• For True Versatility Check Out the Burris FastFire III Red Dot Sight!

    Sep 21 • News • 18650

    Wow.  I want to tell you about the new Burris FastFire III (which we first got to take a look at in January at SHOT Show), but I’m having a hard time figuring out which of the huge number of features to start with.  I’d say that’s really the main thing I’m impressed with is the Fast Fire III’s versatility.  Burris clearly put a lot of time and effort into designing a new sight that could be used in a wide variety of ways.

    The Burris FastFire III is Compact!

    The FastFire Three is Truly Compact

    The FastFire Three is Truly Compact

    The first thing mentioned in the video above is the size of the FastFire III.  This is a very compact, lightweight red dot sight.  This is important, as a huge variety of new uses can come into play because of the light weight.

    The FastFire III Can Be Mounted to a TON of Different Guns!

    FastFire on a Pistol Shotgun and Rifle

    The Burris FastFire III can be mounted on a wide variety of firearms!

    One of the cooler things about the FastFire III is that it can be mounted on a number of different guns.  If you’ve wanted to add a red dot sight to a pistol or shotgun, the FastFire III is one of the few models on the market today that can give you that performance.  Burris has mounts available for the FastFire III for WAY more guns that most red dot sights.  The SpeedBead Mount for shotguns is a very cool option, but there are so many to choose from, so if you want the fast target acquisition of a red dot sight on something other than a rifle, the FastFire III is going to give you that performance.

    Add the FastFire III as a Secondary Optic!

    Burris FastFire 3 as a Secondary Optic

    Burris FastFire 3 as a Secondary Optic

    Being quick on your feet and able to change your approach to a situation at a moment’s notice is fundamentally important to success.  This is true of military and law enforcement professionals as well as hunters and competition shooters.  You never know if something or someone is going to pop out in front of you.  A soldier might think they’re going to be able to see through their conventional rifle scope from a prone position, but because of circumstance they can’t get the eye relief they need to take an accurate shot.  As Trevor shows you in the video, you can actually mount the FastFire III on the side of your rifle to take a shot by pivoting the firearm to the side.  The light weight and compact nature of this red dot makes it possible to mount on the side of the rifle.  Bigger, heavier reflex sights would be too cumbersome and heavy to do this successfully.

    No need to remove This Red Dot Sight to Change the Batteries

    FastFire III Battery Compartment

    FastFire III Battery Compartment

    Burris has proven their willingness to listen to fans by taking into account a common problem with red dot sights: changing the battery.  Most mini red dots have a battery compartment on the bottom of the sight, requiring you to remove the sight to change the battery.  This also means you have to re-sight in.  That’s a big pain, and it’s not really possible if you’re in the thick of things.  The Burris FastFire 3 has the battery compartment on top of the sight, so you can change the battery without removing the sight.  The battery life is still really long, but if it does run out of battery life you’ll be okay.

    Never worry about Direct Sunlight Affecting your FastFire III’s Effectiveness

    Burris FastFire 3 Sun Shade

    Burris FastFire 3 Sun Shade

    The final thing that really sets the FastFire III apart from most other mini red dot sights is its sun shade.  Even at the brightest settings, if your red dot sight is in a particularly bright room or direct sunlight it might prove difficult to see the dot.  Since the number one reason to use a red dot sight is its quick target acquisition, if you’re struggling to see the dot you won’t be on target as fast as you need to be.  Burris added a sun shade to the FastFire III to get the sun off the red dot, therefore giving you a perfect dot for fast target acquisition.  That’s Burris thinking ahead and taking customer feedback into consideration.

    That’s a TON of great ways the Burris FastFire III helps you get on target.  From allowing you to use their red dot on a multitude of firearms to giving you the chance to change the battery without having to sight in again, Burris put in a lot of time and effort to making sure you have a fantastic red dot sight for almost any purpose.  Be sure to check out the Burris FastFire III the next time you’re in the market for a red dot sight!

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  • Start your Waterfowl Hunting Season Right with Carlson Choke Tubes!

    Sep 20 • News • 4800

    Dependent on where you live, waterfowl hunting seasons are likely starting soon or have already started.  Here in Illinois Teal hunting season has been going on since 9/8 and will end in just a few more days, but Duck, Coot and Merganser Season starts in just about a month.  I was thinking about this, and I realized that many of you need to whip your shotgun into shape for the season!  Sure, a new shotgun scope or sling are smart additions when you’re bird hunting, but choke tubes are really the best way to get ready.

    And it’s hard to beat Carlson Choke Tubes.

    One of my favorite options from Carlson is their 12 Gauge Waterfowl Choke Tube Set.  This set comes with three different choke tubes to give you the option you need.  There’s a close, mid and long range tube for you to choose from dependent on your situation.  The tighter, denser patterns you get when you shoot your shotgun with a Carson Choke Tube on the end will help you hit your target with greater accuracy at longer distance.  Dependent on the type of bird you’re hunting you’ll be able to set your shotgun up in advance and just carry the extra choke tubes in case you need to make a quick change.  You’ll want the long range tube, which will give a really tight pattern, for turkey hunting, as you don’t want the shot to spread throughout the body of the bird.  The mid range tube is best as an all-around tube, and it’ll probably be your workhorse.  Use it for hunting pheasants or grouse.  The short range tube is going to give you the widest spread, though this will still be tighter than a cylinder bore.  All three are going to give you a better chance at hitting a bird when it appears this hunting season.

