• Weaver Dream Hunt Giveaway Hunting Video!

    Mar 6 • News, Videos • 10136

    Sometimes I’m surprised.  I knew, when we ran our Weaver Dream Hunt for Two Giveaway last year, that the prize was pretty darn awesome.  The prize itself was a combination of a hunting trip and over $1500 in Weaver hunting gear, like their Grand Slam Binoculars, a Buck Commander Rangefinder and more.  I knew that prize was going to get people excited, and the thousands of entries we got proved that point, but I’m surprised by just how amazing the trip was.

    Our winner, Kenneth, took his two grown sons on the trip, and to hear them talk about it (MUST-WATCH video above) I can honestly say they really won something special.  Hunting is great.  Getting outdoors at a beautiful ranch like the Record Buck in Utopia Texas would be fun for anyone, but to see the great memories a father and his sons got to make really drove home the point that this trip was something special.  I can personally attest to how dear memories with my dad are, and this hunting trip helped these three make some great memories.  The fact that one of the sons lives a bit further away and doesn’t get to see his brother or father very often just makes it that much more special.

    We’re always pushing to run more sweepstakes to giveaway the world’s best gear, but every once in a while I’m pleasantly surprised to see the impact one of our goes beyond giving great gear or a fun time.  We gave away a chance at amazing, lifelong memories.  That’s worth a lot more than any price we could apply to the prize.  Congratulations to Kenneth and his sons Brandon and Nicholas.  I’m so happy we could give you an amazing Dream Hunt Prize in conjunction with Weaver!

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  • Archery Safety Tips and Tools

    Mar 5 • News • 10404

    Archery has been used for thousands of years by countless cultures as an important tool for hunting and fighting. This tradition continues today, with hunters and sport archers reconnecting with their ancestors. With archery becoming more widespread in pop culture with movies like The Hunger Games, Brave, and of course Robin Hood, I felt like it would be a good time to give everyone some basic safety tips and products on how to successfully shoot arrows without poking an eye out.

    Real Avid Bowsmith Multi – Tool

    Real Avid Bowsmith Multi-Tool

    The Real Avid Bowsmith Multi-Tool is a perfect tool for helping you adjust and maintain your bow!

    The Real Avid multi-tool has everything an archer needs to tune up a bow, fix busted arrows, and even mounting steps to a tree stand. The tools include: needle-nose pliers, a broad head sharpener and fletching stripper, and a multi-use knife. This is a cool little tool that’ll come handy in for almost situation that may arise on a bow hunting expedition.  This is the Swiss Army Knife of bow repair.

    Real Avid Bow Box Archery Tool Kit

    Real Avid Bow Box Archery Tool Kit

    For more complete bow care, check out the Real Avid Bow Box Archery Tool Kit.

    This kit is more comprehensive than the multi-tool above.  The Real Avid Bow Box Archery Took Kit is a complete set of tools for archers to keep a bow in its prime no matter what.  It includes: sturdy bow hanger, wind checker bottle, and versa wrench. The included sturdy carrying case will withstand a ton of punishment and keep your new tools in working order.

    Eberlestock ButtBucket Bow and Gun Carrier

    Eberlestock ButtBucket Bow and Gun Carrier

    The Eberlestock ButtBucket Bow and Gun Carrier is very versatile and will help you haul your bow over miles of hunting ground!

    I chose this particular Eberlestock hunting accessory because of versatility. The bow and gun carrier allows you to quickly mount a long or compound bow to just about any backpack. The ripcord release allows you to quickly remove your bow or rifle when spotting a target, and just as easily attach and tighten to begin hiking. I felt this would be a great addition to any hunting trip to keep your bow or rile secure at all times.

    Texas Hunt Co L.P.V. Low Profile Hunting Vest

    Texas Hunt Co L.P.V. Low Profile Hunting Vest

    This vest by Texas Hunt Co has a huge capacity to help you carry everything you need.

    I know this may seem very basic, but I cannot express the importance of orange clothing during hunting season whether it is for bowhunters or shooters. Bright neon orange is not found in nature, so it’s ideal when going on a hunting trip to help you be clearly seen by other hunters in the area. The really neat thing about the Texas Hunt Co L.P.V. Low Profile Hunting Vest is that is has extra storage for a long or short day hunt. Also, this is good for all climates and shooting conditions and the material keeps all contents dry and clean.

