• New Zeiss Optics

    New Glass by Zeiss

    Apr 14 • News • 6849

    For over 165 years, the folks at Carl Zeiss have been mastering all things glass. When you pick up a Zeiss optic, you immediately know that quality is the name of the game. Their steadfast commitment to providing high quality and innovative optics has excited hunters for decades. The newest riflescopes by Zeiss are no exception to the innovation and perfection that customers have been accustomed to.

    Zeiss Conquest HD5 3-15X50mm

    Zeiss Conquest HD5 3-15X50mm

    New from Zeiss is the Conquest HD5 3-15X50mm rifle scope. Built around a rugged one inch main tube this optic gives you all the elevation adjustment you could ever want. Also sporting a 5X super zoom, quick target acquisition comes second nature. This Conquest model has a huge assortment of reticles to choose from, with bullet compensation for most of the calibers that you’d use.  You’ll find that this scope is a knockout in any type of shooting you do, from long range target shooting to dropping game out west.

    Zeiss Conquest HD 8x56mm Binoculars

    Zeiss Conquest HD 8x56mm Binoculars

    If you’re looking for a matching pair of binoculars for the rifle scope above, check out the Conquest HD 8X56 bino’s. You get the same great build quality and construction of the Conquest series of riflescopes but wrapped up into an awesome binocular for effortless game spotting.  With the ultra wide field of view and lightweight design, these will quickly turn into your best friend on any hunt. If that wasn’t enough, the HD glass on this model is out of this world and truly sets it apart from other binoculars in this price range.

    Zeiss Terra 3x 4-12x50mm Riflescope

    Zeiss Terra 3x 4-12x50mm Riflescope

    Another great option for long range shots, the Zeiss Terra 3-9X50MM or 4-12X50mm riflescopes. Both optics feature a gargantuan 50 millimeter objective lens for those early morning or late in the day shots.  The scopes are nitrogen filled to prevent fogging and also come with the MC lens coating for superior light transmission. Paired with one inch main tubes and 1/4 inch MOA clicks, adjustments are super quick and nearly endless.

    No matter which one of these Zeiss optics you choose, you’ll have the peace of mind that they’re all built to the tightest tolerances and utmost perfection. If you still can’t make up your mind on what Zeiss glass is right for you, ask your questions in the box below.


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  • Concealed Carry Do’s and Dont’s

    Apr 11 • News • 11068

    Now that nearly everyone in this great country finally has the right to concealed carry, there are several topics or rather do’s and dont’s that need to be addressed. This advice is solely for law abiding citizens and is not meant to be the end all be all guide for concealed carry. As always, your local law will determine what you are able to do but these guidelines should apply to pretty much everyone.

    Don’t Be Overconfident. – Just because you recently picked up the latest and greatest pistol doesn’t automatically turn you into the toughest guy to walk the streets. There’s a reason you don’t see ex special forces soldiers going around banging on their chests trying to prove themselves. When you know you’re a bad a##, you don’t have to prove it to anyone.  Being overly confident has the tendency to attract trouble and the last thing you want you to do is start a fight. Unless you like to start fights and in that case you are the last person that should own a firearm.

    Firearms Training

    Firearms Training

    Do Train Hard and Train Often. – Depending on what state you live in, you may not need training in order carry a weapon. This is a topic of much debate but in all reality, simply owning a hammer doesn’t make you the best carpenter alive and buying the nicest hammer wont do it either. It is ludicrous to think that buying a gun and shooting it a handful of times a year is all some people think is needed in order to defend oneself. If you are one of those people, do me a favor. Next time you are home alone, head to your bathroom with your pistol and make sure that it’s unloaded. Point the gun in a safe direction and field strip the gun. Now turn the shower on and set it to as cold as it will go.  Jump in the shower and count to 300, then hop out and see how well you can assemble that pistol. Chances are, you will fail at this horribly. According to many medical experts, this is the closest simulation of how your body will respond when you actually get into a gun fight.  That is why I suggest that you train with qualified instructors in order to be as proficient with your pistol as possible.

