Hmmmm where to begin with this Turkish delight? Well for starters yes its made in Turkey-GET OVER IT! While I don’t recommend eating this Turkish Delight, the Canik TP9-SA is very similar to the edible version in that it’s a hodgepodge of tasty bits that many of us are favorable of.
The number one thing Glock guys (Yeah that’s me too) will pick up on is the nearly identical trigger on the TP9-SA. I’m sure someone will hate me for this but honestly the physical appearance is the only thing about the trigger that is Glock-like because its lightyears better and is even a tad bit better than the glorified HK VP9. Since we’re already comparing pistols, aft of the chamber on the Canik closely resembles the Walther P99. Knowing that many of you were going to rush off to play pin the tail on the German polymer pistol, I’ve stacked them side by side to show you the similarities.

Canik TP9SA VS Walther P99
Now I don’t want this to come off as me blatantly going after Heckler or even Koch for that matter. I’m simply pointing out what this Mediterranean newcomer looks like and is relative to. Its evident that the Canik TP9SA borrows quite a few design cues from the Walther, including my least favorite part about the gun, the slide top de-cocker. However you can’t really fault Canik for it, nowadays its nearly impossible for a new pistol to not look like “something”.
Down To The Nitty Gritty:
Why You’ll Want The Gun?
-#1 reason for me, Reliability. After running everything from crappy TulAmmo to a mag of Hornady Critical Defense hollow points, it has my stamp of approval.
-For mid $300, Century throws in everything but kitchen sink with the purchase. You get a nice case, holster with two mounting options, 2-18 round mags, additional back strap, pin tool, lock , speedloader, and a cleaning brush.
-It feels really good in your hand
-It’ll work with Beretta M9 mag pouches and extended baseplates
-Way better than the original TP9
-Best out of the box striker fired trigger
– 18+1 rounds of pew pew pleasure
-removable grip backstraps to get the perfect fit for your mitts
-loaded chamber indicator
-cold hammer forged barrel
-ISO9000 Certified , meaning its been tested and inspected to last a hell of a long time
-Stupidly low price
Why you might shy away?
-Good luck ever getting any accessories or parts for the pistol
-That goofy top mounted de-cocker
-Definitely not a gun you’re proud to display on your mantle
-Magazines are hard to come by
The Bottom Line
While you’re never going to replace how I feel about my Glocks, this TP9SA is one hell of a gun for the money. I live and breathe by the phrase you get what you pay for and with this gun you’re getting Filet Mignon for meatloaf prices. So with that being said, there’s not a trace of doubt in my mind that it wont do what it was made to do-put 9mm’s where they need to go and every time I pull the trigger.
Is the Canik TP9SA a possible new addition to your collection? Let me know in the comments below. As always guys, shoot em straight and be safe!
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19 Responses to Best $389 Ever Spent? Canik TP9-SA
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Mags are available from Century Arms website now. This is the best value gun that Century Arms has put out yet. It’s accurate, reliable, holds a lot of rounds , has a 5.5lb. Trigger, seems to shoot anything I put in it even old Russian ammo that didn’t fire shot out of another pistol. Amazing Price you might want to pick one up before Obama stops all imports .
TP9 mags (non-SA) will work with the TP9SA…you just need to change the base plate to either the same that TP9-SAs use, or buy some Beretta M9 base plates. I believe the TP9 mags are cheaper than the TP9SA mags (go figure)…should be simple to order a bunch of TP9 mags from either Century Arms or some other cheap vendor and also order a bunch of TP9SA or Beretta M9 base plates.
Great review. I have a desert tp9 and i love it. I will prob buy the new one.
I own this pistol and have shot roughly 500rds through mine. The first trip to the range I experienced 5 FTE’s. Out of 100-150 rds. The next range trip and every time after 0 malfunctions. I have two corrections to the article above.
2. Additional mags are available at the Century Arms website.
Great gun. I got mine cheaper than that too. $360 buds gunshop.
Hey Doug,
Thanks for the feedback, however I said in the article that the magazines will accept beretta base pads not the Canik TP9 can use beretta magazines.