    Here are a couple of other things that may be useful to all archers, whether at a range or in the field on a hunt:

    Use protective gear such as arm guards, finger tabs, and thumb rings. An arm guard is worn to protect the inside of the forearm when the arrow is being shot, and to keep clothing from getting in the way of the arrow. An arm guard will prevent the arrow from missing the target. Finger tabs simply protect the first and second finger from the pressure of pulling the string back. Finally, when hunting and shooting from an elevated stand be sure to use a climbing harness to attach yourself to the tree.

    Finally think smart. Make sure all equipment is functional prior to use. Only point your equipment in a safe direction, and in an area specified for shooting. Dress for the weather and be prepared with basic survival gear, even on short trips.

    Stay safe on your next bow hunting trip.  Take some great shots and keep your bow in pristine condition!

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  • How to Survive a Blizzard—Your Winter Driving Preparation Guide

    Mar 2 • News • 6229

    We have a guest post by one of our latest GearExperts today, Esther, and she’s going to take us through some of the best gear for surviving winter weather.  Enjoy!

    After driving through Tuesday’s winter storm here in northern Illinois, this island girl is thinking she needs to get prepared before another storm hits. I have a winter disaster kit at home but I don’t even have a blanket or a bottle of water in my car. What’s going to happen if I get stuck in a blizzard or my car decides to die in the middle of a snow storm?

    Snow Gear

    Don’t Get Stuck out in the snow without the right equipment!

    After watching the Blizzard Preparation Kit Video (see above), I developed a list of essentials that commuters need in order to survive a winter storm:

    1. Get a blanket such as the Coghlans Emergency Blanket.
    2. Warm winter clothing. I recommend the Propper Defender Echo Fleece Jacket—a sleek, water proof, water resistant and bulk free layer.  The Camelbak Cold Weather glove is also great to keep in your glove compartment.
    3. A bright neon safety vest. You’ll be easily seen at night.
    4. Bottled water in case you get stranded for a couple of hours. Staying hydrated is important.
    5. Non-perishable dried food.
    6. An emergency tool kit that includes a first aid kit, tow ropes, and jumper cables.
    7. Flashlight with extra batteries.
    8. Compass and thermometer. I am loving this 2-in-1 compass and thermometer from Coghlans.
    9. A shovel to dig around your tires.

    Hopefully you’ll find this list useful as you start building your own winter survival kit.  Leave a comment and let me know what other products you would include.

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  • Spring Camping Gear Ideas

    Feb 28 • News • 7632

    With spring right around the corner, I figured it would be a great time to let you know about some of the cool camping gear that you might not already have, or even thought about. Here are some of the items I have come across that are going to be must-haves in my bag for spring season camping. Also, I have kept in mind the importance of durability, water proofing, size, and of course price.

    VWR ETERNITY Emergency Rechargeable Flashlight 3890


    VWR Eternity Emergency Flashlight

    The VWR Eternity Emergency Flashlight Ensures you will never be without light!

    The VWR ETERNITY Emergency Rechargeable Flashlight 3890 is especially useful for camping. The price is right at $24.99, and this torch will pay for itself with the cost of batteries. It recharges just by shaking it, so you never have to worry about the batteries going dead at an inconvenient time.  Also helpful for camping is that the VWR ETERNITY Flashlight is both waterproof and will floats. This makes it perfect for storing on a boat, or taking it on an early morning fishing trip. I also like the fact that it is lightweight, so it doesn’t add any extra weight to my pack.

    Maxpedition 32 oz Water Bottle

    Maxpedition Water Bottle

    Get your ice and water in easily with this Maxpedition Water Bottle!

    So at home I use ice trays, and the most irritating thing is to try and fit the ice into my water bottles. The best thing about this Maxpedition water bottle is that the opening is large enough to put the ice in. Now, most aluminum bottles that I have a coating eventually flakes off. The “food grade coating” keeps particles from eventually flaking into your water. Next, there are three colors and art work features that you can choose to make the bottle customizable. I prefer yellow.