    Don’t Ever Forget Where the Gun is On Your Body. – Now that you have this gun sneakily positioned somewhere on you, the movements and actions you take in your daily life need to be altered. The last thing you want to do is expose your firearm when reaching for something or when bending over.  You need to constantly be aware where the gun is and how to move with it properly, but resist the urge to place your hand over it to make sure it’s there. If you do that, it will look super obvious that you’re hiding something and that’s the last thing you want.

    Get a Good Holster

    Get a Good Holster

    Do Get A Good Holster. – The right holster will make all the difference when carrying concealed.  I’m not going to tell you what way to carry because everyone is different and what works for my body type may not work for you. The best advice I can give you is to spend your time selecting the perfect holster. It is all too common for someone to be all gung-ho about carrying but eventually just leave the gun at home because it wasn’t comfortable. Get yourself a holster that is not only comfortable but make sure it does a good job of covering the trigger.

    Don’t Draw Your Gun Unless Their Is No Other Way – Drawing your firearm is a last case scenario. Use any means necessary to deescalate the situation, either by talking your way out or backing away from a dispute. If you are backed in to a corner and feel that your life may be in jeopardy, simply presenting the firearm at a would be thief or assailant is enough to get them to stop what they are doing. Don’t draw your weapon unless there is ABSOLUTELY no other way to protect yourself. Remember if you pull that trigger everything in your life will change. Once again I’m not a lawyer so seek legal advice for the particulars in these matters.

    Encounter with the Police

    Encounter with the Police

    Do Tell the Cop That Just Pulled You Over. – A little bit of honesty goes a long way and when dealing with a police officer, the best thing to do is be forthright in disclosing that you have a loaded gun on your person. Whether or not your state has it mandated that you must disclose this to the police, it is best to inform the officer before they unknowingly find it later. The best way to let them know that you are carrying is to hand over your drivers license, registration and carry permit at the same time. The officer will appreciate your honesty and might even let you off with a warning for your other violation.  Just to make sure things go smooth, I highly suggest you keep your hands in view during your entire interaction with him (or her).


    Whether you’re carrying the latest pocket pistol or the S&W Model 29 from Dirty Harry, these tips will apply to any gun. Like I’ve said numerous times, I am not a lawyer so take what I told you into consideration but by no means neglect your local law. I wish you the best of luck in finding the perfect holster and hope you seek professional firearms training so you’re ready when the time comes.


    Let me know what your favorite method of carrying is in the box below! As always guys, shoot em straight and most of all be safe.



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  • Nikon Aculon Series

    Nikon Fathers Day Knockouts

    Apr 10 • News • 5010

    Being a father is equal parts hassle and happiness. You’re the person that your sons try to emulate and the one they fear the most when they screw up. As a father you make sure that your children have the things that they need and want before treating your self to something nice. You may have been choked up by the macaroni necklace your daughter made you last year for fathers day, but this time around you deserve something a little nicer.

    Nikon Aculon A211 10x50mm Binocluar

    Nikon Aculon A211 10x50mm Binocluar

    If you’ve got an eye for all things nature, then a Nikon binocular is the best way to experience every bit the outdoors have to offer. The Nikon Aculon A211 10X50 binocular in my opinion, is one of the highest value pieces of glass on the market today.  With a tough and comfortable rubber grip, these are sure to stay in your hands no matter where your summer adventures take you. The multi coated glass and 50 millimeter front objective lenses equate to a superbly clear, bright sight picture. The super easy to use center focus dial and twisting adjustable eye cups are easy to use. This binocular would be my first pick for a fathers day present, heck I might even buy this for my dad.

