• Crimson Trace Gunsite 250 Course

    Crimson Trace Sets Its Sights on Gunsite Academy

    Feb 20 • News • 6669

    We all know that using the right gear will often mean the difference between success and failure in the field. However you should never forget that the first step towards success in any discipline lies in proper training and practice. This rings especially true for firearm owners, which is why in 1976 Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper started Gunsite Academy in Paulden, AZ. Offering firearms training to military personnel, law enforcement officers and free citizens of the US for almost 40 years, Gunsite stands as one of the most widely respected firearms institutions in the world.

    In the fall, OpticsPlanet ran The Laser’s Edge Experience Sweepstakes, giving one lucky winner the chance to experience Gunsite Academy firsthand. With tools like The Laser’s Edge and the growing popularity of the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard (and other laser-equipped handguns), the use of low light sighting systems such as Crimson Trace lights and lasers have become more and more prevalent on personal defense handguns in recent years. We’ve even seen a strong uptick in laser-related questions here at GearExpert, prompting us to write articles on topics such as choosing between green and red lasers.


    Glock, Springfield, Colt Crimson Trace has you covered

    Red or Green – Take Your Pick!


    It seems that Gunsite has taken note of the rise in laser sighting systems. Just announced for 2014, Gunsite will be partnering with Crimson Trace to offer the first ever Crimson Trace Laser-Integrated 250 Defensive Pistol Course.  This course will feature all the time-proven techniques of the original Gunsite 250 Pistol Course first offered by Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper in 1976, but with additional course trainings on the applications, benefits and limitations of visible laser sights on defensive pistols. Author, blogger and gunwriter Richard Mann had this to say about the course: “The world now has a source for practical, life-saving training with regard to the use of laser sights on a defensive handgun and they have it from the premier firearms training academy in the world.”

    Understanding that poor lighting, increased adrenaline and awkward shooting positions are some of the many challenges facing defensive pistol owners forced to draw their weapon, Gunsite will show students how the proper use of a laser system can truly mean the difference between success or failure, life or death.

    How about you – would you want lasers and other low-light solutions incorporated into your defensive pistol trainings?

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  • Leupold Mark 4

    Leupold Mark 4 LR/T: Combat Proven Long Range Scope

    Feb 14 • News • 12744

    When it comes to quality rifle scopes, Leupold needs no introduction.

    Our military and law enforcement have been choosing Leupold for nearly 30 years. Military snipers throughout training and combat have to endure some of the harshest conditions in the world. Their rifle has to be able to stand up to unrelenting abuse, this is why the military chose to use the Leupold Mark 4 line of rifle scopes on their M24 sniper weapon system. A military sniper has to travel many miles, sometimes crawling on hand and knee in order to get to the perfect location. That is why the folks over at Leupold created the Mark 4 line of rifle scopes to withstand its fair share of abuse.

    leupold mark 4 pic 1

    My personal favorite out of the line is Mark 4 LR/T 4.5-14 X 50mm.  Mounted to my Remington 700 AAC, this scope has more than enough magnification to hit  steel targets out to a half mile (880). The scope itself looks right at home on my rifle, with a 30mm tube and that big 50mm objective lens it also provides plenty of light in a  wide range of conditions. I opted for the tactical milling reticle, but it also comes in duplex and mil-dot.

    leupold mark 4 lrt reticle

    The eye relief on this particular model is a more than generous 4.5 inches in the lowest magnification and 3.6 inches in 14 power. The adjustments of windage and elevation are in 1/4 moa and changes are confirmed by a nice tactile audible click. The one piece aircraft aluminum body of the rifle scope also features a side parallax adjustment knob from 75 yards to infinity. The eyepiece has some of the most positive jimping/ knurling on a scope, making it a breeze to get a quick view of your target.

