• OpticsPlanet Presents the 2019 Brilliance Award Winners

    Oct 31 • News • 10462

    As we head into the brisk months of fall, the vibrant colors of nature and cool, crisp air can only mean one thing — it’s deer hunting season, folks. Preparation is key, and you need the best gear in the game to make the most out of every backcountry session. Thankfully, the fall season also means that it’s time to announce our Brilliance Award Winners for 2019. For the uninitiated, the Brilliance Awards are an annual event where our experts take a deep dive into OpticsPlanet’s vast inventory to crown the best-of-the-best gear in several distinct categories. Check out these award-winning products to discover the finest hunting, tactical and outdoor gear on the market for your adventures. 

    No need to scroll to the bottom for this one, we’re coming right out the gate with the #1 Product of the Year for 2019. And the winner is … drumroll please … the Sig Sauer ROMEO5 1x20mm Red Dot Sight! The ROMEO5 is a crowd favorite, and for good reason. Rapid target acquisition, ultra-low parallax and adjustable illumination are just a few of the features that make this optic a must-have addition to your firearm. Sig Sauer continues to impress marksmen of all experience levels, and we can’t wait to see what they cook up for 2020.

    While Sig Sauer has a rich history in the gun business, there’s been quite a few newcomers bursting onto the scene looking to make their mark in the industry. One stands out in particular, and that would be our winner for Best New Brand of the Year: Grey Ghost Precision. Many of the great minds at GGP have extensive military backgrounds. Pair that with their vast network of industry and sport shooting professionals, and you get a well-informed company that knows exactly what shooters demand in the field.

    While there were many great contenders for Best Riflescope of 2019, this year’s Goliaths of glass should come as no surprise. Vortex snagged the top spot this year with their Strike Eagle 1-6×24 Riflescope. This scope is built tough as nails, and the illuminated reticle with a fast focus eyepiece provides enhanced sight acquisition for quicker shots on target, greatly boosting your efficiency on the hunting grounds or at 3-Gun matches.

    As titans of the industry, Vortex wouldn’t be satisfied with just one gold medal so they decided to snag the honor of crafting this year’s Best Spotting Scope, as well, with their Razor HD 27-60×85 Spotting Scope. Their high-grade optical system provides distortion-free images with unparalleled edge-to-edge sharpness and perfect color accuracy to help you survey the field with the utmost clarity. And with their ArmorTek-coated body and weatherproof protection, you can brave any climate conditions while having the supreme advantage of eagle eyes.

    While Vortex made a valiant effort to dominate the distance-related categories this year, it was the Zeiss Victory RF 10×42 Rangefinder Binoculars that won Best Binocular of 2019. We’ll skip the Victory pun here and get right into why these binos came out on top. Beyond the outstanding optical system Zeiss is renowned for, these binoculars have Bluetooth capabilities to synchronize with their ZEISSHunting app that shows you essential ranging data, and you can pair up to nine custom ballistic profiles that use distance, temperature, air pressure and angle to help you make the most out of every opportunity in the backcountry, filling your freezer quicker than ever.

    The Holosun HS507C Micro Red Dot System was crowned king of close-range encounters by taking home the honor of Best Red Dot Sight. Plain and simple: this optic offers precision aiming and the popular RMR cut for fractions of the price. ‘Nuff said.

    When you can snag 4,000-yard distance reads with lightning-fast speed and precision, you’re bound to win the Best Rangefinder of 2019. Congrats to Nikon and their Black RangeX 4k Rangefinder for winning this category despite some stiff competition from Vortex, Leica and Sig Sauer.

    Next up is Best Night Vision of 2019, and the ATN X-Sight 4K Pro Edition 5-20x Smart HD Day/Night Riflescope knocked the competition’s lights out, claiming nearly 65% of votes with three other competitors in the running. Its unprecedented night vision viewing, HD recording and integrated ballistic calculator helped ATN secure this win with ease.

    But they didn’t stop there. In another landslide victory, ATN snagged the award for Best Thermal Optic with their ThOR 4, 640×480 Sensor, 2.5-25x Thermal Smart HD Rifle Scope. Camouflage can’t save your prey when you’re sporting a thermal detection range of 1,950 meters. No wonder our experts went with this thermal device.

    The Best Crossbow award goes to the buck-stopping Ravin R10 that is compact yet powerful, allowing you to quickly maneuver the countryside in search of your next big takedown.