    Carlson Choke Tubes Knurled

    The knurled end on these Carlson Choke Tubes makes them super easy to remove!

    Since you have three choke tubes to choose from, one of my favorite features on these is the knurled area around the end.  Look at the picture above.  The knurled part has bumps and grooves to make these choke tubes that much easier to take off.  When you need to switch on the fly you’ll really appreciate this.

    There are a number of different options available of the Carlson’s 12 Gauge Waterfowl Choke Tube Set to match your shotgun.  You can find these for sale right now on OpticsPlanet, so get yours and be prepared for waterfowl hunting season!

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  • 5 Ways ATN Night Vision Helps You!

    Sep 19 • News • 5072

    Night Vision can really boost performance in a wide variety of applications, but you need the right model for the right purpose.  ATN manufactures a wide variety of night vision devices that can help you succeed.  I’m narrowing down the ways ATN Night Vision helps you to just 5 (there are easily more, but these are my TOP 5).

    ATN Night Vision Headgear or Rifle Mounted

    ATN Night Vision can be mounted on Headgear or a Rifle!

    1. ATN Night Vision comes in both handheld and rifle scope models.  This is really important if you’re a hunter.  It can be super helpful to use a handheld night vision device for home security or spotting animals on a hunt, but if you’re going to take a shot you need to keep you eye on the target until you pull the trigger. ATN Night Vision Rifle Scopes let you do just that.
    2. ATN has multiple generations of night vision – There are 4 generations of night vision, with generation 1 having been developed over 50 years ago.  Technology advances, and while there are some excellent first generation night vision units on the market today, each step up is going to give you quite a boost in performance.  ATN manufactures a wide variety of night vision to suit different budgets and needs.  If you’re just starting out with night vision and aren’t putting your life on the line with it a first generation unit may be enough, but if you’re a military or law enforcement professional you need the most advanced model available today to ensure you’re safe and effective.  ATN provides solutions for everyone.
    3. ATN Night Vision assists Ambient Light – Image Intensification Night Vision takes the ambient light in the environment and amplifies it to give you a nice view.  The only problem with this is that sometimes there’s no available ambient light, such as when you’re in a cave or building with no windows!  Many ATN Night Vision Devices employ an Infrared Illuminator to add light that’s invisible to the naked eye but adds plenty of light for night vision.  These illuminators boost performance significantly and give you a better chance of finding what you’re looking for!
    4. ATN pushes the boundaries of what’s possible for Night Vision – Constantly innovating helps ATN stay ahead of the curve.  Some of their advancements, like their White Phosphor Technology, help make the image produced by night vision more natural to the human eye, which therefore makes the use able to see more detail in less time.  New technology trickles down to you, as these innovations are made easier and cheaper than before, allowing for higher quality at more affordable prices.
    5. $200 Rebate on Select Second Generation Night Vision by ATN – Right now one of the most compelling ways ATN helps you out is with their new rebate!  If you check out the ATN Night Vision Units on this page you can see exactly which are part of this rebate, which is good on these models bought between 8/15/12 and 12/31/12.  See the full rebate for details.  Second Gen Night Vision is a bit more pricey because of the increase in performance, but this rebate certainly makes these ATN NV Units a lot more attractive, even if you’re on a budget!

    And there you have it: the Top 5 Ways ATN Night Vision Helps you!  We have a variety of different models available right now that are included in the ATN Rebate, and they’re all at least Second Generation models!  That’s a huge deal, and really makes these high end NV Units more attractive price-wise.  Check out our ATN Rebates page or the Mail-In Rebate Form to see exactly which unit you can save a little extra on ATN Night Vision!

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  • Get Started with Night Vision with the Armasight OPMOD GEN1M Monocular!

    Sep 17 • News • 8707

    Buying your first night vision monocular can be tricky.  There’s a lot of language that needs to be learned, with terms like photocathode tubes and different generations from 1 to 4 that each provide a different level of quality for a different price.  When you’re starting out with night vision it’s tough to know just what you need.  We put together a How To Buy Night Vision Guide that gives you a more complete rundown of the various types of night vision available and what you can use them for, but we also just added a brand new night vision monocular from Armasight that’s perfect for beginners.

    The Armasight OPMOD GEN1M Night Vision Monocular is exclusive to OpticsPlanet.  We’re really proud to have worked with Armasight to bring this new option to our store.  I learned a long time ago that it’s important to always buy quality, especially when you’re on a budget.  When money is an issue you need an option that’ll last you a good long time.  The GEN1M Monocular fits the bill because while it’s priced at the entry level for night vision, the quality level is so high that even as you progress toward needing more functionality you’ll still have it!

    armasight OPMOD GEN1M Monocular

    The Armasight OPMOD GEN1M Night Vision Monocular fits easily in your hand.

