• 12-06-2013-santa-stakeout

    Finding Father Christmas with the Santa Stake Out Kit

    Dec 9 • News • 4965

    I’m always on the lookout for Jolly Ol’ Saint Nick. Never have been able to find him, though. This year’s going to be different. This year, the game has changed. This year, OpticsPlanet has the Santa Stakeout Kit.

    Santa Stakeout Kit from OpticsPlanet.com

    Introducing your only line of defense from magical North Pole-dwelling elves.

    No more will Kris Kringle hide under the cover of night from me. I’m not going to take those lumps of coal any more. I have made it my mission to speak with the Head Elf himself about officially removing my name from the Naughty List. There’s no point in going into details of how it got there. Let’s just say that he and I have never seen eye to eye.

    Utilizing the carefully crafted Santa Stakeout Kit, you too can track Santa as he makes his way from his fortified hideout in the North Pole.

    The Bogey is Moving In

    Countless hours of surveillance through the years have revealed this much: Santa has harnessed as-of-yet unknown flying powers in his sleigh and flying reindeer. To get an eye on him, you’re going to need to stay concealed in the cold December outdoors. Don your OPMOD Ghillie Suit and Final Approach One Shot Blind to make sure he doesn’t see you first. This is your primary line of defense against Father Christmas – staying hidden. Make sure you stay warm with the included parka, winter gloves, and hand warmers – Santa has a naturally extreme tolerance to the cold (viz. his wintery North Pole home), but you don’t.

    OPMOD Ghillie Suit

    The OPMOD Ghillie Suit. Pictured: someone who’s going to be on the Nice List.

    So you’re concealed. But you won’t hear his sleigh bells ring – are you listening? – unless you heighten your senses a bit. With the Pro Ears Pro Hear IV Hearing Device, every faint “ho ho ho” will clue you into his flight path. It fits comfortably into your ear and picks up all the little sounds you normally can’t on your own. And you’ll be sure to hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring-ting-tingling too.

    You need to get eyes on him next. Grab your OPMOD WB 8x42mm Binoculars and focus in on the tiny spec in the distance. Is it holly and/or jolly? Just be sure, use the included FLIR Scout Thermal Camera. You’ll notice a particularly prominent warm jolliness in the belly. That’s when you know you’ve got him in your sights! Better prep for what comes next.

    Manipulate the Reindeer

    If you’re an experienced hunter, you’re familiar with deer – “rein” or otherwise. These are no ordinary quadrupeds, however. You’ve got to draw them to the low ground and give yourself the tactical advantage. Spray a little Cass Creek Scent to bring them in, and monitor them remotely with the Bushnell Trophy Night Vision Trail Cam. If you happen to get in close, make sure you avoid the teeth. Santa may be here to deck the halls, but I hear those reindeer are more akin to the Grinch.

    Control the Break-In

    Santa, that crafty old man, is a master of getting into even the most secure fortresses. His primary mode of entry is the chimney, and he tends to hurry down them, too. Make sure you’re prepared.

    Pro Ears Pro Hear IV Digital Hearing Device

    Hear every last thing with the Pro Ears Pro Hear IV.

    Keep an eye on everything with the Elmo Indoor Network Dome Security Camera. With its built in motion control, Santa won’t be able to sneak by. When you’re ready to get an eye  on him yourself, grab the OPMOD Carson Mini Aura DNV Pocket Monocular. Even Santa won’t be able to use the cover of dark.

    If you want to be sure you entice Saint Nick even more, you should consider hanging the Gen Pro Tactical Stocking above the chimney. Santa won’t be able to resist this serious sock, and you’ll even be able to hide some backup equipment in it, should things go awry.


    Brite Strike Tactical Balls

    Santa won’t know what hit him with the Brite Strike Tactical Balls

    He’s inside. You’ve got questions, he’s got answers. And presents. A whole bag full of presents.

    Roll the Brite Strike Tactical Balls into the room to catch him off guard. They wobble, flash, and cause plenty of confusion. Just be sure not to get distracted from the task at hand! Once he’s temporarily disoriented, you can move in. If you’re not sure you can grab him before he rushes back up the chimney, whip out your Canon EOS Rebel Digital Camera and snap a few pictures. Undeniable proof that Santa Claus is coming to town!

    From there, it’s all a matter of asking the right questions and getting some answers (and those new presents you’ve been waiting for).

    So How Much?

    Can you really put a price on a chat with one of the world’s most elusive elves? Yes, you can, and that price is a mere $6,499! This includes all of the great gear mentioned in this post, plus everything else you could possibly need to track and catch Santa. But isn’t the peace of mind worth it? The Santa Stakeout Kit can make your dream of meeting the real Santa a reality. I know I’m ready. The way I see it, there’s only one way to get on the Nice List: you earn it.

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  • 11-27-2013-maximum-warrior

    Armasight Sponsors Maximum Warrior 4: Week 8

    Dec 3 • News • 4087

    Editor’s Note: The following is a guest blog from Kelly B.

