• 3gun invitational main pic

    OpticsPlanet Visits the Crimson Trace 3-Gun Invitational

    Aug 22 • News • 3770

    Recently, the crew from OpticsPlanet headed over to Crimson Trace’s Midnight 3-Gun Invitation – several days of fun and friendly competition. A few of the guys even got to participate in side courses, and OpticsPlanet sponsored one of the tracks, the “Heat Stroke.” Kelly was one of the lucky marksmen that got to attend. Below is his recap from the first day of shooting. Be sure to stay tuned for more!

    Guest Blogger: Kelly B

    The Crimson Trace CEO said it best at the media and sponsors dinner for the second annual Midnight 3 Gun Invitational: “There are only two rules here, 1. Stay safe and 2. Have fun.” And with that, things were underway. After a beautiful 45 minute bus ride through central Oregon, we arrived at COSSA, the area’s premiere outdoor shooting range. The term massive would be an understatement – this facility has everything. From 1000 yard rifle ranges, to multi-room shoot houses; it was instantly clear why Crimson Trace chose this as the location for their premiere shooting event.

    Steve & Kelly CTC Midnight 3-Gun

    Kelly and Steve at the Crimson Trace Midnight 3-Gun Invitiational

    After a brief but informative shooters meeting, led by Chris Cerrino (whom you may know from the History Channel program Top Shot), the sun set on central Oregon and the competition was underway.

    Our very first stage was actually the last in the competition, Stage 9 – better known as Kill the Engine. Upon seeing an abandoned car downrange, the shooters knew they were in for quite a treat. Turns out, the very first task on this stage was to engage three close range paper targets with a supplied SCAR rifle, and then launch a 40mm grenade at the vehicle. For numerous reasons I’m sure you can understand, competitors were using chalk training projectiles instead of the real thing, but nevertheless competitors relished the opportunity to fire this weapon.

    After several competitors, it was finally time for OpticsPlanet’s resident marksman Steve to run the course. He quickly engaged the paper targets and nailed the car (which received a nice round of applause from the sizable crowd watching his performance).  He then proceeded to nail 8 paper targets and 8 steel plates with his pistol, and finished off nailing the last 8 clays with his trusty shotgun. After his very well executed round, Steve explained to fellow shooters that his shotgun was a gift from when he was 12 years old. “How many rounds have gone through that thing?” asked a fellow competitor. The response? “Probably close to 14 billion”. Certainly some hyperbole, but watching the way he executed with the firearm, there is no doubt a history between the two.

    With stage 9 complete, we made our way over to stage 1, or “heat stroke”. This just so happened to be the OpticsPlanet sponsored stage, and it was quite a thrill to see our name lit up on the range. It means a lot to be a part of this great event, as OpticsPlanet is always seeking ways to become more engaged with persons sharing the same passion we have for shooting sports.

    Heat Stroke involved a mix of clays, steel and four 150 yard rifle shots using a Flir clip-on thermal unit. Some competitors struggled a bit with the rifle, but all in all it became clear that we were in great company, with muzzles blasting, brass flying and targets ringing faster than the Range Officer could yell “shooter ready?” This strong showing from our group continued on for two more stages, with the very last shot ringing out at 4:15am.

    Needless to say, it was an exhausting first day. Everyone is very excited for tomorrow though, as it’s Media Day, and we’ll have the opportunity to try out new gear from companies such as Leupold, Flir, Colt, Hornady, OTIS and many more. Stay tuned for coverage on all we see then, as well as a recap from night two of the Midnight 3 Gun Invitational.

    Kelly is an amateur marksman, outdoorsman, and Crimson Trace enthusiast, especially after this event!

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  • Surefire Tactical Wrist Light 2211

    Free Up Your Hands With the SureFire 2211 LED WristLight

    Aug 5 • News • 9945

    Have you ever had trouble fooling around with a flashlight while you’re working in the dark?  I have been down that road more times than I can remember.  I usually get frustrated because I know that two hands would really help, but I can’t put my flashlight down because then I wouldn’t be able to see what I was doing.  SureFire has solved this problem for me with their 2211 LED WristLight, which you can get now at OpticsPlanet.com.

