It’s officially spring and even though most of the country is still suffering from this “Polar Vortex”, many individuals are gearing up to slam a gobbler. As the snow melts and days grow longer, the roosters are starting to look for those hens, and before you know it spring will suddenly be summer. Last winter, I got behind schedule due to a late deer season and the holidays, so I found myself scrambling for success and gear throughout the season. That’s why this spring turkey hunt, preparing during the cold is going to be a must, as I am planning to close the deal!
This year I am really having to refresh the inventory and step up my game. My decoys have seen better days, the camo, the calls – it’s all looking and feeling a little rough. Finding my way through this maze of new gear is challenging and necessary so I wanted to share my experiences thus far!
I spent some time with my shotgun this winter practicing and working on shot/shell choices, in fact I even went ahead and put a new choke in the old 870 and really tightened things up. I have decided this year that I am going to be doing more hunting from the ground while calling on the move, and I am giving up my trusted blind. Going out in the wide open, and aggressively calling I decided on putting a red dot on my gun to improve accuracy while at the same time limit my movement during those critical stare-offs. Red dots for turkeys are becoming extremely popular and I am quickly understanding why.
As any gobbler hunter knows movement is everything with turkeys. More times than not, they can see you when you can’t see them. Using bows or Shotguns means that you are definitely getting up close, and any to all movement will almost certainly be noticed unless that “Big Tom” is already preoccupied with his hen or your tempting decoy. Sitting still, calling, and aiming all while displaying no movement can be difficult even for the most seasoned turkey hunter. Sometimes the moving of your head just down the cheek rest to get the sights or scope lined up is all it takes, and BAM you are busted. So why go with a red-dot this year? I can tell you easily why, due to the fact I’m already working with them on my turkey setups.
Eye relief, on most red dots is infinite and reticle acquisition is almost immediate with adjustable settings for light/conditions. Sights such as the SightMark Ultra Shot Sight and the Aimpoint CompM3 Red Dot are two great examples of sights to mount for spring turkey. Red Dot sights are also very durable and reliable and can be operated in almost any weather conditions.
The Sightmark Ultra Sight is a pretty amazing sight and one that is absolutely flying off the shelves nationwide. The reason why is the quality the versatility combined with the amazing price. With 4 changeable reticle settings, and a very large window, and the ability to handle large caliber recoils this is one unit I know I can trust and use from my shotgun to my handguns. The compactness of the Sightmark is truly amazing and you and your gun will hardly notice its even on top of that rail. This is an absolutely great sight and for the price should be considered by anyone looking into red dots. The Sightmark Ultra Sight is highly recommended for anyone hunting on a budget or has little experience with red dots and looking to give them a shot.
The Aimpoint CompM3 is another awesome red dot sight that operates on its own playing field. This sight is trusted by military and police units around the country, and the reasons are literally crystal clear. With 50,000 hours of operation and 2 reticle sizes combined with hardened/non-glare surface, durability, reliability, and concealment are guaranteed. The unit is totally submersible in water up to 45 meters so I know all is good when I drop or I fall in the river when the spring rains make some crossings difficult when hiking back to my favorite spring spots. I will be mounting this sight with a nice set of low rings by the fall season when I’m back in the woods calling scratching, and hoping to see something strutting!
Best of luck out there this coming turkey season! Be sure to check back in for more Spring Turkey news and information.
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