    First, the Armasight OPMOD GEN1M has a lot of versatility.  It can be used as a handheld monocular, which is great for quick use.  If you want to take a look in your back yard for skunks (one of my favorite uses) or you’re a security guard needing to check out dark corners from safety, the GEN1M is perfect.  It’s lightweight (.54 lbs), compact and comes with a case for easy carrying.  That’s great for handheld use.

    armasight gen1m monocular headgear up and down

    The Armasight OPMOD GEN1M Night Vision Monocular can attach to headgear and be easily flipped up when not needed.

    But the GEN1M also comes with headgear for hands-free use.  This is especially helpful when hunting or in tactical situations.  The mount allows you to flip up the monocular when not needed, and it’s very comfortable, so you won’t mind wearing it for longer periods of time.  It adjusts to fit most head sizes.

    Another really nice feature on the GEN1M is the IR illuminator.  A lot of first generation have these to help boost performance, but the GEN1M Monocular’s IR Illuminator can be turned on and off based on user preference.  These illuminators act as a flashlight for night vision, but they’re invisible to the naked eye.  This is great for hunting, but if you’re in a tactical situation and need to stay completely concealed, especially from other people potentially using night vision, you’ll want to be able to turn off the illuminator.  Many first gen night vision have their illuminator active all the time.  That’s a great benefit of the GEN1M.

    When you buy your first night vision device you likely won’t want to spend thousands of dollars on a fourth generation unit.  The Armasight OPMOD GEN1M Night Vision Monocular is perfect for a wide variety of uses, so even as you progress from total novice to an intermediate night vision operator you’ll still be able to use this unit.  You’ll be thankful for the years of success you get out of this fantastic new OPMOD Night Vision Monocular.

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  • Part Three of the Mt. Rainier Camping Series – Brunton Get-Back Mini GPS

    Sep 14 • News • 5589

    Devin completed the third and final portion of his write-up on camping Mt. Rainier for us today, and he focused on the Brunton Get-Back Mini GPS.  This is a very simple, easy to use GPS unit that’s fun to take camping.  I’ve used similar units in Northern Minnesota and found them to have more accurate readings than the GPS on my phone, especially when you’re far from a major city.  From this GPS unit to the Vanguard Endeavor Binoculars and SureFire AZ2 Flashlightit seems Devin was very well prepared for his camping trip!

    I’ve used a few of the GPS units we carry on OpticsPlanet.com on various camping trips and so far the Brunton Get-Back Mini has been my favorite. For starters this unit is nice and compact so it’s easily packed and carried on a hike where every ounce of weight counts. It is approximately the size of a wrist watch but it’s easily kept secure on your person with the help of its handy wrist lanyard.

    I also like how easy the Get-Back is to use. I didn’t even need the directions to get started though I double checked them to make sure I had in fact set my markers correctly. The screen is black and grey digital display and hitting the power button after the unit is powered on will toggle the backlight on/off. It has the ability to store 3 points in memory which will adjust direction when you move and the points you set are accurate to 12 feet in normal GPS mode.

    Brunton GPS on Mt Rainier

    Brunton GPS on Mt Rainier

    The Get-Back also comes equipped with a built in digital compass which is kind of handy! I measured it’s accuracy next to a trusty old liquid filled compass and as far as I could tell it appeared to be right on the money. Brunton warns that the signal to this unit can be occasianlly interrupted by dense tree cover or by atmospheric condition however I was hiking Rainier on an overcast day in thick fog for part of the hike and I didn’t experience this problem. The Brunton Get-Back Mini GPS has a rechargeable battery that lasts 12 hours according to the manual and the on screen battery meter. I never tested this but I hiked with it for several hours on a single charge and it still had plenty of juice left. You can charge the unit through mini USB if you have an outlet adapter, with either your computer at home or a portable solar panel in the field.

    Mt. Rainier Hiking Trails in Seattle

    Don’t get lost on the trails! Use a Brunton GPS to find your way!

    I consider myself to be a bit more of an old fashioned outdoorsman. I prefer low tech solutions for camping and hiking since getting out in nature to me is to get a break from technology for a bit.  Brunton states in the user guide that this unit shouldn’t be your only form of backcountry navigation and is no substitute for backcountry expertise and good common sense.  I do agree with that whole heartedly. However, this little GPS unit is a pretty cool product and definitely not just a toy or a gimmick. I would definitely recommend this to any technophile interested in a cool new gadget or to give one as a gift to that outdoorsman in your life or to someone you know who has a terrible sense of direction.

    Brunton makes a handful of GPS units and compasses, each with its own intended use (such as the Brunton Summit Altimeter Barometer Compass, which is primarily for climbers who need to check the weather and get their bearings), but from everything Devin said it seems the Get-Back is perfect for hikers because of its small size, accuracy, ease of use and long battery life.  The next time you’re on a camping trip you should consider picking one up for yourself!

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