    Here at GearExpert, we are always searching out the latest gear that helps the “warriors” in our lives perform their jobs to the best of their abilities. That is why we have taken a special interest in Maxim Magazine’s quest to answer the question: What does it take to be a “Maximum Warrior”?

    maximum warrior1

    What does it take to be a Maximum Warrior?

    Back for a 4th season, Maximum Warrior 4 (MW4) is a one-of-a-kind reality show that tests ten of America’s most elite military operators – Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Marine Recon, Air Force Combat Controllers — in ten military-inspired challenges. The challenges are more extreme than ever, requiring every ounce of these highly specialized tacticians’ years of training as they rappel down buildings, traverse waterways, and carry out rescue missions. When the smoke clears, one man will be crowned the winner and awarded the title of Maximum Warrior.

    The competition so far has been fierce, and 6 elite fighters have already found themselves eliminated. With only 4 competitors remaining, it’s time to heat things up as the sun goes down during week 8’s challenge: Night Hostage Rescue – sponsored by Armasight.

    Host Karl Erickson quickly sets the tone of this week’s challenge, explaining how cutting-edge night vision technology allows the armed forces to execute their jobs flawlessly in the dark. This low-light experience will obviously be very helpful for all 4 competitors, as they are tasked with using night vision goggles and a SCAR 16 Carbine to clear a blacked-out shoothouse of threats, then enter a second shoothouse lit only by the light on their weapons to locate and exfiltrate a hostage. In true Maximum Warrior fashion, there are a few surprises along the way, including an IED tripwire that comes with a major time penalty if tripped. Best time after penalties wins, and walks away with an Armasight Nyx-14 Pro Night Vision Monocular. And as always, losing time will send one competitor packing.

    Armasight NYX-14 Gen 3 Night Vision Monocular

    Winners will take home the Armasight NYX-14 Gen 3 Night Vision Monocular.

    With much of this week’s footage shot through the lenses of Armasight night vision and Armasight thermal units, Night Hostage Rescue is extremely fun to watch. I won’t spoil the ending for you, but the low-light scenario proves difficult for all four of these seasoned competitors. However one of the warriors takes a commanding lead by using the full capability of his Armasight NYX-14 monocular to identify and avoid a major threat.

    With the field of the competitors down to three, one can only imagine how intense the competition will be as Maximum Warrior nears its finale. And while this show is certainly a lot of fun to watch, it’s important to remember and thank these dedicated warriors for all their hard work and training that allows us to sit back and watch things like MW4 from the comfort of our own home.

    Kelly is an amateur marksman and outdoorsman.

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  • 11-29-2013-atn-tico

    Coming Soon: the ATN TICO 336×256 Thermal Imager

    Dec 2 • News • 4147

    Sometimes, the best things in life are worth waiting for. For me, that category almost always includes thermal imaging. Here’s one you’ll want to keep your eye on: the ATN TICO 336×256 Thermal Imaging Clip-On Sight.

    ATN TICO 336x256 Thermal Imager Clip-on

    Get the ATN TICO 336×256 Thermal Imager Clip-on to transform your daytime scope into a force of the night.

    Extend your daytime scope to battle the night by mounting the ATN TICO in front of your existing scope. Once it’s set up, it’s good to go – you won’t need to readjust every time you use the imager. This is especially important for those of you going on long hunting trips or deployments where you won’t have time to adjust it every time you use it. Functionality is key!

    Take the ATN TICO Thermal Imager with you, and you’ll never have to invest in a thermal scope – it features a quick release mount that makes it easy to use when night sets in. The ATN TICO also doubles as a thermal imaging camera, as it runs a video output. Want to film that perfect shot? ATN has you covered.

    Of course, with a powerful piece of equipment like this, you’ll want it to resist everything that nature can dish out. The ATN TICO Thermal Imaging Camera is built to full MIL-SPEC and will easy withstand the test of time. Furthermore, it’s covered by a 1 year limited ATN warranty for worry-free use.

    Check out the product page for the full specs, but I can tell you that I’m impressed. With precision optical alignment and ease of use, the ATN TICO is going to make a big splash once it hits the shelves at OpticsPlanet.com. Keep your eye on it – and if you want to receive it as soon as possible, you might consider putting in an order today!

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  • 11-27-2013-trijicon-acog-rmr

    What Do I Need? Trijicon ACOGs vs. Red Dots

    Nov 27 • News • 18224

    Trijicon has a ton of useful sights, scopes, and more. It’s some of the toughest, most powerful and well-respected gear on the market, which can make the task of deciding on one particularly daunting. The first time I encountered their Advanced Combat Optical Gunsite (ACOG) line, I knew I wanted one, but I couldn’t initially tell if they were the correct choice for me. Fortunately, I had some help from the product experts at OpticsPlanet.com, so let’s talk about the differences between Trijicon ACOGs and their fantastic choices in Trijicon Red Dot Sights.

    What are the differences? 

