Doublenest hammock so you both can relax together suspended in the air.

    ETON Rugged Ruckus

    ETON Rugged Ruckus

    6. Tunes You Can Take Anywhere- Now music may not have the ability to keep your body safe and protected but we all can admit how nice it is to take your tunes with you anywhere. Most of the rechargeable radios on the market guzzle battery power and end up being more of an nuisance than enjoyment. I own and have nothing but favorable things to say about the ETON Rugged Ruckus. The unit is built to withstand pretty much anything but being run over and features a solar panel that charges not only the internal battery but your device as well. Oh did I mention that it utilizes Bluetooth connectivity? Yes you can stream your music all from the phone in your pocket which means you don’t have to get up from that hammock I told you about!

    Vargo Titanium Nail Stake

    Vargo Titanium Nail Stake

    7. Quality Stakes- If you’ve ever had your tent roll and tumble away while you weren’t in it, then you know the importance of some good tent stakes. The more you get into camping and backpacking, the more you appreciate that every little ounce adds up. When given the opportunity to shave off the weight of gear, DO IT. This is why I like me a nice set of lightweight titanium stakes, not to mention they’re really strong. In my experiences, I’ve grown quite fond of majority of the outdoors products by Vargo and their Titanium Nail Stakes are by far my favorite.

    Great Socks

    Great Socks

    8. Amazing Socks- Ok okay, I know the title said 7 items but I just couldn’t help but throw this last must have in there too. Unless you’re Cody Lundin from the Discovery Channel show Dual Survival, then you’re not walking into the outdoors barefoot. In fact, taking care of your feet while camping or hiking is one of the most important things you can do. Your feet would be the last place to skimp out on or leave neglected and because of this I’ve always shelled out more than I probably should have, on SmartWool socks. You’re looking at about $15 a pair but man oh man is it night and day compared to the socks you’re used to. The best way I like to describe their socks is it feels like you’re walking on a pillow all day  and they leave you’re feet cool and dry.

    You don’t have to run out and buy all eight of these things in order to have a good time on your next trip but believe me when I say it, just picking up even one or two of the items on list will be a huge improvement next time you’re camping. Remember, you never want a piece of gear be the reason why you don’t have a good time so buy right or buy twice. Now quit reading this and get to planning your next  camping trip or hit your local trails today!


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