• 5 Reasons to Protect Your Tablet with a Pelican HardBack Case

    Jun 27 • News • 6244

    I was super excited when I first heard about the new Pelican Hardback Cases back at SHOT Show.  I’m a die hard fan of my iPad, and I use it for a wide variety of things, from reading books and playing games to researching gear on the web and responding to email.  With the hours of use my iPad gets every day, and the amount of travel I do with it, even if that’s just to a coffee shop, I really need to make sure it’s kept safe.

    The HardBack Cases feature all the toughness that Pelican is known for.  I’m not a military man myself, but we have some ex-military guys here at GearExpert by OpticsPlanet, and I get word from time to time from soldiers who have thrown Pelican Cases loaded with life saving equipment from helicopters with NO damage done.  That’s huge.  You don’t find hard cases for guns and other gear much tougher than Pelican.  And it’s not just the strength of the cases.  The designers clearly take into account a ton of potential situations, so their cases are waterproof, dust-proof and have pressure-stabilizing valves that keep your gear from damage due to the high pressure gear can go through on planes.

    But most of these cases are for tactical gear.  Gear that’s meant to be super tough already.  I’m not saying my iPad isn’t tough, but AR-15s are built to take punishment on a whole other level.  So Pelican has made some adjustments and developed the HardBack Case.  There are a few different models available that are specific for various electronics, from smaller tablets to larger laptops.

    But why should you use a Pelican HardBack Case?

    1. Crushproof Protection– There are a lot of cases that will protect an iPad in case you drop it, but they won’t keep it safe if you need to pack some gear on top of it.  If you’re throwing gear in the trunk of your car and have the Pelican 1075 HardBack Case you can put heavy gear on top of it without worrying about damage.

      HardBack Case with iPad keyboard and charger

      HardBack Case with iPad keyboard and charger

    2. Extra Functionality – A little while back I bought a leather iPad case with a built-in bluetooth keyboard.  I don’t mind the touchscreen keyboard, but I type faster with a real keyboard.  Buying this case was a mistake though.  To save on space and add protection the keyboard wasn’t very large and the keys were rubbery rather than firm like a traditional keyboard.  It was actually quicker to type on the screen than with the unresponsive keyboard.  With a HardBack Case you can actually put in an Apple bluetooth keyboard and it’ll be protected the same as your iPad.  You can also fit in power cables and more, and the foam padding was designed to hold up your tablet so you can use it like a traditional laptop!  Check out the photo above that we took at SHOT Show.  That’s really cool and isn’t something you’re going to get with 99% of other cases out there!
    3. Waterproof– I love the water.  I love lakes, fishing, swimming, water skiing and more.  A day out with my friends and family just soaking in some sun is my favorite way to spend a summer day.  But I like to have my iPad with me.  Whether I want to do a little reading, snap some photos or email someone, it’s nice to have along.  Most of my time on boats is with cousins, and their little kids love to mess around.  Heck, I like to mess around with them, but that’s not a great situation for keeping your electronics safe.  Even if the tablet doesn’t get knocked into the water, we might jump in and splash around enough to damage my gear.  With my iPad in a HardBack CaseI don’t worry about it.

      Pelican Hardback Case for Tablets

      Pelican Hardback Case for Tablets

    4. Easy to carry– One of the things I like most about my iPad is how slim and easy to carry it is.  The last thing I want is an incredibly bulky case that takes away from its portability.  The Pelican HardBack Caseis super easy to carry, and it looks great.  Sure, it’s a bit bigger than the iPad itself, but it’s not going to get in the way, and the handle is nice.  You can also attach a strap to make it that much easier to haul.  If your hands are full with other things you’ll definitely love that strap!