    Nikon Aculon Rangefinder

    Nikon Aculon Rangefinder

    We all know you how valuable your garage and storage space is, so the more dual purpose pieces of gear you have the better. The Nikon Aculon Rangefinder is not only useful for sticking golf shots as close as possible but it is right at home on a backwoods hunting trip. Don’t let it’s small size and good looks fool you, this rangefinder has big power. With the built in 6x magnification and a laser range up to 550 yards, it has capability far greater than you could ever hope to hit or hunt at. One of the nicest features is the Nikon’s Distance Target Priority , it will give you the distance of the farthest object no matter what tall grass or blizzard you happen to be in. For the price you cant beat this unit’s compact, sharp looks and outstanding performance.

    Nikon Aculon 8-24X25mm Binocular

    Nikon Aculon 8-24X25mm Binocular

    Still not impressed? This next item from Nikon is sure to impress any father out there. Who can’t resist a variable power binocular that will fit in your hand and the sleek looks of a Ferrari. The Nikon Aculon 8-24x25mm in my opinion is the best looking binocular I’ve seen in a long time. Yes, I know that you want a binocular that looks good but performs too and this bad boy is chock full of stellar features.  Multi-coated glass and excellent light transmission make this not only a binocular that you can take anywhere but one that you wont want to leave the house without. Throw it in a bag, toss it in your center console, or even your back pocket and you’re ready to experience eagle-like eyesight wherever life’s journey takes you.

    I think dads everywhere will agree, this year say no to macaroni jewelry and yes to awesome Nikon Aculon Binoculars and rangefinders. Right now that doesn’t have to be hard decision since Nikon is taking up to $50 off any Aculon series optic. Still don’t have your mind made up on what Nikon Aculon to purchase? Ask your questions in the box below!


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  • SCOUTING SEASON – Time to Put in the Work for Deer Season!

    Apr 10 • News • 4617

    Ok, so I know we are a long ways out from deer season 2015. But if you’re as crazy a hunter as myself, then I know you are wanting to get back in the field already, just as I am. I’ve heard lots of mixed reports about 2014 season, and it seems like some people struggled to drop the tines and fill the freezer. I was fortunate enough to have a very successful season last year, and I owe it to my spring scouting and land management. Remember there is always something you can do to improve your chances of closing the deal, even when you are nine months away.


    Scouting means a lot of work and plenty of time and energy, so be ready and come prepared. First things first: once deer season closes, I like to get out of my woods and fields as quickly as possible to let them use my land as refuge during the long winter months. By leaving them undisturbed, I find that come spring time I am holding more deer to establish summer eating habits and bedding areas for the upcoming year. And yes, I also follow the sanctuary theory which I will discuss in an upcoming land management blog.


    photo (7)

    Sure looks different with foliage!


    Now that spring has arrived, the importance of walking the land you’ll be hunting this fall cannot be emphasized enough. Walking the land is required for good scouting. You need to cover the land- I mean really grid that property! You can never be sure of what has happened from winter and spring storms, and there’s always a chance that a predator’s presence has caused paths and beds to move. Trees might have fallen, and rivers and creek banks might have shifted, all of which is creating new routes and pinches. If you can get out in the snow, you can easily find paths and high traffic areas. A hard frost works great in the woods too, as the leaves will turn up for easy identification of deer highways and bedding areas. Frost also means means that bugs and undergrowth won’t be in the way of your scouting, which is always a plus!



    Narrow Construction Blends in -Fits All Tree Sizes


    If you’re having a difficult time scouting, the first thing you need to do is take a deep breath! I cannot stress enough the importance of dropping to a knee, looking at the land from all angles, and exploring new visual scanning speeds and focus fields. Stopping and adjusting your point of view/ocular focus area can often allow you to see what’s been hiding right under your nose.