    The SureFire 2211 LED WristLight was designed for police officers and all different types of law enforcement agencies all over the country, but that doesn’t mean us civilians can’t reap the benefits.  With that in mind you know it’s made with the highest quality materials and will work through the harshest conditions.  One of the best features on the 2211 WristLight is the 180 Lumen output.  This will allow you to see anything you want in close range with ease.  Police officers can easily walk into a dark room with the WristLight attached to their wrist, of their shooting hand, and light up anyone that may be hiding.  How cool is that?  One less thing that an officer has to worry about when they’re risking their life and heading into dangerous situations.  Plus, the WristLight was made to be very lightweight, only 3.7 ounces with batteries.  This is greatly beneficial so it won’t throw off their aim, which is also good because we want them to capture whoever they’re after.

    SureFire 2211 WristLight

    Get your Tactical 2211 WristLight from SureFire

    Not only is this a great tactical light for law enforcement, but it’s also a great light for the average joe, or someone like me.  When I’m out hiking with my family, the SureFire 2211 WristLight would come in handy at night out on the trails so I wouldn’t have to worry about lugging around a big heavy flashlight with me.  I could put it on my wrist or around my arm and be all set.  Plus, my sister, who’s left handed, could use it just as easily because it has two switches one on each side.  If I was ambidextrous like the WristLight, I probably would have done better in sports.  When I go out camping or hiking, the less stuff I bring with me the better.  That way I don’t have to carry or keep track of things I don’t need.  The feature I probably like the best on the 2211 WristLight is the lithium-ion rechargeable battery.  You know what that means, no more constantly spending money on batteries and worrying about if you have the right kind or trying to find them in that kitchen drawer that always collects all the random junk that doesn’t have a place.

    I’m very excited for the SureFire 2211 LED WristLight.  It brings the capability of Tactical-level output to the general public.  Using the WristLight on a high output (180 lumens); you should be able to use the light for around 1.25 hours before recharging.  A medium output (60 lumens) should last around 4.0 hours. The low output (15 lumens) should last about 13.0 hours.  Besides hiking and camping I could see myself using the SureFire 2211 LED WristLight for a number of different applications like walking my dog at night, or even working on my car with my dad in the garage.  It’s so small, lightweight, and versatile you could take it practically anywhere with you. So, what would you use the Surefire 2211 WristLight for?

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  • Flir Scout PS-32 Thermal imaging featured

    FLIR Scout PS-32 Giveaway! What I’d Use It For

    Jul 29 • News • 10125

    OpticsPlanet.com loves giving gear away – riflescopes, binoculars, and now, the FLIR Scout PS-32 Thermal Imaging Monocular! Just go to the product page there and enter your email address to enter for your chance to win one of these babies. I’ve tried one, and I can tell you – they’re a lot of fun. The contest ends August 5, so you’d better hurry!

    Flir Scout PS-32 Thermal Imaging Monocular

    Enter for a chance to win the FLIR Scout PS-32!

    The PS-32 is equipped with selectable palettes including the InstaAlert that displays thermal signatures in bright red. The rechargeable battery will last you 5 hours – plenty of time to get your hunting down. This powerful thermal handheld would be great for a whole lot of uses – hunting, hiking, and more. But that’s not all! Here’s my top 10 list for awesome things you could do with your FLIR Scout PS-32 Thermal Monocular – in order from most useful to most…”creative.”

    1. Hunting – This is the obvious choice. The FLIR Scout PS-32 is the ideal hunting monocular. It packs away easily, has 5 hours of battery life, and the selectable palettes give you options in the field. I’d take one of these with me in a heartbeat, but they won’t let me enter the contest.

    2. Hiking – Keep an eye out for bears, cougars, and other predators, find your way back to the campfire, and locate your hiking buddies. The FLIR Scout is a great hiking companion, whether you’re taking a short hike in the evening or will be on the trail for a week. Of course, you’ll need to charge the batteries – might I also recommend a solar charger?

    3. Camping – The FLIR Scout PS-32 Thermal Monocular cuts through fog, dust, smoke, and more to bring you the most crisp, clean thermal signatures possible. It will also let you locate other campsites and make sure to maximize your distance from dangerous terrain.

    4. Home Defense – Keep an eye out for intruders, as well as any bears that might’ve snuck up to your porch. What is it about bears today? I think I’m terrified they’re going to sneak up on me.