      Ipad standing in HardBack Case

      Ipad standing in HardBack Case

    5. The HardBack Case is tailored to YOUR Needs – I think the thing I like most about the Pelican HardBack Cases is that they’re not just some all-in-one case that is supposed to be perfect for everything but ends up being perfect for nothing.  I’ve lost out on cases like that before.  I know what I need.  I don’t put a guitar in a rifle case or a pistol in a camera case.  If you want top performance you need a great case that fits YOUR needs.  Even one HardBack case to another is different and specially suited for a need.  Take another look at the 1075 Case.  There are three models available for that one case size.  You can get Pick & Pluck Foam (my preference), a Netbook foam insert for a snugger fit around smaller laptops or a cushion insert for an outstanding amount of protection.  If you need bigger, you can get it.  I you want an extra compact model for an eReader, check out the 1065CC HardBack Case.  That’s a tiny case with big protection (okay, that was a bad line, but it’s true so I’m leaving it!).

    That’s just five reasons in addition to the great quality of every Pelican Case.  I could have run through some more great features that are common to most of their cases, but these are MY top 5 Reasons to Get a Pelican HardBack Case.  Tell me what you love about it in the comments and maybe next time I’ll write up 10 reasons. :)

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  • Kate Shooting 308 AR with Nikon M-308

    Day One of the Nikon Spot On Shooting Competition

    Jun 26 • News • 8075

    Trevor and Kate had a lot of fun today at the Nikon Spot On Shooting Competition in Utah!  I just got in a bunch of photos, and they shot a lot of sweet rifles with even sweeter rifle scopes on them.  I’m going to have a more complete roundup of the Nikon Competition when it’s all said and done, but for now take a look at the photo gallery below.  You can see Kate and Trevor with AR15s, Barrett 50BMGs and more!

    They were able to use the Nikon M223, Nikon M-308, and the new Edge OPMOD ZRG+ Shooting Glasses that just came out!  We’re super excited to be able to test out our latest OPMOD products in the field so quickly, and no doubt they’ll have tons to say when they get back.  Not sure who’s winning yet, but I know both Trevor and Kate hit quite a few targets today, and Trevor was the only person to hit both targets with the AR15, so my fingers are crossed one of them comes home the big winner.

    More pics to come!

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  • ATN ThOR – Thermal Vision from the USA!

    Jun 26 • News • 9376

    Ah, the day has arrived.  Can you feel the excitement in the air?  That’s from the ATN ThOR.  Since we first took a look at the fantastic new technology behind these Thermal Imagers by ATN at SHOT Show we have wanted to get our hands on them, and we finally have.  Oh boy!  They are truly something else.  I haven’t had this much fun with a thermal imaging device in quite a while.

    First things first though.  Check out the video and the top of the page.  You’ll get a better idea of the various modes available with ATN ThOR Thermal Imager Riflescopes.  You have different color options for both the image and the reticle, which really helps you pick our your target and make a perfect shot when in the field.  Coupled with the various powers of the ATN ThOR (from the 1X ThOR to the 4.5X ThOR) you get the exact performance you want and need.  You can also change the shape of the reticle with the push of a button, so it’s easy and convenient.  I had a chance to try it out, and within just a few minutes switching views and reticles was second nature.  I can’t imagine anyone would struggle with the ThOR Rifle Scope with just a bit of practice.

    ATN ThOR Rifle Scope

    ATN ThOR Rifle Scope

    It’s hard to describe the usefulness of changing the colors of the background and the color/shape of the reticle so be sure to take another look at the video above for a better idea.

    But there are two more things I really like about the ThOR.  First, it’s tough.  I didn’t put it through an incredible amount of punishment myself, but just from holding it in my hands I could tell it wasn’t going to fall apart at the first bit of recoil.  That’s incredibly important for any rifle scope, but thermal imaging systems are especially delicate and temperamental.  You need an especially tough thermal imager if you’re going to mount it on a rifle, and the ATN ThOR did NOT disappoint.  I was really impressed by how sturdy and capable it felt in my hands, and I feel very confident that it can not only withstand recoil but also all the other banging around scopes and rifles go through in the field.