    No crossbow is complete without this year’s Best Archery Accessory, the Hawke Sport Optics XB30 1-5x24mm Vari-Speed SR Scope. Outfitted with a speed selector ring and a rheostat control for brightness, you can customize your crossbow experience to pull off impressive shots in the field.

    It was a close race for Best Flashlight, but Streamlight pulled ahead of the other contenders with their ProTac HL 5-X USB Flashlight. While you can’t avoid a terrible joke about it outshining the competition, you can avoid damaging this handheld light with its rugged anodized aluminum construction, waterproof build and anti-roll head. Plus, 3,500 max lumens are more than enough to brighten up any path you choose.

    The Cloud Defensive OWL – Optimized Weapon Light doesn’t come cheap, but there’s a reason it snagged top place in our Best Weapon Light category. This premium attachment features a modular, tough build, and the tail cap even has an integrated tool to help lighten your gear load. These bad boys also have twice as much candela as the competition, lighting up your target with unbelievable brightness to see every move they make.

    Our category of Best Shooting Accessory is always an exciting one because you never know what will end up on top. Ironically, this year’s winner belongs on the bottom of your weapon since it’s the Leapers UTG Heavy Duty Recon 360 Bipod. Our experts love these for their premium features at an incredible price point. It’s rare to find a sturdy, adjustable bipod you can rely on time and time again for such a great value which is why this accessory deserves all the praise it gets.

    The Aero Precision 5.56 AR15 Bolt Carrier Group is this year’s gunsmith go-to, claiming the honor of Best AR15 Part by a decisive margin. While this category may not seem as exciting to most, anyone who’s spent some time on the work bench can appreciate the rugged steel construction with Nickel Boron coatings inside and out that combine to create one of the highest quality rifle parts on the market.

    Our winner of the Best Trigger award is one of the greatest bargains on this list. The Rise Armament RA-140 Super Sporting Trigger is a single-stage aftermarket replacement that drops right into your rifle build, providing crisp, clean breaks with every pull. Grab one for yourself to experience the satisfaction of smoother shots and a virtually-indestructible design.

    This next product carved up the competition to win Best Knife or Multitool of the year. The Leatherman MUT Multi Tool packs 16 highly-durable tools all into one compact device. It provides a ridiculous amount of utility and takes up minimal space in your loadout, making it a prime choice for tactical operators or anybody who needs to make field adjustments on their AR-15.

    Last, but certainly not least, we present this year’s winner for Best Telescope. Two star-studded scopes were neck-and-neck in the polls, and they both happen to be from the astrology experts at Celestron. However, the NexStar Evolution 8 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope came out on top. It’s compact for easy transportation to your favorite stargazing spots, provides high-tech tracking to locate breathtaking celestial objects and best of all, it’s user-friendly for astronomers of all experience levels.

    That wraps up this year’s winners of the 2019 Brilliance Awards. Be sure to check out these hot products at OpticsPlanet to beef up your gear collection with the very best. Plus, with the holidays around the corner, these products make the perfect gift that might secure your bid for Best Family Member of 2019.

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  • A Rimfire Tale…..

    Sep 4 • Ammo, Rimfire • 9838

    The first firearm I ever shot was a single-action .22 rimfire revolver. Though I was only five, it hooked me. I have been a gun guy ever since. While my tastes have meandered through various categories; tacticool, cowboy, military classics, and others, I never abandoned the old .22. It is (except the past draught) inexpensive and easy to come by. It has low recoil and noise. It never fails to put a smile on my face.

    A couple of years ago, I was shooting a fun build. It is an AR pistol with a 10.5” barrel. While these are a hoot, they are also particularly loud. I wanted a quieter way to enjoy it so that I could shoot without disturbing the neighbors. That is when I discovered the CMMG .22 LR conversion kit. Switching from 5.56mm to .22 LR is as easy a field strip with this kit. The magazines are the same external dimensions as a typical 5.56 mil-spec magazine, so pouches work well with them to boot. What is different? The noise is greatly diminished, and recoil impulse is virtually nonexistent. What’s most important, however, is that all your controls remain the same, you do not need to learn a new manual of arms to operate your AR in .22.

