It’s not really feasible to use a single night vision device for every person and situation. Armasight understands this. They have a wide variety of night vision options for you to choose from. From more affordable night vision to high end third generation night vision, Armasight aims to provide an option for everyone. But it’s not just about price or even performance. Two equally powerful and high tech night vision devices could be better for different uses.

Armasight Discover Biocular and CO-Mini Night Vision
For instance, take a look at the Armasight CO-Mini Gen 2+ Day/Night Vision Clip System and the Discovery 5x Gen 2+ Night Vision Bioculars. These two units are nearly the same price and both are Gen 2+ units. While there are a few feature differences, such as the Bioculars having an included IR Illuminator, the two units are going to give you similar results in many respects. That said, the Bioculars are primarily a handheld model, and the CO-Mini is meant to enhance your daytime rifle scope to work at night. The CO-Mini actually lines up in front of your already sighted in rifle scope so you can take shots in the dark. I included the video above with our product specialist Trevor explaining this a bit more in detail. Clearly, these two devices are very different and give you very different types of performance even though they may appear to be very similar.

Armasight OPMOD GEN1RS and GEN1M
But there are other options too. Consider the two OPMOD Armasight night vision units. The Armasight OPMOD GEN1RS is a night vision rifle scope. Unlike the CO-Mini, which is all about co-witnessing, the GEN1RS is an actual night vision rifle scope. It doesn’t have quite the same versatility as the CO-Mini, but the price is a lot more affordable, and for those on a budget or just getting into night time hunting it’s a great choice. The other OPMOD Armasight is the GEN1M, which is a headgear mountable monocular. You can use it as a handheld model or on headgear, which is a nice addition and makes this another really versatile unit. It’s lightweight and tough and could be used for home security and hunting situations. It’s a bit more versatile than the GEN1RS, but you’ll have a better chance at hitting a target at night with the GEN1RS.
There are a lot of factors that go into picking night vision, from your situation and how you prefer to operate to your budget. Armasight is a younger brand, but they’ve clearly put a lot of effort into designing and manufacturing enough of a variety to satisfy a number of different people. We’ve been really excited about Armasight for a while now, which is why we’ve worked with them on OPMOD products. We’re sure you’ll love their great gear too!
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Ok what is new Surefire has been making replacement forearms with lights for year for both Remington and Mossberg, problem is the cost low in being 300.00. You can get a replacement forearm with a rail and attach a 1 inch mount with a tac light a do the same thing. I set up 3 shotguns for what one would cost if I did a surefire replacement forearm.