    ATN-Facility Featured Image

    ATN Facility Featured Image

    But it’s the final thing about the ATN ThOR that I love the most.  It’s made in the U.S.A.  We just recently received the above photo from ATN that comes straight from their US factory, and even from this single image you can tell a lot of time, effort and love goes into developing these thermal rifle scopes.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    There are a TON of great reasons to choose the ATN ThOR Rifle Scope for your low-light shooting needs.  From the incredibly clear image you’ll see in whatever color you choose to the sturdy construction done right here in the U.S.A., the ThOR is the scope for me.  And I’m sure you’ll love it too.

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  • Exclusive Celestron Spotting Scopes and Telescopes Return!

    Jun 25 • News • 4283

    One of our absolute favorite brands is Celestron.  Even if you don’t love hunting, birding, nature observation or astronomy you’ve likely heard of Celestron before, and for good reason.  Over the years they’ve become legendary for their ability to blend quality and affordable prices.  Many people go from totally green astronomers to world-class stargazers with Celestron glass.  There are great options for beginner and advanced users so there’s no reason to switch.

    Because of our great affection for Celestron we started working with them a few years back on exclusive packages of some of their best products.  Take the Powerseeker 80E Refractor Telescope Package (pictured above).  This is a phenomenal telescope for those who want to take a closer look at the stars in their spare time.  The glass and construction are outstanding.  But one thing that was missing originally was a motor drive so we worked with Celestron to bring you our Celestron Powerseeker 80E Telescope Package, which includes both items at a fantastic price!  The motor helps you track objects without all the fine tuning for a great view.  This is great for any astronomer, but really comes in handy for beginners.

    Celestron Ultima 80 with Tripod

    Celestron Ultima 80 with Tripod

    We also have the Celestron Ultima 80 Angled Spotting Scope Package that combines the ultra-popular Ultima 80 Spotting Scope with an especially sturdy tripod so you have everything you need for a great view!  You really can’t use a spotting scope very well without a tripod, so we wanted to make sure you had a complete package right away for your next hunt.

    Celestron Maksutov Telescope

    Celestron Maksutov Telescope

    The Celestron 90mm Maksutov Spotting Scope Package also combines a great spotting scope with a tripod, but the larger objective lens and more powerful magnification make this scope better for on-the-go astronomy than hunting (though you can take a really good look at game through this scope too!).

    These exclusive Celestron Optics are so popular we have trouble keeping them in stock, but fortunately we’ve just received a big shipment so you don’t have to wait to get your hands on some of the world’s best glass for hunting and astronomy!  If you’ve been holding off on buying a great spotting scope or telescope then wait no longer.  Check out our Exclusive Celestron Spotting Scopes and Telescopes at OpticsPlanet.com today!

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  • Don’t Walk Blind! Use Yukon Night Vision and Keep Shadowy Fears at Bay!

    Jun 25 • News • 4509

    The other night I was walking my dogs (with their sweet APALS lights keeping them visible to passing motorists!) when I heard a rustling in a small wooded area to my left.  The area we travel every night varies from well lighted by street and house lights to pitch black under tree cover without a house in sight.

    The rustling began in a particularly dark area, and I was already a bit annoyed because one of the overhanging trees produces berries, and my dogs can hardly be moved once they start vacuuming up those sweet berries.  I dragged them along for a good fifteen feet when I heard the rustling.

    I turned toward the sound.  It stopped.  My dogs, normally outstanding hunters with incredible awareness of their surroundings (half beagle, so they can smell a cookie from three states away), were completely absorbed in their berry buffet so I was left to determine the root cause of the shaking branches in a nearby bush.

    I took a step or two forward before stopping.  There were two reasons for my hesitancy: an especially warm winter here outside Chicago has led to a population explosion of skunks in my area.  While I’m sure I could take a skunk in a fight, it would be a net loss as I’d end up as stench-laden as, well, I’ll leave the thought to you.