    Not everything is all sunshine and rainbows, however. The downside to the conversion kit is that the rifling rate ideal for 5.56x45mm is not as well suited for .22 LR. Common 5.56 rifling rates are 1:9, 1:8, and 1:7. A typical firearm purpose-built in .22 LR would more commonly have a rifling rate of 1:16. What does this translate to in the real world? It means that while plenty good for plinking or short-range, you will not get the minute of squirrel accuracy we all desire at a distance. When you acknowledge and accept the limitations of running a less than perfect twist rate, you are well rewarded with a capable and fun system.

    Reliability with this kit has been stellar. Issues not related to the rimfire priming system are so few and far between that in more than 2000 rounds through the system in various uppers I have had less than a half dozen stoppages. I can’t name a single issue related to the conversion kit. This kit was my very first experience with CMMG, and it certainly was a positive one.

    My favorite 5.56 AR is a Franken build. It is something of an homage to the Canadian C7A2 service rifle. My build is as far from clone correct as can be, but is something more akin to a bastardized American stepchild of the C7A2.  It is fun for play and reliable for when needed. After shooting it for a while, the thought entered my head that I need a .22 LR dedicated AR with a 20” barrel and a collapsible stock simply because I enjoy the balance and ergonomics. That was when I found out that OpticsPlanet.com sells the complete CMMG uppers, ready to throw on your lower and have fun. While CMMG may no longer offer .22 LR uppers with plastic furniture and fixed front sight towers, they are offering free-float versions with MLOK handguards that are more in line with modern tastes and full power offerings.

    CMMG Resolute 100 Rifle Upper
    CMMG Resolute 200 Rifle Upper
    CMMG Resolute 300 Rifle Upper
    CMMG Banshee 100 Pistol Upper
    CMMG Banshee 200 Pistol Upper
    CMMG Banshee 300 Pistol Upper

    While my 20” has been my favorite range toy, it has the same drawback that any 20” barreled AR has, namely overall length. I have found myself craving for something similar but in a more compact package. CMMG has answered this desire with their Banshee series. The Banshee series, is available in a myriad of calibers and can be broken down into three basic trim options (as can their longer offerings for that matter). They are easy enough to keep straight as they are labeled the 100 Series, the 200 Series, and the 300 Series. The higher the number gets, the fancier the build gets, featuring different muzzle devices, barrel lengths, and charging handles.  When I discovered the Banshee 300 Series, I knew that I would have to try one out. I am glad to say that with the assistance of CMMG, I am now able to do just that, and share my findings with you.

    My first impression upon unpacking the upper is just how short it is. I knew that it had a 4½” barrel and a 4” handguard, but until I held it, I did not fully appreciate how small the whole package is. The muzzle of the CMMG Banshee 300 wears a KAK Slim Flash Can on its ½x28 threads. It certainly adds a fresh look to the upper but importantly it also gives room for forgiveness, keeping the muzzle and the danger away from your hand. Should your local laws allow it; this upper would be awesome combined with a noise-reducing device in place of the flash can. A forward assist is present on the upper and functional since CMMG included their forward assist adapter. The Banshee 300 upper comes with the CMMG Mk4 ambidextrous charging handle. This is a very nice unit, which feels very comfortable in use. After playing with it a bit, I am surprised both by the quality and that I was unaware of its very existence beforehand. I expect that I will be buying some for these for 5.56 NATO uppers in the future.

    My first range trip with the upper was tremendous fun. I snapped it on to a lower I have had for some time and then preceded to burn through a brick of Federal .22 LR in short order. I did experience a few issues in the first 100 rounds. Three spent casings became stuck in the charging handle, requiring to be pulled free with pliers from inside the mag-well to rectify the situation. There were also two failures to fire, both of which I attribute 100% to the ammunition and not the upper. Hitting steel targets at 25 yards was effortless and repeatable. Spinning targets designed for full power pistol rounds were possible with fast follow up shots since the Banshee upper was super easy to keep on target.

    My Second range trip with the Banshee upper was a couple of weeks later. Unfortunately, it was abbreviated, and I was only able to put approximately a half a box (bulk pack) of ammunition through it. That equates to somewhere between 200 & 300 rounds. In this session, I experienced no malfunctions of any kind. The Banshee continued to impress, as I got more and more comfortable with its small stature. At this time, I took advantage of the Franklin Armory Binary Trigger installed in this lower and ran rounds in rapid succession. The Banshee upper ran and ran with no sign of complaint.