    I have to admit; that like many shooters, I’ve overlooked one of the most important rifle scope accessories: scope rings. I have always stuck to the idea of spending twice the cost of the rifle, on a good quality rifle scope like the Leupold Mark 4 LR/T. Well what about the scope rings? I too am guilty of throwing some cheap rings on a quality scope. Many are on a tight budget or  don’t see the point in spending $100 or more on quality rings. I can tell you from firsthand experience that while cheap rings will get your rifle scope mounted on your rifle, they have a tendency to fail  when you need your rifle the most. Optics Planet makes finding quality scope rings simple, and for a limited time is even throwing in the Leupold Mark 4 rings with any Mark 4 series purchase.  Mark 4 rings are super robust too, locking down your Mark 4 to withstand the hardest hitting rounds.


    leupold mark 4 rifle rings


    With its bombproof design and great features, you really can’t go wrong with the Leupold Mark 4 4.5-14x50mm LR/T Long Range Tactical rifle scope. And for those of you looking for lower magnification ranges or smaller objectives, there are a variety of Leupold Mark 4 scopes to meet your needs.

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  • The importance of a gun belt

    The Importance of a Gun Belt

    Feb 11 • News • 19294

    When I first began shooting IDPA  (International Defensive Pistol Association) my only concern was range time and finding ammo.  When you’re a new shooter the pure rush you get when you shoot and move in a competitive style is all the fuel you need to spend the kind of money it takes to really get into the sport. After you finish your first few events  and really start to figure out what you are doing, several issues start coming to light. Either you need to slow down and spend that extra half second to get a good sight picture, or your shooting gear is just clumsy junk. A lot of people, including myself, have had to buy something twice because someone referred them to a product that was complete junk or just simply didn’t work for them. When it comes to magazine holsters and gun holsters this really isn’t as much of an issue as it is with a gun belt.

    Shooting Range

    A good gun belt could be the difference between you looking very foolish on the range or shaving precious time off your overall score. If you don’t already know, in IDPA every single second counts. If you hope to be competitive you need to safely be as quick as possible and a belt specifically made to hold your gun, will help you do that.  Good gun belts must be stiff, secure and fit as tight as possible to the loops on your pants.  Now you may be thinking, “well aren’t all belts made to do those things already?” The answer is no, and not every belt is made to withstand  carrying a loaded firearm and magazines.

    If you are serious about IDPA or getting into conceal carry, then a belt made specifically to hold your gun is a no brainer. If you want to shoot competitively, a belt made of nylon is better than a leather one.  There are plenty of guys that swear by leather belts but I am not one of them. Leather is very stiff, which is a good thing, but after it gets worn it no longer keeps that flat shape.  That flatness is what keeps that holster from moving in or away from your body. Depending on how dedicated you are, that excessive draw and holstering will really wear out a leather belt.

    Gun belts made of nylon are the way to go for competitive shooting. Depending on the belt you choose, it will stay flat and stiff for years beyond a high quality leather belt. Specifically “riggers” belts are my favorite. They are super stiff and fit my belt loops pretty tight.  Riggers belts are wider than your average 1.25” inch belt. This extra width helps distribute the weight better across your hips.  My personal belt of choice is the BLACKHAWK! CQB Riggers Emergency Rescue Belt.  The belt itself is made of really tough nylon that’ll withstand 7,000 pounds of force before tearing and is capable of being used as an emergency rappel device.  Although it has been done on Youtube,  I urge against doing any rappelling unless you have the proper training.  The belt is also 1.75 inches wide to help distribute whatever it is you want to hang from it.

    BlackHawk Riggers Belt CQB

    Belts are like tools, just like how you wouldn’t use a hammer to change a lock, I wouldn’t use a riggers belt for concealed carry. When you concealed carry you are CONCEALING the fact that you are carrying a gun. Many people including myself are concerned about printing (where the outline of your gun can be seen through your clothing).  When you wear a riggers belt, cobra instructor’s belt, or any other nylon gun belts, you scream “look at me, I have something on me!” There’s no doubt that any of these belts are great options for hanging your gear from, but they all have a military and I hate to say it “tactical” look to them. You don’t want to do this because most people these days can identify someone with one of these belts as a person with a fondness for firearms, weapons or other tactical gadgetry. This is my main reason why I think you should have a separate belt for shooting IDPA and one for concealed carry.