    5. Detect Leaks – Is it feeling a little drafty in here? The FLIR PS-32 is great for pinpointing where the cold air is getting in.

    6. Watching Livestock – When keeping predators at bay, it’s important to know where they’re coming from. Camp out with this FLIR monocular and you’ll track down those pesky mountain lions in no time. Or bears.

    7. Hunting for Bigfoot – One of the many wonderful suggestions on the Optics Planet Facebook page, I couldn’t agree more. Bigfoot is a serious problem and represents a threat to national security. The FLIR Scout PS-32 Thermal Monocular may be just what we need to keep him in check.

    8. Ghost hunting – I’m not sure if ghosts give off heat signatures, or if they’re unnaturally cold. Either way, I’ll feel safer knowing I’ve got a FLIR with me, just in case.

    9. Detect “Gas Leaks” – This one speaks for itself, I think.

    10. Just looking really cool – Win this FLIR Scout PS-32 Thermal Imaging Monocular, and you’re going to look really, really cool.

    These are just a few suggestions. I’m sure there are many more – let me know if I’ve missed any, and head over to the FLIR Scout PS-32 product page and enter your email for a chance to win one!

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  • Invisible Man Featured

    Totally Invisible: The Invisible Man Kit Arrives!

    Jul 22 • News • 7209

    How terrible is it being visible all the time? I’m serious, it’s a real drag. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to be invisible – when I’m tracking game, when I’m embarrassed, or when I’m eating (I’m a private person). So, between those three, I want to be invisible literally all the time. FINALLY, Optics Planet has the product for me!

    Invisible Man Kit

    The Invisible Man Kit – not everything is pictured (because it’s invisible…?)

    The Invisible Man Kit brings invisibility screaming into the 21st century with gear that will make your jaw drop (don’t worry about gawking, no one will be able to see you anyway). The Invisibility Experts over at Optics Planet have made sure that there is not a single piece of frivolous gear in this kit; deck out your gear box with everything in this kit and you’ll feel yourself fading from existence a la Michael J. Fox. The only thing this kit doesn’t include is magic – and let’s be honest, it comes pretty close.

    The OpticsPlanet Invisible Man Kit is absolutely packed with gear to transform you from a loud, smelly, entirely visible hunter into a honed mass of pure invisibility. The kit approaches each aspect of the hunt with no-holds-barred intensity that will make you wonder how you ever survived being seen all the stinkin’ time. The Invisible Man Kit will give you the advantage on three fronts, represented by three of the five senses: sight, smell, and hearing. (If you find a kit that covers taste and touch, you may have picked up a cookbook instead.)

    Not Seeing Is Believing

    Let me just put it out there: there are a lot of ways that the Invisible Man Kit helps you with basic visibility. Full disclosure – it contains no actual cloaking device. It just gives you everything else you could possibly need for invisibility.

    OPMOD Ghille Suit - Snow Camo

    The OPMOD Ghillie Suit in Snow Camo is perfect for hiding in winter environments.

    The Invisible Man Kit starts you off with two OPMOD Ghille Suits – both Woodland Camo and Snow Camo. Bring both along with you if you think the seasons are going to give you a miss and go straight from Spring to Winter. But that’s not enough – you’ll also need the Final Approach Eliminator Express Blind. This comfortable blind is perfect when you’re lying prone for long hours, waiting for the perfect buck to come along.

    When it starts to rain, fear not – unlike invisible ink, the Invisible Man Kit doesn’t stop working when it’s wet out. The Propper Gen II ECWCS Parka will keep you dry and still let you blend into the background. Throw on the Blackhawk Balaclava to cloak your face, too.

    With all these great products and much more – like the UnderTech Concealment Shorts or the S.O.L.A.G. Gloves – you’re going to start feeling pretty invisible. But wait! Your prey can still smell you, you know! You might as well give up and go home now.

    Just kidding! You know that the Invisible Man Kit has plenty to help on that front…

    Smell Ya Never

    If you’re not using the Invisible Man Kit, well, we’ll be honest – urine trouble.