    When I had gone through several magazines in binary mode, I had a Cheshire cat smile plastered on my face that I could not remove the rest of the day. A lifelong dream I had, had just been fulfilled, but I should explain further. When I was young (under ten years of age), I was already in love with shooting. My father, being mean and cruel had a rule, however. If I wanted to shoot his 1911 or a revolver (which I enjoyed), I was forced by my taskmaster to de-prime and resize the spent brass. This was accomplished as a single stage on his press. He handled all the other reloading chores that required a greater attention span than a small child was capable of producing. To me, it was still a considerable amount of work, though now as an adult I find that notion laughable. There was a single exception to his rule of having to work the reloading press in return for shooting, and that was .22 LR. I did not understand the reasoning back then. I did not realize that while it may be technically possible to reload .22 LR, it is about as far from feasible as communism on a national level leading to individual freedom.

    At this age, I shot a lot of .22 LR because I did not have to do manual labor to do so and because it was plain old fun. My favorite gun at that time was my father’s Ruger 10/22. I had a dream of it being selective fire and figured that it would be just about the coolest thing on the whole planet. Alas, there were two significant hurdles to that. This was after 1986, and we lived in Illinois, which did not allow for NFA toys anyway. I have had opportunity in my adult life to shoot dealer-owned full auto converted 10/22s, but never to own my own. Now, many years later, with the help of the Banshee upper and a Franklin Armory Binary trigger in the lower, I could get very, very close with no need of a tax stamp and the legal headaches that brings. Had CMMG & Franklin Armory offered these back in the late 80’s I would have been begging my father for them for every birthday and holiday. Now as an adult I can finally live out that dream I had a kid. The smile brings to my face is hard to remove.

    I have had several range sessions with the Banshee since. Each one was thoroughly enjoyable. With over 2500 rounds through it, from several manufacturers, no more issues occurred (apart from ammunition related rim-fire problems) after the first range session. I decided it was time to see what the upper will do for accuracy when rested, and that was where I found my unexpected hiccup. I compared what the Banshee barrel with its 1:16 rifling designed around .22 LR would group at as compared to the 1:7 barrel that I used in conjunction with the conversion kit. I was able to rest the 10.5” upper with the 1:7 twist barrel easily on it CAR style forend, but there isn’t as much material on the Banshee. This meant that I could not hold it as steadily in a rested position. This upper excels at being handy, performing shoot ‘n scoot techniques, but what makes it great for that hinders it while resting. As such I did not see the considerable dispersion difference in the groups that I expected. I shot three 5 round groups through each upper. One with Federal bulk pack 36 grain HP, one with Winchester bulk pack 36 grain HP, and one with Remington Thunderbolt bulk pack 40 grain LRN. This ammunition selection was chosen for its availability and cost in my local area. The groups were shot at 25 yards. With the Federal, the Banshee was more accurate with an approximately 2” group compared to 3” with the other upper. That trend continued with the Winchester ammunition where the Banshee had a group of roughly 1.5” versus the 2.5” of the other upper. With the Remington ammunition, the trend reversed. The Banshee upper grouped just over 2” while the 10.5” upper with 1:7 twist grouped just under 2”. This shows what we have all known all along, that it is crucial to find out what ammunition your barrel likes when accuracy counts. The Banshee proved more accurate with the bulk pack hollow point that I prefer to shoot, both at targets and varmints.

    To place your projectile where you want it, you need a quality sighting system. While irons are readily available and proven, they seemed somehow out of the aesthetic for this upper. To forgo the irons (even on a purely fun gun) would mean that the sighting system should be able to be operated even with no battery power. This would bring to mind a magnified riflescope, but that too would not be keeping with the look and feel of such a short handy upper. To meet this demand I chose the Vortex Spitfire AR prism scope. This site has a dual-circle dot reticle, which lends itself well to fast target acquisition, a primary concern for this short, handy upper. Also of note is that this is a prism scope, not a traditional red-dot sight. This means that while the reticle can illuminate in both red and green, additionally it is 100% visible and usable with no illumination at all. Thanks to this site on the CMMG Banshee upper, no folding iron sights are required keeping the build as handy as possible.

    Let us address the elephant in the room. There is not exactly a shortage of good .22 L.R. rifle and pistol designs out there. Some of them are new, while others are more than a century old and enduring. You should be asking by now what sets the CMMG design apart from the other offerings. Why would you choose it over more time-tested options? That answer is multifold. First off is the form factor. The CMMG is built from a real AR upper and handguard. To be clear, when I say real, I mean fully usable with a full power 5.56 barrel and appropriate BCG. This means that the weight is not toy-like, but a true analog for your life and limb choice. If you are comfortable handling your CMMG .22, you will be comfortable in handling your 5.56 as well.