I have over 300 rounds through mine. Zero malfuntions. They also have 20 round mags on the way. I have been shooting it along side of my gen 4 glock 17, and I might have a new favorite pistol to shoot. But we will see how it hold up.
I have a friend with a new TP9SA and it has a nasty looking gouge on the inside top of the slide where the magazine is rubbing on the slide. Both the magazines that shipped with the gun have one of the feed lips worn down. He is in contact with CAI right now but I would just be interested in how many rounds you have through yours and if yours happens to have a gouge in the inside top of the slide?
I never had to adjust the sights, they were great right out of the box. This gun was very accurate and the trigger is as good as you could want it. I fired many rounds with no hick ups.
A local gun dealer was telling me about it after coming back from the SHOT show and was planning on carrying them. I noted that lots of us have jaundiced views of CIA after the TANTAL debacle about 7 years ago where CIA put the wrong barrels on those 545×39 rifles and when I discussed the issue with them they first claimed that the round was supposed to tumble (yeah, in a target not 10 yards out of the barrel because it was a 556 mm barrel not the proper 545) and then telling me that their warranty is a year-a year after it leaves their factory so if the distributor had it for a year ( as was the case with mine) you are out of luck. when I mentioned that to the dealer, he nodded and said that he recalled losing a couple customers because of that problem. Hopefully someone else will bring this apparently well made pistol in to the states
Whats a glock?…My walther ppq is the best.Anyway canik is a great buy for any collection . Good price and fun as hell at the range not to mention it’s very accurate. you can’t go wrong with the purchase and please don’t worry about the decocker you only to break down the gun its no problem.
Just got my tp9sa 4/4/15. I live in rural area so nice to go to backyard & shoot. All the bs about decocker is ridiculous. You have 3 choices here. List is from safest to better know your weapon! 1- load your mag & don’t chamber a bullet until needed, 2- load mag & chamber a round & press decocker- pull slide back less than 1/2 inch to fire, 3- load mag chamber round & carry like a Glock. So any Glock fans should love this gun. It has grip like CZ, trigger like PPQ, & breaks down like Glock. Wife & I put about 100 rounds thru it & she loved it & doesn’t even like guns. Hit bullseye on her 1st mag! This is a great gun. I never buy anything until I’ve reseached it well. Been looking for about 4 months & decided this was the best gun @ a great price. Better buy now before prices go up. Just feels great in hand, you won’t regret it.
I like the way you think Larry I just bought one and can’t wait to shoot it! I hope the gun is as good as you say!
This is a great gun at ANY price. Reliable, accurate, and fun to shoot. Fit and finish is better than I expected. The exterior is on par with Glock, Sig, Walther. The interior appears to be a step behind, but not by much. $344 delivered-there is no downside to this gun.
I own a Glock 34 and a lot of other great guns. The Canik is very good compared to any of them.
after doing much research and talking to a few friends who have them, I threw down the money for one of my own. and I have absolutely no regrets about it. great shooting gun for the price. shoots all types of loads very well. so far. ive even recommended it to several friends of mine, and they love theirs as well.
I’ve got a tp9sa I think. Jnknownits the tp9 but I bought it from a friend and the firing pin was broke… I’ve looked everywhere and can’t find one…. I’ve tried talking to a gun smith and a couple of them have never even heard of it befor. Does anyone have and idea what I can do?
I’ve got a tp9sa I think. I know its the tp9 but I bought it from a friend and the firing pin was broke… I’ve looked everywhere and can’t find one…. I’ve tried talking to a gun smith and a couple of them have never even heard of it befor. Does anyone have and idea what I can do?
I purchased one a month ago and have exactly 500 rounds down range and am VERY impressed. Like another commenter, I too own a PPQ. They are both excellent firearms with respect to trigger, accuracy and reliability. If the TP9sa were available prior to my purchasing the PPQ, not sure the Walther would be in my safe, the Canik is that good. As for accessories, I believe CIA sends with enough stuff that it isn’t really an issue, just one man’s opinion.
I bought the tan one and absolutely love it. Hope USPSA makes it legal in production cause I wanna play and see what it is capable of. Needed extra mags so I just bought another one :)