    Pee. Yes. The Invisible Man Kit comes with mountain lion and boar urine scents for tracking game, as well as White Tail Gland Scent, and skunk cover – all from Cass Creek. Spray one of these scents on you and you’ll start to blend in with nature. If you’d rather not smell like the “great outdoors,” use the Scent Kill Soap to kill your natural scents and prevent your pray from smelling you before you even see them.

    And when nature TRULY calls, be sure you have the Do-All Outdoors Port-A-P Hunting Urinal handy!

    Listen Closely

    Pro Ears Pro Hear Behind the Ear Amplifier

    Hear right with Pro Ears!

    Finally, we have sound. Now, most of the gear you’ll be wearing from the Invisible Man Kit is designed not to give away too much sound, but you’ll still need to be careful when you’re tramping through the woods. Unfortunately, you don’t have much of an advantage in this department – or do you? Most of the animals you’ll be hunting have much better hearing than you. Give yourself a really competitive edge with the Pro Ears Pro Hear Digital Sound Amplifier.

    More Accessories Than You Can Shake A Stick At

    Not only is the Invisible Man Kit packed with the awesome gear above, but you’ll also get killer weapon accessories, knives, cases, lasers, and much more. You’ll even get a safe to make sure your gun is invisible!

    Once you’re invisible to your prey, you’re going to need to be able to take them down. Fortunately, the Invisible Man Kit has plenty of gear to make sure you get the perfect shot, every time. This includes awesome gear like a sweet Leupold scope and anti-reflective device, ATN Night Vision Goggles, a laser designator from Laser Genetics, a reflex sight from Burris, and even ATN’s Odin Thermal Imager.

    ATN Odin Thermal Imager

    It’s not enough to not be seen – you must also see with the ATN Odin

    This may all seem a little overwhelming, but don’t worry. The folks over at Optics Planet know that they’ve got a lot to offer. Why not take some time to peruse what the Invisible Man Kit has to offer? Pick up an Invisible Man Kit – when you’re ready to disappear…

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  • Burris eliminator laser scope logo

    Tech on the Range: Burris Eliminator III

    Jun 25 • News • 8732

    I’m a techie at heart. Every new gadget, whether it’s a smartphone app to help me track my CO2 output or a television that doubles as a bottle opener and vacuum cleaner, will eventually be mine. In other words, I sell out quick for tech that makes my life easier. This is especially true for products that do more than one thing. Consolidation is the wave of the future!

    Burris 4-16x50mm Eliminator III 200116

    The Burris 4-16x50mm Eliminator III Laser Riflescope is your one-stop-shop for a combo scope.

    Enter the Burris Eliminator III 4-16x50mm Rangefinder Laser Scope. Talk about doing two things at once – it’s a powerful scope and a rangefinder all rolled into one. It does everything except pull the trigger for you. Burris has taken the guesswork out of shooting with its powerful X96 reticle technology. Is your target 1,000 yards out? Piece of cake. Try 1,200+ yards. I’m not great at math, but that’s a lot of football fields.

    Did I mention it’s a rangefinder as well? I think I did, but it bears repeating. Not only does the Burris Eliminator III Scope give you one-touch pinpoint accuracy, but you won’t have to lug an extra piece of gear around. Just press the button, and the scope will rapidly acquire the distance to your target and display it above the reticle. Let me break this down for you: the human brain isn’t designed to focus on two places at once. Transitioning between a rangefinder and a scope breaks focus, wastes time, and provides a window for your target to escape. I don’t know about you, but an all-in-one rifle scope and rangefinder is sounding pretty good right about now.

    Burris 4-16x50mm Eliminator III Reticle

    The Burris Eliminator 3 features powerful reticle and rangefinding technology.

    The 4-16×50 Eliminator III from Burris can also take a beating. I know that most of you are no slouches when it comes to weather, and rain or shine you’ll be out in the field stalking your game. The Eliminator 3 is totally waterproof, shockproof, and fogproof, so don’t treat it like a computer. Treat it like a powerful tool. Plus, the unique reticle design in the Eliminator III will help you compensate for cross breezes and nail those varmints on the first shot.

    There’s a lot to love here, and I’ve gushed enough. Suffice to say, I’m enthralled with this two-in-one scope. Even the name has a double meaning! Eliminator – eliminate your target and the need for a rangefinder! Okay, that might be pushing it a little bit.

    Now, if only this thing made espresso for those early morning hunts…

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