    Another point that goes with this is the magazines. They are the same external dimensions as a standard mil-spec 5.56 magazine. This means that you can use the same pouches that you would use when you are serious. That is an especially important concern because not everything works out the way we dream it will when we are shopping. Our best means of finding that out and being honest to ourselves is to put our gear to the test. The CMMG .22 system allows you to both play around (i.e., have fun) and test your gear seriously as well.

    Another significant aspect that makes the CMMG .22 uppers stand out in the crowded rimfire market is their very nature. They are designed to work with your favorite AR lower. They are not ascetically similar to, or clones of, but truly an AR platform. This means that they are field-stripped like a 5.56 AR. This is of importance because a great many rimfire designs require tools and patience to clean. For several designs, there is no fieldstrip per se, but only a bench cleaning process. The CMMG .22 design allows one to field strip, quickly wipe down, or thoroughly clean at your discretion, out in world with no need of the sterile workbench to sort small parts that tend to go missing. This cannot be overstated, as it is a huge advantage.

    One aspect of the CMMG rimfire magazines that is very different from the mil-spec 5.56 variety is the loading and feeding. This is of course by necessity as they are for a small rimmed round instead of a larger rimless one. As such, the magazines are single feed, single column as opposed to dual feed dual column. In real-life use, this leads to one significant change, namely loading. The magazines can be more tedious to load than their mil-spec counterparts, with more fatigue on your fingers and thumb. CMMG recognizes this limitation and offers a speed-loader to help alleviate the problem. While I have not used one myself it appears to be an item that would lessen any fatigue associated with magazine loading. What I use is a device I learned about from a friend who regularly shoots a CMMG Banshee upper on a registered machine gun lower. I have found the McFadden Machine Lightning Grip Loader to be the fastest most hassle freeloading system out there. When this tool is adequately employed an empty magazine can be fully loaded in only a few seconds. With the addition of this tool to my gear, the CMMG magazines are now the fastest rimfire magazines to load, out of any other in my collection.

    The CMMG Banshee 300 upper in .22 LR simply shines bright. It is lightweight, handily petit, accurate, and reliable. What else can you ask for from an upper? The only negative that I can come up with is that no one that has shot this upper wants to stop, leading to a drastic increase of .22 LR usage. As of this writing, .22 LR ammunition has become more and more affordable and available, as it was long ago, so I am ok with this side effect. The massive benefit of fun and the smiles the upper generates more than offset the ammo. Quite simply, if I knew beforehand what I know now, I would have picked up the Banshee upper even sooner, with zero hesitation. I encourage you, dear reader, to do the same, the smiles will emerge shortly after your first use of it.

    Build list:


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  • Get Ready for the Raid: The OPMOD Area 51 Kit is Here!

    Aug 29 • Humor • 13238

    Throughout history, numerous people have come forward with tales of intelligent space creatures, probing and abduction. However, the mysterious nature of Area 51 leads us to believe that perhaps we’re the ones who abduct these other life forms and hide. A secret base in the middle of nowhere, heavily guarded by government agencies. Multiple eye-witness accounts of UFO’s and unfathomable technology. The people have grown weary of the lies and deceit, and that’s why an event to raid this base recently went viral. Such a feat is nearly impossible without the right gear. That’s why OpticsPlanet.com handpicked some of their finest offerings to properly outfit you for your alien liberation mission.

    The OPMOD Area 51 Kit is jam-packed with goods that will help sneak you in and out of the base so that you can free all of the space creatures trapped within. We’re talking vision tools to navigate the night, rifle accessories just in case the aliens are hostile, protective clothing to keep you safe and so much more. This bundle is a steal at $9,171.56 when you consider the possibilities your new alien friends will bring. Sponsorship’s, talk show appearances, getting them to mow your lawn. Now that’s an investment if I ever saw one.

    Be the Eyes in the Sky

    Seeing is believing, right? If you thought otherwise, you wouldn’t be storming Area 51 for a peek behind the curtains. Plan your entry strategy during the day with a pair of  Vortex Viper HD 10×42 Roof Prism Binoculars. After sundown, use the OPMOD Limited Edition GEN 3 Pinnacle PVS-14 Night Vision Monocular to navigate the night, leading you past the armed security and right into one of America’s most heavily-guarded secrets. Don’t feel too cozy yet. Once inside, you’ll need to dodge all roaming personnel who are on high alert. The Leupold LTO Tracker HD Thermal Imaging Monocular lets you spot heat signatures moving about, providing intel on when the coast is clear.

