Game Camera Catches Thief In the Act! Bushnell Helps Keep Our Streets Safe!!
I just read a news report and watched a short video about neighborhood residents in Tyler, TX that have taken matters into their own hands after a string of car break-ins in recent weeks. Since the thief has been so successful thus far at avoiding police residents decided to try to help police catch the thief in the act! Don’t worry, they didn’t put themselves in danger. Rather, as one resident is a hunter, he set up his trail camera to see if anyone came near his car during the night.
There was a short video clip from the evening news talking about the incident, and though they don’t specifically mention it, you can see clear as day that the trail camera is made by Bushnell, and I’m about 99% sure it’s the Bushnell 8MP HD Trophy Cam.
This is actually a fantastic camera for catching burglars in the act, as the same features that are so helpful to tracking game will help keep the camera hidden and effective. The first useful feature is that the Bushnell HD is a night vision camera. Much like deer, burglars are often only out at night. They feel the cover of darkness is their friend, and in many cases they’re right. While you sleep they break into your car and take your stereo and other valuables. If you want to actually catch them breaking the law, you can’t have a visible flash go off on the camera. Yet again like deer, burglars will be scared off by the flash. You might be able to get a picture of an unsavory-looking gentleman acting suspiciously, but if you want actual criminal evidence you need to keep your surveillance inconspicuous. The black LED lights on the Bushnell Camera are invisible to the human eye, but will give off plenty of illumination for the game camera to catch your prey.
The HD Trophy Cam can also take up to 60 seconds of video, and with a 32GB SD card it can take up to 20,000 images. The massive memory is more useful for hunters who travel out to their favorite hunting grounds and leave the trail camera for months collecting images and data to better help them determine when and where to hunt. If you have your camera setup in your front yard you can quickly and easily check it every day, but it’s still nice to have the super long battery life (up to 1 year!) and huge memory size.
The man caught on tape is a suspect in as many as 25 break-ins. Though he has not been caught yet, when police arrived on the scene, the victim was able to show the officers a series of photos that document the theft pretty well. The suspect’s identity is not currently known, but police now know at least some of his facial features, what he was wearing, how he broke into the vehicle, and that he had a backpack. None of these details were known previously, and should help the police as they patrol the area. I’m pretty sure if they see someone fitting the description of the man in the photos they can question him on his activities.
I think there’s a very good chance these surveillance photos from a trail camera will help lead to an arrest and a conviction. Trail cameras may have been originally designed for use by hunters, but they are exceptional for home surveillance as well. Installing complex security cameras can be costly and difficult, but Bushnell Trail Cameras are small, lightweight, easy to attach to a tree or wall, and are virtually invisible in the dark. While they’re constantly on in a passive mode, they only take photos or video (based on your preference) when movement occurs.
I actually set one up one day to see what my dogs do when I’m gone for the day. There were three sets of photos over an 9 hour period. The first set showed my little guy Mickey jumping up onto the dinner table and falling asleep, the final set was him waking up when I got home. In the middle were a few shots of what I believe was him chasing a bunny in his sleep. The movement was subtle, but his legs twitched a bit, and his tail wagged.
Keep an eye on the trails, catch burglars or discover your puppy’s whole day consists of waiting for you with a trail camera!
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