With summer coming to an end and fall rapidly approaching, hunting season is right around the corner. That means that now is the time to make sure you are ready for those long days of hunting with all the right gear at your side. OpticsPlanet.com is a great place to start looking if you need some new gear. We have all the latest gear and hunting accessories to help you catch that trophy buck. An awesome tool to have for those late night hunts is an Armasight Clip-On Night Vision System.
These clip-on devices by Armasight are a must have! They are designed to attach directly to your rifle, in front of your rifle scope. This gives the shooter two advantages. One, you will be able to use your current rifle scope you are already familiar with. Two, you will be able to switch from daytime viewing to night time viewing fast and easy at the flip of a switch. The series includes three different scopes that are all available in both generation 2 and generation 3 models. These six scopes are great and cater to a wide variety of hunters that have different budget options.
The Armasight CO-Mini is currently one of the smallest night vision devices on the market. The small size adds flexibility to your firearm while still maintaining a high powered intensifier tube.
The Armasight CO-MR (Mid-Range) was designed so the shooter could maintain a consistent eye relief distance, along with the comfort and relaxed shooting position for both night and day shooting.
The Armasight CO-LR (Long Range) is made to be used with long range rifle scopes. While using just one AA or CR123 battery the CO-LR utilizes high-definition technology to create high brightness images in pristine condition.
These Armasight Clip-On Night Vision devices are awesome. They make it so you don’t even have to re-zero your rifle scope, which we all know saves a lot of time and hassle. Plus, you won’t have to end your hunts early because the sun goes down. If there’s anything that we could all use it would be more time to hunt. The Armasight Clip-On Night Vision Series will give us just that, and though some spouses might not like you hunting longer, they might feel differently when you come back with a trophy buck and meat for the entire winter.
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