    Another way to ensure you maximize your scouting season is through the use of trail cameras. While I imagine most of you wish walking your land and prepping for hunting season could be your full time job, chances are many of you have to actually put in 9-5 somewhere else. Trail cameras can be your eyes in the field even while you’re at your desk or asleep in your bed. A network of trail cameras spread out across your land allows you to see all the action, and locate potential new areas to set up blinds, monitor movement patterns and bedding areas, as well as get a feel for some of the great deer you’ll be seeing come fall!


    The Stealth Cam P12 Offers Infrared Flash with a 50ft Range1

    When looking for a camera, pay close attention to battery life and night time features. You’ll also want to be sure to review the different storage sizes, Wi-Fi capabilities, and ruggedness. Just like land, no two cameras are exactly the same, so be sure you have one that meets all your unique needs. I can tell you personally that bargain trail cameras are a waste of time and money, and a source of many frustrations. Spend the few extra dollars and get a trusted brand with the features and high quality images required for scouting. When shopping for a camera, remember that this device can mean the difference between a full freezer and long, deer-less weekends in the cold come fall.


    Having already spent some time walking your land, you should know of good areas to place the cameras. Remember: when deciding where to mount a trail camera, always mount the cameras lower than you think! Even if you’ll be hunting from an elevated blind or stand, a lower mount on your trail camera will catch the eye reflection of both deer and critters alike. So even if you don’t get a great look at the animal, you might be able to see that somewhat was lurking off in the distance. And once you have a chance to review those first images, you’ll start seeing changes to the deer patterns, and how you can best hunt/hold deer on your land leading up to the season this fall.



    This Bruiser Still Eludes Me!


    With some time spent walking your land, and a network of trusty trail cams up in the field, you can rest assured that you’ve had a productive spring that will lead to a fantastic hunting season come fall!


    What are your tips and tricks for scouting this spring? Let me know in the comment box below!




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  • OPMOD EOTech

    OPMOD EOTech-Built to Last and Lightning Fast

    Apr 9 • News • 8046

    Building an AR-15 is one of the most enjoyable gun builds there is. It’s fascinating to see all these different parts come in from varying manufacturers and somehow they all bolt together without a hiccup. Now that you’ve got this rifle all bolted together and have spent a lot of time as well as money, what are you going to do for an optic? Don’t tell me you’ve spent at least $1,000 or more on your dream rifle and you’re planning to mount a chincy sight on it. When I built my AR, there was only one real choice and that was EOTech EXPS 2 holographic red dot sight.



    There is no replacing the need for iron sights. Who said that you couldn’t run your stock irons and a sweet setup like the OPMOD EOTech EXPS-2? A holographic weapon sight compared to iron sights is night and day. I know some of you guys are old fashioned but when you get older it’s harder and harder to get a good sight picture with standard weapon sights. I think one of the greatest benefits of this sight is the  ability to quickly engage targets with BOTH eyes open. It is a totally new experience to shoot with both eyes open. Should you ever need to defend yourself with your rifle, closing your non dominant eye substantially reduces your peripheral vision. Not to mention that if you don’t have to close that non dominant eye, you’ll be able to get shots on target quicker and more accurate. The other great feature about the OPMOD EOTech EXPS-2 is the reticle. The model that I have sports the 65 MOA ring and the two dots in the middle. That huge ring is practically point and shoot when it comes to aiming in CQB scenarios.



    Why is this weapon sight chosen by military and law enforcement professionals from around the world? It works every time you turn it on, plain and simple. Sure the rugged construction and crazy long run time help, but the peace of mind that when things get heavy this sight will do it’s job is worth everything. If Murphy’s Law plays a constant role in your life, the OPMOD EOTECH EXPS-2 is waterproof down to 10 feet. You also don’t have to worry about forgetting to turn the device off, it’ll do that for you after 12 hours of inactivity. Honestly, good luck finding another weapon sight that does all these things in a small package like this one. This baby hasn’t let me down yet on my rifle and I know if you pick one up it’ll do the same for you.

    What would you mount this sweet OPMOD EOTech EXPS-2 on? Let me know in the comment box below.


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