    A concealed carry belt has to be tame in appearance and strong enough to hold your gun and holster in place all day. I opted for a belt that does both of those things and more.  The Liger Gun Belt by Maxpedition, is tough as nails with similar strength features of the riggers belt but it does so with a much sneakier appearance. The belt is actually stylish and looks like a leather belt, but you couldn’t be  more wrong. The material used is what Maxpedition calls “Ligerthane”. It is unaffected by salt water, blood, mildew, rot and resistant to many cleaners and solvents.  With its good looks, resistance against pretty much anything you can spill on it, and a 3,000 pound breaking strength, it really is a one of a kind belt.

    Liger Gun Belt by Maxpedition

    Gun Belts may be one of the most overlooked pieces of gear for a shooter or concealed carry permit holder, hopefully I’ve been able to steer you in the right direction. Just remember, you want a belt that is going to stay flat. Use the right tool for the job: riggers for competing and the Liger for everyday life.


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  • Gearing Up For Jellyheads! Spring Turkey Hunting, Part 2

    Feb 10 • News • 8545

    Hey guys, back here with another update for my Spring Turkey Season coming up. In case you can’t tell, cabin fever is starting to hit me pretty hard and I’m itching to do some hunting! I have spent a good part of the last few weeks working on my calls and I’m pretty sure my dog and girlfriend are about to hunt me. I also realized that if I am going to hit it hard this year, I’d better be making sure all my gear is here before season starts. Therefore, I quit calling for a while and started thinking about the last few things I need to make this a successful spring.

    As I mentioned in part one of this blog, I decided on giving up the blind this year and hitting the ground, getting more aggressive with my calling and stalking. I think this will provide a little more of a challenge, and that’s something that I’m always looking for. I put a stalk on a deer this year by climbing out of the tree and covering tons of ground with my good old Matthews bow and closed the deal! I’m looking to challenge myself again this time with spring turkeys, and that means giving up my beloved cover.

    I know this aggressive style means that I’m not always going to be able to find a nice tree or stump to lean into and will probably have to take a seat very quickly. I know this means that I might be stuck in rather uncomfortable positions due to the lack of back support and cushioning. In addition to this on the move style stalking/hunting, I realize I am going to need all my gear in a nice backpack/vest setup. Well, I think that this search has ended.  Every jellyhead hunter should look into the Tenzing Turkey Hunting Pack.


    Quitely Spring-Loaded with Great Padding for hours of Comfort! Maybe next year it will even recline!

    The Tenzing Turkey Hunting Pack with padded spring loaded chair is really cool. The pack has everything you could possibly need for a day out in the field with shell holders and pockets for just about all your gear for the day. What really makes this pack STAND out is the fact that there is a spring loaded stand that pops out the back like a bi-pod on a gun giving you spring loaded back support! This style of pack means I can give as much time as it takes to get that gobbler to come struttin’ in!

    Spring turkey hunting is usually booming with bugs, and it’s evident as you watch the gobblers chow down on them like candy. That’s why this year I’m going to be as covered as possible to protect against detection and bug bite irritation. A full size mesh face mask like the Primo Camouflage 6225 Face Mask is perfect – light weight and very breathable great for those warm spring days. The mask covers the entire head and has enough length to protect the front and back of the neck to my chest and shoulders. Stuffing the mask into my shirts will protect me against ticks and other horrible little biting insects.


    Breathable and Cool it is Perfect for your Spring Hunt, hide from the Birds and Bugs!

    Sitting in a pile of biting/stinging insects is no fun and will ruin a hunt very quickly. The same can be said for poison oak/ivy! That is exactly why a good pair of gloves is also needed. I found that the Primos Hunting Stretch- Fit Call Gloves w/Sure Grip and Extended Cuff not only will give you a little more help when it comes to hiding, but a good high cuffed glove will prevent plants/bugs getting on your hands and up your arms causing a potential body wide outbreak or reaction.


    Stretch to Fit technology Will Not get in the Way of Your Calling!

