Jan 26 • News, Videos • 4042
We have a lot of SHOT Show Video Interviews coming out today, so I’m going to keep on rolling them out as quick as I can. Here we have our second interview with Nikon representative Jon LaCorte. Jon shows Steve two new rangefinders displayed by Nikon at SHOT Show. Both models are part of the Nikon ProStaff line of products, and will give you quality performance at a great price.
Watch as Jon first shows off the Nikon Prostaff 3 Rangefinder. With one button operation, it doesn’t get much easier to operate, and it has a very fast processor for quick range finding. This is really important when you’re out hunting and finally spot a buck after hours of waiting. You won’t want to miss that shot because you were waiting for the rangefinder to figure out the distance. It has a great range of about 550 yards, and the optics are nice and bright, so you’ll have no trouble seeing your intended target. 6x power is just right for finding distance, and the tough construction is both waterproof and fog proof, so you don’t need to worry about it breaking on you when you need it!
The Nikon ProStaff 5 Rangefinder was even more impressive. The ProStaff 5 is actually a fair bit smaller than any other Nikon Rangefinder, and as Steve points out, though you may not think about the size very often, it makes a big difference when you’re trying to put it in or take it out of a pocket. While the overall size of the Nikon ProStaff 5 is smaller, they made the ocular bigger, so you’ll have an easier time seeing your target. An additional feature that really sets the ProStaff 5 apart is the LED illumination. This LED can be turned on with a single button press, and your reticle will be illuminated for easier use. This is especially welcome in the morning or evening, when light is scarce.
I’ve been really impressed so far with everything Nikon brought to SHOT Show this year. I’ll have another video interview with Jon LaCorte up soon that talks about the Nikon Monarch 3 and Monarch 5 binoculars, so stay tuned!
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