    Trijicon RMR Adjustable Red Dot Sight w/ MOA Dot Reticle

    Trijicon RMR Red Dot Sights provide rapid target acquisition.

    Trijicon Red Dots Sights are their popular line of reflex sights, designed to get a bead on targets, and fast. Using a projection system, the red dot in these sights stays fixed on the target, regardless of the angle at which you look down the sight. Red Dot Sights from Trijicon do not magnify, and instead serve as a fast replacement for standard iron sights. Choices include the Trijicon RMR line, like the RMR Adjustable Red Dot Sight w/MOA Dot, as well as the RX30 Reflex Scope. They are typically compact and lightweight, designed to mount on most any firearm. Most Trijicon Red Dot Sights have adjustable illumination for the dot.

    Trijicon ACOG 4x32 Riflescope w/ Green Horseshoe Target Reference System Reticle

    Trijicon ACOGs like this one are perfect for mid to long-range shooting.

    Trijicon ACOG Scopes are a military standard for combat rifle scopes, but also serve civilians. These scopes offer a fixed magnification, typically between 2x-4x, to allow for better accuracy at mid- to long-range distances. Trijicon ACOGs are equipped with tritium for low-light shooting – as tritium glows naturally, ACOGs do not need batteries. The illuminated reticles also feature fiber optics to gather ambient light, which makes them helpful for daytime shooting as they provide better contrast against targets.

    Which should I choose?

    Choose a Trijicon Red Dot Sight if you are looking for rapid target acquisition at close ranges. The RMR line is particularly useful, as the shooter does not need to line up iron sights to make the perfect shot. Also, select a Trijicon red dot if you are looking for a compact alternative to your iron sights. Their illuminated red dot reticle makes them perfect for daytime or low-light shooting. Are you competing? If red dots are allowed, and you need to shoot multiple targets in a short time frame, the Trijicon Red Dot Line is perfect for you!

    Choose a Trijicon ACOG if you are in the military, looking to fire off rounds at long distances, or need a good low-light scope. The magnification on the ACOGs can give you the edge you need at range, but they still serve for close-range shooting as the magnification is not too extreme and offers a wide field of view. Trijicon ACOGs are also perfect for shooters who never want to change a battery – their built-in tritium glow will last for years without needing adjustment. If you’re not serving in combat situations, a Trijicon ACOG can still be the right choice for hunting, competition, or target practice.

    What if I can’t decide?

    Trijicon ACOG 4x32 Rifle Scope w/ Dual Illuminated Red Chevron .223 Ballistic Reticle
    Get an ACOG with a mounted RMR sight for the best of both worlds!

    Why not get both? Trijicon offers a wide range of sights that can be mixed and matched. A common combination is mounting a Trijicon RMR on top of an ACOG. Shooters can seamlessly switch from the red dot sight for close-range shooting to the ACOG to make the long shot. Whichever choice you make, be sure to let us know what you think would work for you. And remember – the product experts at OpticsPlanet are always willing to help out!

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  • Improve Your Aim with the OPMOD G.U.M.B. Universal Boresight

    Nov 27 • News • 5704

    If you’ve ever sighted in a firearm, you know that it can be a pain. Thankfully, OPMOD and Sightmark are taking the hassle out of it with the OPMOD Sightmark G.U.M.B. 1.0 Green Universal Boresight!

    OPMOD Sightmark G.U.M.B Boresight

    Slip the OPMOD Sightmark G.U.M.B Boresight into your kit – it fits virtually any gun!

    Just slip this nifty device onto the end of your barrel, turn it on, and get ready to sight in. The Sightmark OPMOD Boresight fits magnetically onto almost any barrel, so it’s easy to attach and remove – a fantastic feature when you’ve got more than one firearm to sight in. The green laser is easy to see and line up with your sights or reticle, so if your range is brightly lit, you won’t be squinting to find the mark on your target.

    And when they say “universal,” they mean it. The G.U.M.B. Bore Sight, modified by OPMOD, fits onto virtually any barrel. This is a boon for me, as I dislike having to deal with arbors to fit the specific caliber of my guns.

    Plus, I’m relatively thrifty, even when it comes to my favorite hobbies. We’ve got an ammo shortage going on, and I don’t need to waste precious bullets ensuring that my riflescope is sighted in properly. The OPMOD Sightmark G.U.M.B. Boresight takes the hassle and the expense out of the whole experience, allowing me to conserve my ammo for target practice and, more importantly, the hunt.

    Once you’ve sighted your scope in, just pop the G.U.M.B. off of your barrel and fire off a couple of rounds to compensate for bullet drop or any other inconsistencies that may arise. Now that you’ve got the ideal alignment, slip the Sightmark OPMOD G.U.M.B. Bore sight into its lightweight carrying pouch for future use.

    I love shooting, and I don’t love wasting ammo and time. I especially don’t like frustrating time spent sighting in weapons. If you’re like me, check out the Sightmark OPMOD G.U.M.B. Green Universal Boresight today! What will you be sighting in?

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