    Friend or Foe

    You’re breaking into Area 51 in hopes that these imprisoned aliens will be grateful for their release. But have you considered the possibility that they’re locked away for a good reason? Prepare for the worst with the best products in the business like the EOTech OPMOD EXPS2-0 Green Reticle Holographic Weapon Sight that’s suits close-quarter situations well, and you can sure expect tons of that within the narrow confines of the base. But what if these Martians have armored skin? Your bullets are mere ticklish feathers to them. That’s why you need the Gerber StrongArm Fixed Blade Fine Edge Knife on hand to sneak between the armored plates for a defensive takedown. Every kit also includes a Mountain House Beef Stroganoff Pro-Pak. We personally have no clue how this could be a useful weapon, but if you’re skilled enough to sneak into one of the most protected government institutions in the world, we assume you have the means to make it possible.

    If you’re participating in the upcoming raid of Area 51, trust this kit to help you uncover the truth about aliens. And hey, if the raid doesn’t go as planned at least your family can have some great leftover gear while you spend a hefty amount of time in a maximum security prison. Pick up yours today to be fully prepared for your greatest de(feat) yet.

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  • Hiperfire Hipertouch Blue Line Special Edition Trigger

    Jul 1 • Gun Parts, Triggers • 7517



    The Hipertouch Blue Line trigger by Hiperfire takes their ultimate AR trigger and makes it an unbeatable deal. Instead of the red trigger shoe that the Hipertouch Competition model has, the Hipertouch Blue Line includes a blue trigger shoe. More importantly, Hiperfire is donating $25 per trigger sold to the Law Enforcement Memorial Association. You get a great trigger and support an excellent cause at the same time.


    -The Hipertouch Blue Line has a 2.5-3.5 lb adjustable trigger pull and virtually no take-up/pre-travel to worry about. The “Cam-Over Toggle Engine” design ensures solid strikes regardless of what trigger pull weight you prefer.

    -The Hipershoe finger pad allows you to change the trigger level length for fine adjustments to optimize your trigger pull.

    -Compatible with AR15s, AR10s, and Pistol Caliber Carbines. The Hipertouch Blue Line offers a crisp, straight bow, single stage trigger with a positive reset you can feel.

    -Comes with everything needed to install – hammer/trigger pins for AR as well as a Drift/Slave Pin



    There is a reason the Hipertouch Competition trigger is Hiperfire’s most popular model. They have taken that proven performance and are using it to support an excellent cause. The Law Enforcement Memorial Association is dedicated to assisting the families and home agencies of those law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty.

    With the purchase of a Hipertouch Blue Line trigger you will be supporting families and honoring the men and women who have laid down their lives to protect us. You will also have a proven, high quality performance trigger to remember them by whenever you take the shot.

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  • SB Tactical SBA4 AR Stabilizing Brace

    Jul 1 • Gun Parts, Stabilizing Braces • 9734

    If you don’t own a stabilizing brace for your AR, there has never been a better time to get one. If you do own one, you have SB Tactical to thank. A pistol stabilizing brace secures the firearm to the forearm for better control. When used in place of a stock on an AR or other guns, a pistol brace legally makes the firearm a “pistol” and pistols do not have minimum barrel length restrictions. 

    So if you have a grip disability, cannot have SBRs where you live, don’t want to deal with ATF paperwork, or tend to travel around the country with your AR then SB Tactical has the answers you seek and the SBA4 is the latest offering. While SB Tactical makes a variety of braces for different firearm platforms, the SBA4 is their newest model for the AR and it is everything the people wanted.

    Based on the SBM4 brace, the SBA4 offers the same excellent design but now with the adjustable length of pull features that the SBA3 offers. It also has the integral, ambidextrous QD sling slot like the SBA3 has. While the SBA4 is slightly heavier than the SBA3, it offers a larger area for your cheek weld and is better suited to storing additional gear within the brace.

    Options are always a great thing and the SB Tactical SBA4 is a great addition to the selection of pistol stabilizing braces. It offers convenience, functionality, and looks great all in an affordable package.

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