    Pelican 1065CC Hardback Computer Case

    Pelican Hardback Case

    Protect your computer or tablet when camping with a Pelican Hardback Case!

    I personally have a tablet that I carry everywhere, so why would camping be any exception? This Pelican Hardback computer case can literally keep my iPad protected through a flood, which would be perfect for an unexpected spring shower that I do not want it to experience. Also, the Pelican Hardback case is shock absorbent so it will not break or crack the screen if it gets dropped or jumbled with the rest of my camping gear. The case will hold any type of tablet or eReader that is up to 10 inches long.

    Gerber Gator Axe II

    Gerber Gator Combo Axe

    A good axe and saw like in the Gerber Gator Combo Axe can be a real life saver!

    Now, there is nothing more dangerous than carrying around sharp weapons, but the cool thing about the Gerber Gator Axe II Combo is that it is a two in one axe and saw. The axe has a long handle which allows greater striking force with textured grips for better handling. The saw is inserted inside the handle of the saw with magnets making it safe and convenient to store within a hunting or camping kit.

    There’s a lot more you can have for summer camping fun, both to increase fun and safety, but this should get you started.  What do you think?  What is your #1 camping tool or accessory?

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  • Behind the Ear for Phenomenal Sound by Pro-Ears!

    Feb 19 • News • 5596

    Keeping your eyes and ears open is one of the surest ways to keep safe.  No matter if you’re on the shooting range, hunting trail or walking down a busy city street, when your eyes and ears are open you’ll have a better chance at avoiding disaster.  I’ve written before about quality eyewear, in both professional settings and in everyday life, so I want to focus more on hearing enhancement and protection today.

    Pro Hear BTE

    The Pro Hear BTE is hardly noticeable and provides fantastic sound!

    Pro-Ears is a leader in the hearing enhancement industry, and their Pro Hear line is an excellent way to boost your ear’s performance.  There are three different models in the Pro Hear line, and they all amplify sound in a smart way.  They won’t just blast any old sound into your ear drums.  That’s not going to be very useful.  You need to make sure you’re hearing everything, and that means cutting through the white noise of everyday life.  Like many of you, I love hitting the hiking or hunting trails because of the peaceful quiet, but even miles from civilization there’s noise that you need to decipher.  If you’re hunting you need to make sure you can hear the right sounds without distractions.  Rather than amplifying everything, the Pro Hear line balances out the sounds you hear, enabling you to hear the little sounds, like a deer stepping on a leaf, as easily as you hear a gunshot.  But at the same time, it doesn’t blast the loud report from a gunshot straight into your ear.

    That’s smart design.

    Pro Hear Kit

    The Pro Hear comes with a case, cleaning tool, battery, foam tips for superior fit, and ear plug!

    The aesthetic of the Pro Hear is also pretty sharp, with a color, weight and size that’ll go unnoticed.  I don’t mind people seeing me with hearing enhancement when I’m on the trail, but these can be really helpful in city environments too, and in those situations I don’t want people noticing my hearing enhancer.  The small form factor and behind the ear design really keep the Pro Hear out of sight.

    I do want to point out that there are a couple different models of the Pro Hear, so you should pick the one that’s best for you.  The Pro Hear II is the first to take a look at, and it gives you the phenomenal hearing enhancement with a fairly minimal form factor, but when you move up into the Pro Hear II+ you’ll get a little more adjustability.  When combined with three layer noise reduction you get more clarity in amplification while also getting better feedback cancellation.  This means you won’t have to deal with much background noise, leaving just the important stuff that you really do want to hear.

    Pro Hear Behind the Ear Amplification

    Check out how smalle the Pro Hear Behind the Ear Amplification is!

    The top of the line Pro Hear IV is lighter for greater comfort, and the technology is the most advanced of all, with built-in presets for memory.  If you like one setting on the hunting trail and another when walking around the city, the Pro Hear IV makes it easy to recall a prior setting.

    Your hearing is going to keep you safe and successful on your next hunt.  Make sure you hear exactly what you need with a new Pro-Ears Pro Hear Behind the Ear Amplification Device.

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