    The other reason I hesitated is coyotes.  I’ve seen a few in my area as of late, and local initiatives to discourage their presence have included sealing garbage can lids so they can’t find food.  This has led to three local dog abductions.  Two houses down a wonderful elderly woman lost one of her Pekinese pups to a hungry coyote.  I’ve seen plenty of coyotes on my walks and they’ve never bothered with me, but a desperate and hungry animal is not something I want to handle unarmed.  Add to that the impenetrable darkness and I wasn’t about to investigate further.

    I started back down the street, dragging my dogs along behind me.  The rustling stopped momentarily and I wished I had a good thermal unit or night vision binocular to take a quick look.  Visions of childish nightmares erupting from the woods like a volcano of fear pouring forth and quickly overtaking my little walking party destroyed my peace of mind.  Coyotes and skunks transformed into one another and grew in stature and fearsomeness.  At one point I felt certain I was facing a monstrous were-coyote with a white stripe down its back, spewing a horrific spray that would not only smell horrible but also burn like acid through my skin and bones, leaving only my horror.

    To combat this unreasonable fear I focused on what night vision unit I would like to have at a moment like this.  I’m not out hunting and I don’t want to carry something heavy or bulky.  On the off chance there isn’t enough ambient light for the night vision to effectively amplify I’d like my NV unit to include an IR Illuminator.  While the area I wanted to view was relatively close at hand, I wouldn’t mind having a little magnification and a greater viewing distance, and as I’m not made of money (unfortunately) I’d like it to be a great value.

    I’d recently seen a night vision binocular by Yukon that would be perfect, but I was having trouble remembering the exact model so I took out my smart phone and did a quick search of the OpticsPlanet mobile website.  There it was: the Yukon Viking 2X24mm Night Vision Binocular.  This particular model was on my mind because I’d been looking through the 2011 Brilliance Awards, and the Viking was awarded the “Best Night Vision Binocular Under $500.”

    Yukon Night Vision Binoculars Brilliance Award Winner!

    Yukon Night Vision Binoculars Brilliance Award Winner!

    This is the perfect NV Device for me.  2X magnification will help you get a little bit better view of distant objects without being so powerful that you fail to see close-up.  You can actually get a good view up to 200 yards away!

    The IR Illuminator doesn’t drain too much battery life, and when you don’t have it on you’re going to get about 20 hours out of one CR-123 Battery.  I don’t like worrying about batteries any more than you do, so this long battery life is huge.

    As I’m more concerned with walking my dogs than hauling binoculars, I really like the 21.2 oz. that the Viking Night Vision weighs in at, and the protective carrying case and neck strap make it a lot easier to carry.  I’d just sling mine around my neck to leave my hands free for leashes.

    So back to the other night, I’d walked about thirty or forty feet, staring at my phone (not a brilliant idea by the way, as the brightly lit screen killed my natural night vision), and the rustling resumed.  I had just cleared a particularly dense area of foliage, and there were no berries on the ground at this point, so my dogs were finally aware of the presence of something in the woods.  Unfortunately, I speak very little dog (Not my fault.  They have over 6,000 words that mean ‘cookie’ and the rest are some combination of ‘walk’ and ‘hold me’), so they couldn’t tell me what they were seeing or smelling.

    Another twenty or so yards down the bushes and trees on my left ended, but the whole way the rustling followed.  I became convinced a coyote was following us (this is not an unrealistic fear.  I was once followed a quarter mile by a coyote who I assume wanted my dogs).

    The bushes ended but the end shook just a bit.  I walked with my head turned to keep an eye on any possible animals.  Only a sliver of moon was visible, but that little amount of moonlight, when unobstructed by trees, gave me just enough light to make out my tormenter as he walked out of the bush.

    Stupid rabbit.

    Note: it’s entirely possible it was a were-rabbit and because the moon was not full I was not mauled by a combination of cuteness and death.  If only I’d had a Yukon Viking Night Vision with me.  I would’ve saved myself a lot of worry with a quick look at the soon-to-be legendary were-rabbit.

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