    Finally, I will be upgrading the stock on my trustworthy bird slaying 870 to a Remington 195454 870 Shotgun Synthetic Stock, in Mossy Oak Obsession pattern with the thumbhole grip. The new grip means much more comfort and ease of handling when on the move. Also, I have noticed that the thumbhole really assists in those off-the-knee shots I find so common when knocking down a jellyhead! The Mossy Oak Obsession pattern is just about perfect for blending into that early spring foliage, and will get rid of the flash that may come off my classic beautiful wood stock.


    Synthetic and Camo the Thumbhole is Awesome for Control!


    So good luck this spring ladies and gents! Gear up now and make sure you got everything you need! If you have any questions or comments please let me know.

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  • Can You Hear them? Can You Call Them? Spring Turkey Time!

    Feb 3 • News • 6191

    It’s officially spring and even though most of the country is still suffering from this “Polar Vortex”, many individuals are gearing up to slam a gobbler. As the snow melts and days grow longer, the roosters are starting to look for those hens, and before you know it spring will suddenly be summer. Last winter, I got behind schedule due to a late deer season and the holidays, so I found myself scrambling for success and gear throughout the season. That’s why this spring turkey hunt, preparing during the cold is going to be a must, as I am planning to close the deal!

    This year I am really having to refresh the inventory and step up my game. My decoys have seen better days, the camo, the calls – it’s all looking and feeling a little rough. Finding my way through this maze of new gear is challenging and necessary so I wanted to share my experiences thus far!

    I spent some time with my shotgun this winter practicing and working on shot/shell choices, in fact I even went ahead and put a new choke in the old 870 and really tightened things up. I have decided this year that I am going to be doing more hunting from the ground while calling on the move, and I am giving up my trusted blind. Going out in the wide open, and aggressively calling I decided on putting a red dot on my gun to improve accuracy while at the same time limit my movement during those critical stare-offs. Red dots for turkeys are becoming extremely popular and I am quickly understanding why.

    As any gobbler hunter knows movement is everything with turkeys. More times than not, they can see you when you can’t see them. Using bows or Shotguns means that you are definitely getting up close, and any to all movement will almost certainly be noticed unless that “Big Tom” is already preoccupied with his hen or your tempting decoy. Sitting still, calling, and aiming all while displaying no movement can be difficult even for the most seasoned turkey hunter. Sometimes the moving of your head just down the cheek rest to get the sights or scope lined up is all it takes, and BAM you are busted. So why go with a red-dot this year? I can tell you easily why, due to the fact I’m already working with them on my turkey setups.


    Mobile Decoy from Primo Check It Out!

    Eye relief, on most red dots is infinite and reticle acquisition is almost immediate with adjustable settings for light/conditions. Sights such as the SightMark Ultra Shot Sight and the Aimpoint CompM3 Red Dot are two great examples of sights to mount for spring turkey. Red Dot sights are also very durable and reliable and can be operated in almost any weather conditions.

    The Sightmark Ultra Sight is a pretty amazing sight and one that is absolutely flying off the shelves nationwide. The reason why is the quality the versatility combined with the amazing price. With 4 changeable reticle settings, and a very large window, and the ability to handle large caliber recoils this is one unit I know I can trust and use from my shotgun to my handguns. The compactness of the Sightmark is truly amazing and you and your gun will hardly notice its even on top of that rail. This is an absolutely great sight and for the price should be considered by anyone looking into red dots. The Sightmark Ultra Sight is highly recommended for anyone hunting on a budget or has little experience with red dots and looking to give them a shot.


    Compact Durable Clear Great Value!

    The Aimpoint CompM3 is another awesome red dot sight that operates on its own playing field. This sight is trusted by military and police units around the country, and the reasons are literally crystal clear. With 50,000 hours of operation and 2 reticle sizes combined with hardened/non-glare surface, durability, reliability, and concealment are guaranteed. The unit is totally submersible in water up to 45 meters so I know all is good when I drop or I fall in the river when the spring rains make some crossings difficult when hiking back to my favorite spring spots. I will be mounting this sight with a nice set of low rings by the fall season when I’m back in the woods calling scratching, and hoping to see something strutting!


    Trusted by Military & Police Aimpoint is Ready for Years of Hunting!

    Best of luck out there this coming turkey season! Be sure to check back in for more Spring Turkey news and information.

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